Lisa J. Coaching

Build Your Belief

001: The Power of Zero Point Energy

The Power of
Zero Point Energy

The Power of
Zero Point Energy

I just got off the phone with a new friend here in Newport Beach who has recently sold everything. Yep, he decided to sell all the homes he owned, his cars, and his wardrobe. He’s creating what I call “Zero Point Energy.”

In my research, you guys know that I’m on a quest of researching what creates breakthroughs. How does the human mind and the human potential grow and expand to its highest level? I believe it’s by creating breakthroughs.

One of the steps of that breakthrough, I am sure is, creating Zero Point Energy or getting preset to Zero Point Energy. What is that? It’s when you have nothing. If you have a label that you are a doctor, a teacher, or you’re a father, then you have certain expectations and ways of being for that label.

When you create no label, you don’t know who you are. It may be an insecure place, but it’s a very powerful place, isn’t it? When you have nothing, you have everything.

So maybe you’ve lost something. You’ve lost a marriage, money, you’ve lost your financial savings, or you’ve lost a specific way of being. Whether it was by you choosing to cause that space of nothing, or it got created for you.

You are in the space of Zero Point Energy. I know that might be an insecure feeling. But that’s the most powerful space to be when you’re causing the new level of expansion for yourself.

Zero Point Energy, there are two ways to get into Zero Point Energy.

Number one, it’s done for you. Happened to me about 10 years ago. When my high school sweetheart, who was my husband at the time, came home and shared with me that he no longer wanted to be married to me anymore. Over the course of several months, we separated and then divorced.

Going through that heartbreak was so gut-wrenching painful because I had attached so much value to the label of Lisa Jimenez, the wife,  if I’m not married, who am I?

In that space of not knowing, the Rich Life Mastermind Retreats got created. I was very present 10 years ago to my highest values and what turns me on and what lights me up. It’s all around luxury and contribution, making a difference, creating breakthroughs for others, service, and  helping people transform their limitations through breakthrough, sabotage, and conquering fear. I’ve written books about it.

Everything in that realm of the core of who I am, was able to be expressed in brand new levels because I didn’t have any labels or expectations of myself. I was literally nothing. In that space of nothingness, something amazing got created.

That was the first time that I created Zero Point Energy. It got created for me and heartache. The second time, six months ago, as most of you guys know, I was in Newport Beach, California, working with a client and my realtor called me and said, “Lisa, your house sold and it’s a cash deal; it’s more than you asked, the only stipulation is they want you out in three weeks.” They wanted to move in before Christmas.

Three weeks? I was just going on a book tour. I just launched “Slay the Dragon” and I was actually driving the car that Richard Brook gifted me and the Company Life Matters tour. I was driving from California to Florida, so I had to cancel that book tour, I had to cancel my last Life Matters tour, and I left my car parked in California.

As soon as I got that call that the house in Florida had sold, my client said: “Lisa, you’ve always talked about living in Newport Beach and maybe this is God giving you your desire on a platter.”

After I literally freaked out, because I did for the first 10 minutes after I got that phone call, I pulled myself together, picked up the phone and I called a realtor. Within two hours, I found the place that I live in right now. That realtor was just like serendipity. It was just a blessing that this place was available. It was available on December 18, which was perfect timing for me to move out of my Florida home, sell all my belongings, and I even sold my wardrobe.

I got on a plane, flew to Newport Beach and launched a new life for me here. A whole new version of Lisa Jimenez 2.0 but I think it’s kind of like Lisa Jimenez 10.0.  I created that Zero Point Energy by choice.

So, what about you? I know you’ve had circumstances in your life where you were so shocked and dismayed. Maybe it was a health challenge and the news wasn’t good. Maybe it was a divorce. Maybe it was bankruptcy or financial challenges that left you broken, so broken, like I was 10 years ago that you were at Zero Point Energy. You knew nothing? What do you know? I don’t know. I know nothing. Who are you? I don’t know. Who am I?

Maybe you’re there right now, but that’s a good place to be my friend.

Because you are in the space of a powerful truth. That is, when you have nothing, you have everything. That’s Zero Point Energy. Miracles occur in Zero Point Energy. You get to create exactly what you want for yourself. What your future self is calling you to.

