Lisa J. Coaching

Mind The Gap:
Small Shifts That Will Transform Your Results

Mind The Gap:
Small Shifts That Will Transform Your Results

I am having so much fun watching the banter going on my Facebook page about where I should have my next rich life mastermind retreat, Paris or London? You guys are adamant about your cities.

When I spend a lot of time in London, I love seeing the sign: “Notice the Gap” or “Mind the Gap.” It says it everywhere when you’re getting on a subway: “Mind the Gap.”

This week’s fearless Friday I want to talk to you about minding the gap. Noticing and bringing awareness to that space of where you want to be, where you want to go, your career, your life, your achievement and where you are today. Really being aware and noticing the gap, but not in the way of judgment, or I’m not enough, or I have so much more to do and accomplish but more about bringing awareness to your power, the inner power that you have to shift three specific areas of your life.

We’re going to talk about that on this fearless Friday show. The first one is all about modification, awareness and making small modifications that can recreate your destiny. We get to do that because we have a conscious awareness of our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors. Those are the three we’re going to talk about today.

How I want you to actually participate in this fearless Friday is I want you to create a distinction between your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and your higher self. I want you to be the observer of what I’m going to be talking about. You’re observing. This is called meta cognition: thinking about your thoughts.

First and foremost, bringing awareness. Notice the gap in your thoughts. What thoughts? What are your predominant thoughts even over the last couple of hours, the last couple of weeks, the last several years, that no longer serve you? Be an observer of those thoughts and just bring awareness to those thoughts.

Maybe it’s a thought of I’m not enough, I’ve got a lot of work to do, or there’s never enough time. Now, thoughts and beliefs are parallel, because your thoughts create your beliefs.

So, what about making a conscious effort to actually shift those thoughts and replace them with thoughts that empower you. Thoughts like: I’m more than enough, I can do all things through he who strengthens me. What about the thought or the belief that I’m on track? I’m on track. Every day in every way I’m getting closer and closer to my goals.

It was fun on LinkedIn today I saw a picture of Richard Branson. He posted himself looking at his 2018 goals and as we’re coming to the closure of this year, he’s contemplating, what do I need to shift? He’s minding the gap.

Now you and I have the power to do that. But you got to stop being so busy in your life, that you don’t take the time to stop and evaluate and bring awareness to your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviors.

Where can you place in your life today, a higher elevated thought that over time will radically transform your destiny?

Now, let’s talk about minding the gap in your feelings and your emotions. Wow. For me, you guys, this is where the power lies. I believe that your emotions, your feelings that come from your heart, really describe and are created from the predominant thoughts that you have.

So, thoughts affect emotions and feelings and feelings and emotions affect thought. If you’re only intellectual and a rational thinker, you’re missing the biggest power you have and that is the power to bring awareness to your feelings and your emotions. That’s where true change and transformation occur on a heart level. Instead of just thinking the thoughts, what about actually feeling and creating your future ideal life in a vision, in a thought?

Last week we talked about the power of crafting a vision. So, tapping into your emotions. First minding the gap, noticing where your feelings or your emotions, your most predominant feelings aren’t serving you anymore, and you have the power to alter and shift those feelings. How? Because you have an imagination. You can retell the story; you can really feel the emotion.

So, before I pick up a phone to make a prospect call or before I have a coaching call with my Mindset Reset Masterclass, I create that intention of who I’m being for that team, for that client, for that prospect and how I want them to show up for me. I decided that before I even go prospect, who am I looking for? What type of individual do I want to attract in my life? These decisions are on an emotional basis and you and I have the power to create that kind of feeling.

We call it an intention. It’s involving the heart. Who do I want to work with? What is the purpose of this business, this course that I’m about to launch, this book that I’m writing or this sculpture, this piece of art, what’s my contribution to the planet, to others, to the evolution of myself? These are emotional feelings.These are feelings and emotions that I’m going to give you permission, like give yourself permission.

I invite you to spend time in that feeling and in that emotion. Just watch how it starts radically transforming who you attract, who you’re being, your posture, your level of confidence, and your heart-centered service. It’s powerful.

We talked about thoughts in minding the gap. We talked about emotions: mind the gap. Now let’s talk about behaviors. You and I both know behaviors follow the thoughts and emotions, but behaviors can also affect thoughts in motion. We know that emotion is the energy in motion.

