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-- Brand New From Lisa J. Coaching --
Here’s What You Don’t Know About Yourself 
That’s Keeping You From Thriving in These Times—And Helping Others Do the Same.
Create success and a greater impact on the world with a business you love… even if you feel burnt out from the "global punch to the gut" we’ve 
all experienced.
-- Brand New From Lisa J Coaching --
Here’s What You Don’t Know About Yourself 
That’s Holding You Back From 
Living A Bigger Life...
Create success and a greater impact on the world with a business you love… even if you feel burnt out from the "global punch to the gut" we’ve 
all experienced.
Dear Colleague,

You may have a hard time believing what I’m about to reveal to you. It may even make you angry or sad. But it’s the absolute, stone-cold truth…

Most people don’t believe they can make a difference. They feel they don’t deserve to be happy, healthy, wealthy—and help others do the same. So they never even try to be extraordinary. Or if they do try, they sabotage their success. They make excuses, blame others, hide behind their barriers, and are even blind to the opportunities to help them change all this.  

Don’t be that person! 

The world needs you to step up and do the inner work to reprogram your core beliefs that keep you stuck and transform them to create your prosperity mindset.
If you have not done the work to reprogram the 5 core self-limiting beliefs, then most likely you are hardwired to fail. And no amount of skills training, motivation, or hard work will help you 
create and sustain success.

It doesn’t have to be this way…

A life of your deepest desires—total financial freedom, making a real difference, feeling fulfilled and joyful in your work, whatever is your deepest desire—is available, if you know how to harness the power of your mind and master your emotions…

I can hear some of you sighing right now. You feel frustrated. This pandemic has really got to you. You’re trying to push through your fears but you keep slipping back into doubt. Or, some of you have started to rebound. But you still aren’t at the level you really need to be—not even close. And you seriously can’t figure out what to do about it.

I’ve heard what you’re thinking before.
Maybe you’re like Tim who recently wrote to me:

“I’ve had a successful business and met a lot of my financial goals. But what we’re facing right now has completely paralyzed me.”
You might be like Daniel, a disillusioned entrepreneur who said,

“I’ve put countless amounts of time and money into my side hustle and with this setback, I don’t know if I can make it work anymore.”
How about Ellen:

“When the heck am I ever going to get out of my own way? I’ve tried to stay focused and get some momentum back in my business. And it works for awhile. But then I slip back into doubting myself. I just can’t seem to pinpoint what’s missing.”

Do YOU feel like you’ve got a good work ethic, good skills, and you’ve had good training—but you still can’t take your business where you need it to be?

Guess what? You’re right. Skills training, goal setting, even a great work ethic are all missing that one thing you really need….
  • more BELIEF in yourself and your business;
  • ​tougher skin to BREAK THROUGH setbacks;
  • ​MIND SHIFTS to keep your subconscious in check and on track;
  • ​a better STRATEGY to market and attract the right people; and
  • ​a COACH who has your back!
Guess what? You’re right. Skills training, goal setting, even a great work ethic are all missing that one thing you really need….
  • more BELIEF in yourself and your business;
  • ​tougher skin to BREAK THROUGH setbacks; 
  • ​​MIND SHIFTS to keep your subconscious in check and on track;
  • ​a better STRATEGY to market and attract the right people; and
  • ​​a COACH who has your back!
All you really want to do is help people with your products and services—and make money doing it—but you’re burnt out (maybe even broke) from this “global punch to the gut” we’ve all experienced. 
I know right where you are... 
because I'm going through it, too.
We had to postpone several of our Mindset Reset LIVE Events and rescheduled the Paris Mastermind Retreat—twice! 

One of my professional speaker clients lost over a million dollars in cancelled gigs. 

I’m coaching dozens of entrepreneurs who are shifting their business model to create a “pandemic proof” business. 

Some are doing great. Others are just doing their best not to move into panic mode and stay in their creative zone—but they’re doing it! 

It’s been gut-wrenching to hear some of the losses. But it’s also been incredibly inspiring to work with my clients and help them tap into their inner strength, courage, and creativity and restore their confidence and cashflow—even exceed their financial goals. It’s happening; 

All because they are following the Mindset Reset Formula! 

They have learned how to HARNESS the power of their mind and program their subconscious for success—no matter what the global crisis did to their industry!


They know how to attract the RIGHT PEOPLE to accelerate their businesses so that results come with greater ease and velocity. 