Maybe you aren’t in that space right now, but you want to create that space. I believe you can, I believe it doesn’t take a dramatic circumstance to put yourself into Zero Point Energy. I believe you can do that now with a choice. So, what is that choice for you?

What do you want to let go of? Maybe you want to let go of a label you call yourself? A nurse, a mother, a father, a teacher. That label is empowering for you, but it’s also limiting for you.

Maybe you know something? You know it to be true and you have so much clarity around that truth, but in that knowing, you’re limiting yourself to a whole new level of expansion or evolution. So, let go of that truth. Let go of that knowing. Let go of that title.

Maybe it’s a wardrobe and you think that wardrobe is awesome, but it limits you. What if you sold everything you owned like my friend Roger just did and you could start with a wardrobe?

I mean Lily, another client of mine did this about five years ago. She was amazed at what opened up for her. People were calling her and saying, “I don’t know why I’m calling you but I’m getting rid of all my shoes you want to come over? What size are you? Seven and a half, that’s my size. Come on over, you can have all my shoes” (literally that happened to her).

Another friend called her, “Hey Lily, I don’t know why I’m calling you but we’re moving, and I have all these coats and winter clothes. I don’t need them anymore. What size are you? Do you want to come over you? You can have them all.”

Those two things happened to her right after she caused Zero Point Energy by getting rid of all of her clothes. She just gave them all away and created a void. She created a space for herself.

Maybe you want to sell your home like Roger did and create the space of Zero Point Energy. What are you going to create in that space? You don’t know. You don’t have to know. You’re just present to the best possible circumstance for you. The best possibility for you.

I know this sounds scary but it happens. It’s going to happen to you anyways, by circumstances in life. Why not create it for yourself?

You know, it’s June, it’s the opening of summer. This is in fact, the very first week of summer. What could you create for yourself this week? Launching into summer you could create a void, create a space, create Zero Point Energy. Let go of a label, sell your things, let go of your wardrobe, let go of a thought or a label that you have over yourself. Place yourself in that powerful void. That powerful space of Zero Point Energy. Let’s see what gets created.

I believe in you. It’s a powerful place to be in the unknown. What do you know? I don’t know. I don’t know what I know. What do you think to be true? I’m not sure what’s true. I don’t know what’s true. I’m in search of what’s true. I’m in search of my next level. Take the risk. It’s a risk well taken because it will create a whole new version of you.

Love you guys.
Make it a great day.

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002: Retrain Your Brain With One Powerful Question!

Retrain Your Brain With
One Powerful Question!

Retrain Your Brain With
One Powerful Question

Today, I want to talk to you about the research that I’m doing on what creates a breakthrough.

I did a video just yesterday about creating “Zero Point Energy” and I hope that you were inspired to take the risk of letting something go. Whether it’s a thought, a label, an actual item, people or a person. Let them go and create a space in your life for something new, something even better, something evolved to show up in your life.

That’s a powerful reality that you can usher as you create zero point energy, but today’s conversation is about another step that I’m researching. What creates a breakthrough? That is the power of a question.


Let’s say you want to create something. You want to create the next level of your Rich Life Mastermind Retreats as I do, you want to create the next level of your publishing career, your company or your relationship. You want to take it to the next level.

The question that I want you to be in is, what if? I think those two words are the most powerful words for the subconscious mind to recreate a new possibility. What if you’re actually training your subconscious to believe whatever you say after the words, what if? What if?

What if I was called to be a best-selling author? What if?

What if it’s true that it is my purpose to expand my company globally?

What if she’s the one? Would you show up very differently on that next date?

What if it’s up to me to heal cancer? What if?

What if it is up to me to stop poverty? You know, poverty isn’t just financial. Poverty means lack of peace. What if it’s up to me to usher in peace? Starting in my own home, then to my neighbors, to the community, to my state, my country, and the world. What if?

Do you see how the powerful question of what if creates a space of answers, of possibilities, of visions for your subconscious mind to adopt? That’s what the subconscious mind loves to do. It feels most comfortable and most confident doing its job.

What is the subconscious? What is the subconscious job? The subconscious job is to adopted belief, hold on tight, and never change it. Never let it go. Literally.