As your behaviors can create a sense of accomplishment for you, for example, make a decision today. What needs to happen today, what that you have control over, and your behaviors would bring you a radical sense of peace tonight when you put your head on the pillow?

Decide that before you are in the world today before you go out and prospect, before you work with your clients, before you complete your day. What would it look like if you actually chose the behaviors? It could be a to-do list but it’s also in your way of being.

I am a contribution of wisdom; a chosen behavior could be I have clarity, I am clarity. A chosen behavior could be in prospecting. I am in the world moving around, attracting people who are on fire for life, who are turned on and tuned in to what’s possible, who are looking for that something more.

So that’s my intention in my behaviors. What about you?

Mind the Gap first, notice the gap of where you want to be and where you are now in your way of being in your behaviors, and simply look outside yourself.

Notice this is where you become a behavioral psychologist, instead of judging yourself, I did that again, I’m overselling, I’m talking too much with my prospect, I’m being too controlling, or I’m not sharing myself enough, I allow people to take away my power, whatever is your habitual behavior.

What if you chose when you woke up tomorrow morning to be intentional and your way of being? You actually stated that way of being. Who are you being for yourself, for the world today?

This is about meta cognition, thinking about your thoughts, but this is also giving yourself permission to recreate your habitual patterns, and you get to do that you can rehearse new personality, you can rehearse a new way of being now.

Will it feel like you’re being fake? Yes. Will it feel like it’s inauthentic? Yes, until it’s authentic. Like every behavior you have right now, that’s a habitual pattern, you had to practice becoming that way. Those great habitual patterns and negative behavioral patterns. You have to practice over time.

This is about just bringing in conscious awareness of your behaviors and who you’re choosing to become. One of the best ways to do this is to emulate. So, discover someone, realize someone that you totally respect, and you want to emulate, study them and start taking on the characteristics, the behaviors in your own way, in your own personality, but definitely shifting and altering your behavior and your personality as well.

I want to give you permission to give yourself permission to say: I can change who I’m being. This is my right, my privilege, and I’m going to own a better version of myself.

How do you take on a better version of yourself? You practice, and yes it will feel inauthentic until it’s authentic. Until it truly becomes you, who you are being in the world. That’s your privilege, you get to do that.

This fearless Friday is about taking on a new persona, a new way of being because you get to. Maybe it’s more courageous, maybe it’s bolder, maybe it’s a generous listener, maybe it’s a space of contribution, wherever you are, and whomever you’re with, you are the space of contribution of evolving that person in joy and love, in intellect, in possibility and that’s just who you are.

The space of possibility,  a space contribution. That means you got to empty yourself out so that you don’t have a deciding factor of who that person is. You have to allow yourself to show up new and to allow that person to show up new.

Before I sign off,

this is a very important point, because this came up on my Mindset Reset Masterclass just yesterday. If you are in sales, most likely according to LOA, the law of average,  you receive seven no’s for every 10 yes. Some of us nine no’s for every 10 yes’s. Some of them a little better batting average, but the point is you receive more no’s than yes’.

You can actually start creating in your subconscious mind and expectation of a no. You can actually alter that. That’s normal. All of you are doing that to the point where when you are actually sharing and prospecting or selling or presenting or persuading. You have that subconscious mind thinking or deciding that this person is going to say no because you’ve heard no so often. You hear no more than yes.

This is about minding the gap, this conversation on Fearless Friday. Notice that it’s normal that you do that. Where can you mind the gap? Where can you bring awareness that you’re going to make an intention, a decision that this is what I say? Everybody says yes to me. Everyone says yes to me. Everyone says yes to me and when or if someone doesn’t say yes to me, I’m in that space saying, hmm, isn’t that interesting? Wow, that’s so unusual, because everyone always says yes to me.

This is a declaration and intention that I choose to create within myself and you can too. It’s not a judgment of other people. If they don’t say yes to you, but it is you showing up in the space of a yes. That’s your expectation. That’s the expectation and you get what you expect.

So how are you guys doing, my Facebook friends, and my YouTube friends, on minding the gap in your thoughts, your feelings, emotions, and your behaviors? Give yourself permission to bring awareness on those three areas that you have control over, and you will experience a fearless Friday and more courage every day.

That’s what I want for you.

Thanks, everybody.

If you want more information on my coaching program or my next mindset reset masterclass, or where I’m hosting the next Rich Life Mastermind Retreat, please check me out. 

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There’s a lot of freebies for you to help you create your best life.

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