They learned my simple, yet profound Mindset Reset Formula that literally changed who they were being in their business and life. Their confidence and creativity soared. 
"When you change how you show up in the world—everything around you changes."
If you are willing to learn my formula and do the inner work every day—every day—you will start to see these great results, too! It truly doesn’t matter your age, gender, nationality, industry, or niche, this breakthrough formula WORKS!
"When you change how you show up in the world—everything around you changes." 
If you are willing to learn my formula and do the inner work every day—every day—you will start to see these great results, too! It truly doesn’t matter your age, gender, nationality, industry, or niche, this breakthrough formula WORKS!
Once you learn the Mindset Reset Formula, you can apply it to any goal and get results—with a lot less effort. And even more important, your example will make a profound, positive impact on others.
Introducing ...
The Mindset Reset Online Course
An Advanced Course to help you harness the power of your mind and achieve greater levels of success, happiness, and contribution.
Introducing ...
The Mindset Reset Online Course
An Advanced Course to help you harness the power of your mind and achieve greater levels of success, happiness, and contribution.
In 5 lessons you’ll learn how to:
 Identify and Breakthrough Your Core Beliefs That Keep You From Success   
{so you can stop wasting time sabotaging yourself} 
 Generate Rock-Solid Confidence 
{perfect for people who think they’re not supposed to be rich or shouldn’t ASK for more, ASK for the sale, or ASK for what they really want!}
 Attract the RIGHT PEOPLE in your life
{so you can accelerate your success and have more fun doing it}
Access New Levels of Creativity, Energy, and Drive
{so you can build momentum and generate sustainable results}
Transform Your Childhood Trauma, Rules & Agreements that Keep You Stuck  
{without swearing off your family, religion, or culture… Well, maybe not!}

Unleash the bold, daring, ambitious side of YOU
{so you can create wealth (a rich life) and be an even greater contribution to the world}
All of this, with ONE EXTRA invaluable resource...
... ME
All of this, with ONE EXTRA invaluable resource...
... ME
Unlike other courses and programs that leave you without so much as an email address to reach out to, I will be with you throughout the 5 lessons to provide my expertise and coaching during my weekly "office hours" in our private Facebook Group.
  • ​ A Proven Formula: that will help you retrain your brain and create the mindset of a winner.
  •  SOMEONE IN YOUR COURT: who has your back and is committed to your greatness.
  • SUPPORT: to help you create your plan of action and stay on task to getting it done. 
  • MORE ENJOYMENT: to stop beating yourself up and have more fun on the journey of growing your business and creating your best life. 
  •  A COMMUNITY: to mastermind with, connect and relate to, and be inspired by their progress and success.
  • ​ A Proven Formula: that will help you retrain your brain and create the mindset of a winner.
  • SOMEONE IN YOUR COURT: who has your back and is committed to your greatness.
  • SUPPORT: to help you create your plan of action and stay on task to getting it done. 
  • MORE ENJOYMENT: to stop beating yourself up and have more fun on the journey of growing your business and creating your best life. 
  • A COMMUNITY: to mastermind with, connect and relate to, and be inspired by their progress and success.
What’s Inside the 
Mindset Reset Online Course...
What’s Inside the 
Mindset Reset Online Course...
Lesson 1:
Identify the Duality of You
(BREAK THROUGH Blind Spots and Self-Sabotage)