That’s the problem, right? There’s the challenge because you might have a limiting belief about your own self-view and your subconscious mind is holding on to that belief.

The powerful question of what if creates the space for your subconscious mind to break the record. For your subconscious to think “we’re re-positioning here.” It gives our subconscious mind the powerful space of what’s possible.

Just those two powerful words are such a beautiful gift that you give your subconscious mind. Because I promise you, your subconscious mind will go into action to fill in the possibilities, to ask, to answer the question of what if.

When you create that space of what if,  that subconscious mind will usher in beautiful truths for you and beautiful possibilities of your future.

So, your homework from today’s conversation is to ask yourself that powerful question. Those two words, what if? Answer it with the vision that you want to aspire to. Answer what if with a statement of your next goal.

You are ushering in the reality and the inevitability that is for you. Your subconscious mind will help you get there.

That’s the beauty of partnering your head in your heart – the conscious and subconscious minds, with that powerful question of, what if?

Thanks, guys.

Have a great day.

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003: Identify and Breakthrough the Self-Beliefs that Hold You Back

Identify and Breakthrough the
Self-Beliefs that Hold You Back

Identify and Breakthrough the
Self-Beliefs that Hold You Back

When I was a little girl, I had one goal in life. Can anybody guess what a little girl in paradise California would have as her dream life?

To be a princess. Get married and have children. That was my goal when I was a little girl.

I love being a Mom, Mommy, Mamacita, a Madre, a Mother.

So, I went to school and learned how to be a school teacher. I got a doctorate degree in leadership and child psychology. I went to work as a second-grade school teacher, and I got married. Five years after being a school teacher, I became pregnant with Ariana, my first daughter. Ariana Renee. That was utopia.

All my dreams were met. I’m married to my Latino and I have a daughter named Ariana. Then something happened, it was the birth of the businesswoman in me. Now some of you can relate with that. There’s something in you like a burning desire to really create something amazing. To really create a contribution that you begin receiving checks with six figures, with seven figures. There’s something in you that tantalizes you about that possibility if you’re like me.

Here’s the challenge. There was an internal battle going on and this internal battle kept me from really making it big.

Yeah, on the outside. I looked successful but, on the inside, I was not. I was not because what were the beliefs from my childhood? I’m a mom and if you’re a kick-ass businesswoman, you can’t be a good mom. That was the internal battle.

All of you have an internal battle. It may not be like mine. Know right now, that this conversation is about awareness. I want you to start thinking, what could my internal battle be? Write that down.

What could my internal battle be? What is my internal battle that’s keeping me from a breakthrough success? What is the internal battle that could be keeping me small?

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004: Use the Power of a Declaration to Transform Your Life

Use the Power of a Declaration
to Transform Your Life

Use the Power of a Declaration
to Transform Your Life

Today is going to be an incredible edition of our success. It is all about the power of a declaration and declaring something.

Let’s talk about the power of a declaration. You and I understand the power of declarations (i.e. when we got married). A Pastor, a Rabbi, Justice of the Peace, or Priest stood before us and said, “with the power invested in me, I declare you husband and wife.”

That’s the power of the spoken word, a declaration, and then all of a sudden, BOOM, you’re married.

We understand the power of a declaration with our founding fathers. 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence, declaring our ourselves a free nation in American, 1776.

See, this is the power of a declaration. If you are spiritually minded and biblically minded, you understand in the scripture Genesis that God created light, and there was light. So, God spoke light and there it was. The speaking of a declaration creates creation.

This is the power of the spoken word. Your word creates your world.

What are you speaking today about yourself? I am statements:
I am joyful. I am powerful. I am qualified. I am having fun at this. I’m good at this. I am kind. I am giving. I am super smart. I am sexy.

What are your “I am statements”? That’s the power of a declaration. What do you declare for your success today? I declare today to be a day of generosity. I declare today to be a day of serendipity.

So, a declaration of how you’re creating your day and then declaring over relationships and business relationships. If it’s a declaration that you’re going to close the deal and you’re going to open that relationship with that person.

How are you doing with your spoken word? Your word creates your world. Utilize the power of your spoken word with powerful declarations. Know what you want and speak them into being with your powerful declarations.

That’s it for today.
Make it a great day and declare it!
See you soon.

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005: Are You Programmed to Fail?

Are You Programmed
to Fail?

Are You Programmed
to Fail?

Now, this is all subconscious people – if you have a belief that millionaires are unhappy, you will never be a millionaire. You can’t because you will sabotage it. Your unconscious being has one job.

What is your unconscious’s one job? To protect you. That’s right. It’s not mean and it’s not your enemy. It’s doing its job. It’s protecting you. It loves you.

All you have to do is retrain the subconscious. Tell the subconscious, “subconscious let me educate you.”

It’s a new game starting today. It’s a new rule starting today, and the rule is millionaires are awesome. Millionaires are phenomenal contributors. Millionaires are blissfully happy.

You begin retraining your mind through your subconscious. When your subconscious believes that millionaires are happy, blissfully happy, what happens to your results? You will achieve what happens to your efforts.

You keep picking up the phone. You can’t believe the energy you have. Because of your internal thermostat, your subconscious is set at the level of achievement, money, happiness. Blissfully happy. There’s no protection factor playing here.

So, again, your subconscious only has one job to do. That’s to keep you safe and protect you.

It’s your job, as a force and as a being to re-educate the subconscious. My job is to re-educate my subconscious and everything will happen for you. Everything will open up for you. You will be powerfully called into action.

You will know what to do. You will know what to say, whom to call, you will know it. Something amazing happens and you start living in your highest good because you are miraculous. It is your nature.

Let’s retrain our subconscious to tell it the truth. Tell your subconscious, “hey, subconscious let me educate you.”

I actually call my subconscious a sexy lovely one. “Hey sexy, lovely one.” Because this is not a fight. This is not an enemy.

Your subconscious is so good to you. It’s keeping you small because you told it to. It’s doing its job. Let’s be friend our subconscious and just retrain it. It’s so powerful. It’s created everything you have. It’s created every hurt. It’s created every situation good or bad. It’s created everything.

You created it all but that’s good news. Because if you created that much of a mess, wow, you’re pretty powerful. I created that message. I created bankruptcy. I created this.

You can really play the game that “I’m so powerful look what I created.” I created a lot of pain. I created that.

When you receive that power, what can you create now by retraining the subconscious?

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006: Achieve More With the Unstoppable Power of Focus

Achieve More
With the Unstoppable
Power of Focus

Achieve More
With the Unstoppable
Power of Focus

What would your business look like if you had more focus?

That question, what would your business look like if you had more focus, is really about what kind of focus you want to generate.

Because most of my clients, myself included, we fall into the trap of focusing on our results and when results aren’t coming, we feel deflated. We analyze, we get into a funk, and we become hard on our prospects.

It is kind of like the gardener who plants a seed. If that seed doesn’t come to germinate in the next couple of days, the gardener digs up the seed to see what’s wrong with it? Now, what about focusing on planting the seed? Focusing on the efforts of watering and giving nutrients to that soil, sunlight to that seed in the soil, and focusing on your efforts. Not the results.

This is a powerful shift in your mindset and that is what I love to do. I love to give entrepreneurs the power of their mind, but then also combine that with the power of their spirit.

In that seed, there is a spirit to germination, there is a timing to fruition for specific seeds to germinate. Just like your business and your clients. There is a timing and an evolving to them saying yes to your product or service.

When you are focused only on the results, you actually create nervous energy about you. This light is not attractive, and it deflates your relationship with your prospect. Take a big breath. Focus on your efforts being more intentional with your way of being.

Maybe one of the ideas is to wake up today and say my intention today is to be a generous listener. My intention today is to be clear in my conversation. My intention today is to be powerful in my love.

You’re focusing on who you are being because that’s the only control we have.

The best news about that is when you are intentional about your efforts and your way of being, the universe rewards you. It’s like science, the law of average takes effect and you start getting the results that you want.

What do you do to focus in on your efforts, your intentions, and letting go of the results?

Check out if you want to learn more about me. There’s a lot of freebies on there.

We’ll talk soon.

Make it a great day, everybody.