Come out of Lesson 1 with a realization of why you do what you do. You’ll be amazed at how clear you see things now. You’ll understand how your negative programming got created. You’ll follow the formula to know exactly how to retrain the brain and reprogram the subconscious. You’ll avoid all that frustration and time wasted from procrastination and self-sabotage. You’ll feel tremendous freedom and relief now that you know exactly what has been holding you back AND how to break free from it!
Come away with:
  • Strategies to identify and break through blind spots and self-sabotage.
  • A clear understanding of how your core beliefs were formed and a formula to help you replace them.
  • An inspiring realization of who you really are and what you’re truly capable of.
  • MindShift Aerobic #1: A mind game to release suffering, drama, and habitual patterns caused by your core beliefs.
  • Homework assignment to anchor your new belief.
Just like a great detective, you’ll learn how to uncover hidden messages in your behaviors and solve them for greater results. 
Lesson 2: 
Adopt the 5 Spiritual Truths
(ACCESS Your Inner Wisdom, Creativity, & Strength)
Lesson 2 is a beautiful thing because you’ll recreate your self-view from a spiritual perspective. You’ll align with the 5 spiritual truths and build an unstoppable belief in yourself and your purpose. A great sense of clarity and insight is now yours. You know how to access your inner power. You realize you have all you need to create success and achieving your goals is inevitable. You accept your assignment in life and you have the courage and drive to fulfill it.
Come away with:
  • Increased personal power! You will radically transform your self-view and how you show up in the world.
  • You’ll unleash the 5 Spiritual Truths and get excited with the results that come from them.
  • A whole new experience of yourself. You’ll feel more confident, capable, and excited to grow your business, achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.
  • MindShift Aerobic #2: A mind game to access your inner superpowers.
  • Homework assignment to anchor your new belief.
You’re fired up and feel unstoppable as you discover the treasures within you. Watch out world... A bold, purpose-filled, and unstoppable FORCE is about to be unleashed!
Lesson 3: 
Let Go and Release Resistance
(RETRAIN the Brain and Body)
Come out of Lesson 3 with a mind-blowing, science-based formula that helps you stop procrastination, worry, anger, blame and other negative patterns that keep you stuck. You’ll learn how to master your emotions and have them work for you. You’ll tap into the power of zero point energy to release resistance and start attracting success to you. 
Come away with:
  • Processes to dissolve fear and anxiety instantly and move yourself and others into action.
  • The two words that shifts a limiting belief (and retrains the brain)—instantly.
  • A meditation technique to quiet the mind and start achieving greater levels of productivity with less effort.
  • MindShift Aerobic #3: A mind game to trigger the brain’s "happiness chemicals."
  • Homework assignment to anchor your new belief.
You’re free of habitual patterns and addictions that held you down. Higher levels of energy and clarity are yours. You know how to master your emotions and use them to access greater levels of productivity and success.
Lesson 4: 
Craft Your Compelling Vision 
(REPROGRAM the Subconscious Mind)
In Lesson 4 we’ll combine what you learned in the first 3 lessons and design your ideal life. You’ll follow a process that gives you clarity of what you really want. You’ll learn to honor your core values, purpose, and uniqueness and create a new way of being that reflects your authenticity—the future you. You’ll be inspired to play a bigger game in your business and life with the Mindset Reset Vision work! 
Come away with:
  • A blueprint to grow your business based on spiritual truths.
  • The clarity you need to program your subconscious mind and access the bold, ambitious, entrepreneur in you.
  • The 7 most powerful mantras that cause the biggest shifts in your financial life. You’ll get an opportunity to test them and get results.
  • 3 must-dos in your marketing plan to align your Tribe with your “upgraded” vision statement. (Just watch how fast you’ll build a following now!) 
  • MindShift Aerobic #4: A mind game that gives you access to hidden solutions and untapped potential. (You’ll love this one!)
  • Homework assignment to anchor your new belief.
You’ll feel like a magician when you realize the POWER you have to influence change, manifest money, CAUSE a result, and move yourself and others to action… All with the power of your vision. 
Lesson 5: 
Create an Organic Plan-of-Action
(MASTER Your Alignment)
The fun begins in full force. In Lesson 5, you’re going to apply what you’ve learned and share it with the world (or at least in our private Facebook Group). You’ll follow a strategy (along with a template) to design your branding story and enroll others in it. It’ll be easy and fun—I promise. I’ll show you exactly how to do it. You’ll learn a mind trick that instantly dissolves anxiety and improves confidence (no sabotage happenin’ on my watch). You may even decide to share your branding story with YOUR Tribe!
Come away with:
  • Checklists to make sure you’re ON TRACK and acknowledge the progress you’ve made.
  • The strategy and template you need to sell yourself and your product. You’ll actually start to identify yourself with someone who takes action and gets results.
  • An ability to enroll others in your vision. You need this practice and feedback during the Mindset Reset Course to help anchor your new beliefs and make you unstoppable. 
  • A rock-solid conviction about you, your vision, and the "one thing" you need to ensure you stay on track.
  • An opportunity to allow breakdowns to occur and learn how to move through them.
  • MindShift Aerobic #5: A mind game to create authentic confidence. 
  • Homework assignment to anchor your new belief.
Lights. Camera. Action! The best way to confirm you’ve programmed your subconscious mind is action. So, let’s take it out for a little spin.
“Hiring Lisa as my coach was one of the best decisions I've ever made. She helped me completely transform my mindset to raise my expectations and results in my guide business and Herbalife organization. And, I met the man of my dreams and married him!” 
Anneli Jonsson  |  CCityTours of Stockholm  | Herbalife Nutrition Int.
“Hiring Lisa as my coach was one of the best decisions I've ever made. She helped me completely transform my mindset to raise my expectations and results in my guide business and Herbalife organization. And, I met the man of my dreams and married him!” 
Plus These Powerful Bonuses
Valued at over $900
I’m also going to throw in some bonuses that are worth MORE than the price of the program! 
First, you’ll get ALL THREE of my email mini courses based on my best selling books. 
Next, you'll get a free membership to the Mindset Reset Group Coaching Program for a full month.
AND Lastly, you'll get access to the Private Community on our Mindset Reset Facebook Group. 
Valued at: $27
Conquer Fear Email Mini Course
Transform fear into the fuel that DRIVES you.
Valued at: $27
Slay The Dragon Email Mini Course
Get out of your own way and end self-sabotage.