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007: Program Your Subconscious Mind to Attract Success (A Mindshift Aerobic)

Program Your Subconscious Mind to Attract Success

Program Your Subconscious Mind to Attract Success

One of the funniest things that I get to do with my clients is have them come to a party. It’s on the web. It’s actually in my zoom webinar, and I had them come as they will be. What a profound way to cast a vision.

We know how powerful vision work is. We know that when you craft out what you want, who you’re being, what it feels like, and you involve all your five senses in crafting that vision we understand psychologically.

We have research in neuroscience, what that does for the brain, how that triggers the brain to actually work together to attract the people, the ideas, and the opportunities to make that vision, that ideal life, a reality.

Here’s an extra tip an advanced version of goal setting and vision work. I want you to actually write out, jump into the future and write out the last year. What happened? You’re standing in one year from today and writing out everything, all the deliciousness that happened in the last year.

In this party that I had with my Mindset Reset Masterclass, they came to the webinar, as they will be, and they said, “Hey, guys, it’s so great to see you. Can you believe all that we created in the last year? My word, for the last year, is collaboration Because as soon as Lisa threw out that challenge of where you want to be in a year, I decided it was a collaboration.”

It was not just me being the leader but attracting all these amazing human-beings who were on point, on track, on purpose with their life, and wanted to create something extraordinary together.

This is just me playing with what the possibilities could be for you, in writing this out, come as you will be party. It is was so much fun to see my clients really take this on. It’s really a mind trick of jumping in the future and crafting out the vision, like you and I have always been taught to do, but not doing it as “I am” but as “remember when”.

Remember over the last year what happened, whom I attracted, whom I got to partner with, what I learned to create, all of that success standing in today, meaning today the future. You are looking back at the past. What a powerful tool to trick your subconscious mind into.

That’s what happened and let me tell you, make no mistake the power of doing this because your subconscious mind goes to work to actually resolve all of the things that had to happen. It actually puts before you, in your path, all of the things that had to happen as you told it.

It happened in the future as you spoke like it already happened in the past.

Does that make sense? You’re jumping into the future, you’re standing in the future, and you’re looking back on your past and everything that happened. Who you were throughout the year to create that future? You are speaking it in the past tense like it already happened.

This is a mind trick that does phenomenal work on your subconscious mind.

I can’t wait for you to try this out. Come as you will be and then take that imagination, the beautiful crafting of a future story, in the past tense and I want you to model the behaviors, the posture, the feelings, the reality of what had to happen, what got created, who were you being, and the tasks of the day, every single day. What got created?

Make a list of that and then start living into that vision, so that you wake up every morning defined by this future vision, defined by your future self. You are no longer a record of the past.

Those past memories are replaced and radically transformed with you doing the work. The work is creating this future vision in the past tense that you’ve spoken out loud about what got created in order to be in this future place. Come as you will be.

I invite you to try that out. What did you notice as you were writing out your come as you will be party? What got created for you in your commitments and in your excitement?

You just tapped into the power of manifestation. You literally tapped into Zero Point Energy, which Niel Bohr calls the waves of possibility. I get that there are cause and effect. This is science, we understand that but we’re not talking about cause and effect. It is not, I had to do this to create that. We’re talking about speaking it into existence and that is understanding your power in the quantum field, understanding your power to actually speak this created vision as a past tense to trick your brain that it has already happened.

Just watch your brain go to work in connecting all the neurons, all the synapses, that get connected in collaboration to make that a reality and more than anything it is a way of being. It’s you showing up in this future created itself.

I talked last week about if that will feel fake? Yes. Will, that feel inauthentic? Yes, but it only feels inauthentic until it doesn’t. Until it actually becomes who you are being, authentically. Like I said last week, you created your personality, who you are right now, you created your life exactly how it is right now over who you’ve been over the last two years, three years, five years or more.

Why not make a decision today? Today, that you will live into this future self, you will live in this future vision. I can remember doing this when I said to myself, “Wow, I’m going to have Rich Life Mastermind Retreats.” I just made up that word. I didn’t know what it was. I was actually modifying and adopting.

My coach at the time, in his mastermind retreats, I’ve been to like seven of them and I love the radical transformation that occurs at these total immersion experiences. In duplicating that model adopting, I said “they’re going to be totally full out prosperous, and a rich life setting because to me, abundance, beauty and prosperity are more than enough.”

Putting yourself in an arena, an environment, and an ambiance to more than enough, to something powerful to your spirit. It actually connects you to the infinite. In launching that idea, in a split second, I said, “oh my gosh, I got to buy myself a ticket to Paris”.

I call that inspired action. I obeyed it and that weekend; I bought a ticket. Within the next two weeks of coming up with the idea of actually hosting Rich Life Mastermind Retreats, I was in Paris, France, and I was reserving the hotel’s, reserving the artists that were going to have a private, creative art class for us, reserving the restaurants, reserving the private drivers, and reserving the limo .

I actually got an opera singer to serenade us in the limousine as we were driving around the Chant Alize and experiencing that magical city of Paris at night. All these things that got created before, I marketed the Rich Life Mastermind Retreat, before I got a website before I had one client. I had a desire, and I had a belief that this was inevitable. This was my calling. That kind of conviction came from me writing out that vision that I lived into.

Make no mistake how powerful this work is. The big shift in crafting your vision is that you write it in the past tense. That’s the power of what that does to the subconscious mind. That it already happened. You write it in the past tense. Just watch what starts showing up for you and whom you start showing up in the world when you write out that come as you will be party.

So, who are you creating yourself to be? Come as you will be. Write it out.

If you want to sign up for the next Mindset Reset Masterclass, go to

Make it a Fearless Friday.

You guys have a great day.

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008: 3 Proven Millionaire Success Habits

Proven Millionaire Success Habits

Proven Millionaire Success Habits

There are three ideas that I’ve noticed as I’ve been researching my new Mindset Reset Masterclass and re-branding the Lisa J Coaching website.

I got on the phone with a lot of my past clients and Rich Life Mastermind Retreat participants and I asked them what was sustainable in the work that you did with me? How did you radically transform your mindset from working with me? What stuck? What are the results of that work?

Three ideas for you from their experience.

Number one, just trust.

All of them said just trust that you are divinely guided. It doesn’t matter what it looks like today, in your reality, you have been called for a specific purpose in this business, in this passion, in this intention, in this focus and whatever you’re creating right now, trust you are divinely guided in that. Just trust that you will be placed in the right place at the right time.

Start trusting more in that invisible wisdom and intuition. Start trusting in that power that’s beating your heart right now, that’s causing you to breathe in and breathe out. That’s actually regenerating your cells without you telling your cells to regenerate. It’s digesting your food right now, without you being consciously aware of that digestion. Who’s doing that?

There is a higher power, this force within you. So, trust in that inner wisdom, that inner force, that infinite power. Trust, like you, have never trusted before.

Every single client that I interviewed for this relaunch of said that was the biggest takeaway from coaching with me; they truly chose to trust. That they were called for just a time as this, to launch those countries, to take that company to the highest level, to reach the billion dollar mark, to stay committed to their vision, and to see it into fruition-into completion.

It was just powerful to hear these stories, these testimonials of the power of trust. So, idea number one, where can you trust even more? Just trust?

Idea number two, just ask.

Just ask for the sale. Ask for that answer to be clarified. Ask for someone to give you a favor, ask for help. Just ask.

All of the conversations with past clients they shared with me “Lisa, I got that boldness to just ask for the first class”, “I just asked for the best table in the restaurant”, “I started to ask my spouse for what I really needed and wanted”, “I asked my Creator for divine inspiration, or a miracle or his will or her will to be done”. Just ask because there is a power in your question.

What are you asking? You’re asking for an answer. You’re asking for evolution, you’re asking for that next realm of possibility to be exposed, to be vivid and clear to you. Just ask.

Think right now, where are you holding that and your boldness around asking? Asking for what you need, asking for what you want, just asking for the sale, asking for a prospect to be taken off your list. Just ask.

The third idea that I got from all these interviews and researching my clients is just going big.

One of the biggest things they said right along with just trust and just ask was when they started thinking bigger and training their subconscious mind. There was a new experience of themselves,  a more elevated and bolder version of themselves, they started to believe it.

They actually did the inner work to see themselves as a bolder woman, bolder man, and a bolder individual. Not just launching this but launching that country or launching countries or being a global impact. Go big with your commitment to you, go big in your willingness to meditate, and to cause intention in your day.