Valued at: $27
Don't Mess With The Princess 
Email Mini Course
Unleash your feminine power.
Valued at: $497
Membership to The Mindset Reset Group Coaching Program for One Month!
You’re the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Therefore, spending time with other action-takers and entrepreneurially minded people is a BIG part of your success. This group coaching program is valued at $497, but really...it’s more. I know this from experience. Community makes all the difference!
Valued at: Priceless
Private Community Access on the Mindset Reset Facebook Group
You’ll have access to me and your teammates in our Mindset Reset Facebook Group Community. Get training and inspiration from my FB Lives. Get your questions answered immediately from me or your amazing teammates (from around the globe). Share your ideas and experience and be a team player. Community makes all the difference! And in our Mindset Reset FB Group, you get access to that extraordinary community 24/7/365. 
These powerful bonuses plus the 5 lessons of the Mindset Reset Course will have your business humming... making more money and impact than you ever dreamed. 
Your business grows as fast as you do.
You’ve recreated yourself and your business. You’re ON TRACK and you are achieving your goals—with greater ease and velocity.
You’ve recreated yourself and your business. You’re ON TRACK and you are achieving your goals—with greater ease and velocity.
How does that feel?
  • ​Do you get a surge of adrenalin?
  • ​Feel the ideas start to race?
  • ​Get excited about following the formula and making sales?
That’s great! Bottle that feeling up and stay with me, because guess what…

THAT can be YOUR reality.

You can have a lucrative cash-flowing business with the global impact you’ve always wanted! And man, does the world need you to step up and create that. We need innovated entrepreneurs and CEOs accessing their inner power and creating success from their deep desire to make a difference—a huge difference! 

  • ​The example you will be for your loved ones
  • The security of knowing you have the mindset that creates the extraordinary
  • ​100% in control of your revenue potential (no more glass ceilings--YOU decide what you’ll make)
  • ​The extra cash to pay for kid’s college, rebuild your savings account, or give even more to others
  • ​The influence to help others make a difference for their lives, too
  • ​Freedom to work when you want to doing the things you really love
All of this is possible without wasting all that time proving you deserve success, battling your inner demons, feeling stuck from the pandemic, sabotaging your efforts, feeling guilty about your success, comparing yourself to others…

You get the idea.
So let’s recap, because I want you to feel the excitement you should feel right now.
So let’s recap, because I want you to feel the excitement you should feel right now.
  • You can have a global business that gives you dependable cash flow and create a life of freedom and flexibility for you and your family.
  • You can break free of fear, worry, and anxiety and unleash the bold and ambitious entrepreneur in you.
  • You can reprogram your subconscious mind and begin attracting all you need to create success for you.
  • Once you learn the formula of reprogramming you will automatically repeat it with each ‘next level’, again and again to double, triple, and 10x your revenue. Just like you only need to learn once how to ride a bike. 
This is the program that can change everything for you… increased personal power, more profits, greater impact, and the steps to keep you on track.  
“Lisa, your coaching literally changed my life. You taught me how to channel my barriers like fear and ego and use them to drive me right to the top of my company’s pay plan. Your system works and I highly recommend it to everyone committed to their success.”
Danny Gasemy | Team Freedom International 
Former 5 Star National Marketing Director at Nerium International 

“Lisa, your coaching literally changed my life. You taught me how to channel my barriers like fear and ego and use them to drive me right to the top of my company’s pay plan. Your system works and I highly recommend it to everyone committed to their success.”
Danny Gasemy | Team Freedom International 
Former 5 Star National Marketing Director at Nerium International 

So what’s standing in the way of
The Mindset Reset Online Course will give you the strategies, formulas, and steps to break through to a Better You. 

Increased Confidence. Influence. Results. and Peace of Mind will come from knowing you are finally living your potential and fulfilling your destiny.

The only thing holding you back is you.
Your fear. Your habits. Your doubt in yourself.
“Your coaching completely transformed our business and our lives. With your mindset formula we’re now armed with the power to move through any limitation and create breakthrough results. Our business is now in several countries and we’re making the global impact we always wanted. Thank you Lisa!”
Tammy Sellars | Crown diamond leader at Max International
“The Mindset Reset Master Class gave me the tools and the accountability to launch my new business and attract several new clients already. All this happened while I was going through one of the toughest times in my life personally. This program works.” 
Tony Gallivan | Business Development Director 
“Your coaching completely transformed our business and our lives. With your mindset formula we’re now armed with the power to move through any limitation and create more results. Our business is now in several countries and we’re making the global impact we always wanted. Thank you Lisa!”
Tammy Sellars | Crown Diamond Leader | Max International
“The Mindset Reset Master Class gave me the tools and the accountability to launch my new business and attract several new clients already. All this happened while I was going through one of the toughest times in my life personally. This program works.” 
Tony Gallivan | Business Development Director 
A business breakthrough program like this usually costs $8,000 or MORE. Heck, some are even in the range of $15,000 or MORE. But I’ve decided to price it at a perfect investment that everyone can afford! 
There’s never been a better time to start a new phase in your life with SO LITTLE investment - than RIGHT NOW.

So with the "ICANDO" Promo Code

You Get to Choose 
Your Price

LEARN how to create the mindset that will return on your investment, again and again and again.

All orders are processed through a secure network.

LEARN how to create the mindset that will return on your investment, again and again and again.
Order today, and you’ll get Lesson #1 with the workbook right away. You can go through each lesson at your own pace: 
One Lesson each week is best--or (if you’re crazy) you can go through all 5 lessons in a weekend crash-course.
“Lisa, you are one of Norway’s favorite coaches. Your program helped my entire team break free of those self-imposed limits to own our power, make more money, and be proud of our success.” 
Sissel Mathisen ~ Global Platinum with Zinzino
100% Guaranteed
If you’re not 100% satisfied with the program, the strategies, or the support after 30 days, I will offer you a full refund, “girl” scouts honor. 
“Lisa, you are one of Norway’s favorite coaches. Your program helped my entire team break free of those self-imposed limits to own our power, make more money, and be proud of our success.” 
Sissel Mathisen ~ Global Platinum with Zinzino
FINALLY….the bad news.
Let me level with you honestly. The subconscious is a loyal and predictable servant. If you don’t do the assignments at the end of each lesson to anchor your new beliefs, your subconscious will revert right back to its predictable and loyal state. So, don’t get this program if you’re not willing to do all 5 assignments. But, if you are willing and you’re ready to live the life you were born to live, you are a great fit for this program. 

Reprogramming your subconscious and creating a winning mindset is the game you need to play NOW, not tomorrow. It goes as they say, “The best time to start something is yesterday.”

You can’t afford to wait. Many of my clients say, “I wished I had done this work years ago. I would be so much further along!”

So now, think to yourself in a YEAR from now.

Maybe by then you’ll have done this program 4 times over…without paying another penny for the training.

Cash is flowing.

Think about how nice it will be to look back and say, “I’m SO GLAD I started when I did.”

Grab your future and this opportunity and let’s get to work on REprogramming your beliefs and CREATE THE MINDSET of a winner.  

There are plenty of programs out there to teach you what to do in order to improve your profits, but only the Mindset Reset Course gives you the formula to transform the one component that attracts those riches and is programmed to make them to stay… 
That’s YOU... And Your Winning Mindset. 
3 Monthly Payments of $1,833 Each

Plus, $900 worth of bonuses!
Quick Recap Of What You Are Getting
  • ​Lesson 1: Identify the Duality of You (BREAK THROUGH Blind Spots and Self-Sabotage)
  • ​Lesson 2: Adopt the 5 Spiritual Truths (ACCESS Your Inner Wisdom, Creativity, & Strength)
  • ​Lesson 3: Let Go and Release Resistance (RETRAIN the Brain and Body)
  • ​Lesson 4: Craft Your Compelling Vision (REPROGRAM the Subconscious Mind)
  • ​Lesson 5: Create an Organic Plan-of-Action (Master Your Alignment)
  • ​BONUS: Conquer Fear Email Mini Course (value $27)
  • BONUS: Slay the Dragon Email Mini Course (value $27)
  • ​​BONUS: Don’t Mess With the Princess Email Mini Course (value $27)
  • ​BONUS: Private Community Access with Lisa (value Priceless)
  • ​BONUS: Access to The Mindset Reset Group Coaching Program for One Month (value $497)
If you’re like, YES...I’m ready. 
Choose Your Price and Let's Do This! 
3 Monthly Payments of $1,833 Each
Plus, $900 worth of bonuses!
All orders are processed through a secure network.
Abandon the “dream” of your business creating dependable cash flow and influence again for the ACTUAL REALITY of it with The Mindset Reset Online Course.

I’ll see you on the inside!

I Believe In You,

Lisa J.