Recreate yourself every day. Go big in your vision and in your vision book.

I love my vision book, all of these new rich and exciting experiences that I’m going to bring forth in my next Rich Life Mastermind Retreats. I’ve already done 15, but it’s the new level of going big.

So, where can you really stretch yourself and give yourself permission to go big? It was the third thing that all my clients said that when they gave themselves permission to really dream big, thinking small or acting small was no longer acceptable. It’s not serving anybody. It’s not keeping anybody safe.

In fact, you’re calling on this planet is to evolve and when you give yourself permission to think big, dream big, do big, you give the example of victory to everyone around you. You give the example of courage to your children, to your down line and up line business partners.

What a privilege to get to have that kind of contribution.

Those are the three ideas for now. Just trust. Just ask. Just go big.

Thanks again for being a part of this community and we’ll see you next time.

Bye for now.

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009: 6 Ideas to Tap Into Your Inner Genius and Improve Your Results Instantly!

6 Ideas to Tap Into Your Inner Genius and Improve Your Results — Instantly!

6 Ideas to Tap Into Your Inner Genius and Improve Your Results — Instantly!

Today we’re going to be talking about six ways to become more productive.

What would it look like if you could hone in on six gifts that you already have and they would help you become more productive, more present, more focused, and get more done?

Let’s talk about these six gifts. I do call them gifts because they’re found within you.

About 30 years ago, I was an elementary school teacher, fifth grade and second grade. Of course, I would teach the five senses, right? Those are the senses that we have to get to experience this world. Smell, sight, taste, touch, and spell.

I never once taught my students about the six intellectual faculties; some psychologists call them the six mental faculties. I find that just wrong, but just amazing that I, as a school teacher, was never taught to teach this to my students.

Now even today, can you name your six mental faculties?

If you could, and if you honed in on these gifts (these are God-given gifts, your six intellectual faculties) you would be more productive, you would get so much more done, you would have more joy, and ease in the creation of your business or your intentions.

Let’s go through each one and give you some ideas on how you can tap into it.

The first one is reason. Yes, reason. Reason is an intellectual capacity that helps you make a decision. You can decide, you can actually choose, you can choose a belief,  “yes, that serves me I accept it. No, that no longer serves me. I don’t accept.”

This gift of reason actually got gifted to you right around your seventh birthday. Isn’t that interesting? In psychology, we know as the brain develops, that we didn’t have this capacity before approximately age seven.

We just accepted everything. Everything our guardians told us, everything our parents told us, everything we saw on TV, we believed and chose to see it as truth. No longer. You’re not seven years old anymore.

Now you have the gift of reason and you can actually choose a thought, or you can reject a thought. You can choose what you’re focusing on or reject it, you can choose a belief, you can reject. That’s a beautiful gift.

How can you apply your gift of reason right now, today, to help you become more productive, more confident in yourself, create a deeper connection to your belief in your business, in your dream?

The second intellectual faculty is memory. We’re the only created beings on this planet that have the ability to remember we have a memory. The challenge with memory is most of us remember what didn’t work: where we failed, where we got rejected, or where it hurt. We experience life like everyone does and choose to remember the challenging parts. With this again, we can use our gift of reason.

The third one, which we’re going to talk about is will, but we can focus in on and hone in on a memory that brings you joy, a memory that empowers you, a memory that really brings in a new realm of inspiration for you. For me, it’s memories of, where I was divinely guided, a memory where I was at the right place at the right time, memory where I got up on stage and I just slayed that message and I impacted that entire audience. What memories are you choosing to bring up and focus on?

So, we talked about reason and we talked about memory. Now let’s talk about the will. Will is your ability to focus, to harness your energy, harness your attention on one task, one focus; that’s the power of the will. Isn’t it amazing?

We know in science, how powerful focus is. You can take the sun’s rays and harness that energy, harness that light, to create such a focus dense light, with a magnifying glass, that it can pop an ant (I did that when I was a kid). It can inflame a leaf, the leaf can flame and fire just by harnessing the power of those sun rays.

Bring that to your ability to focus. What would your business look like, if you tapped into your God-given gifts of will and focus?

That’s why meditation is so powerful and actually trains the brain and the body to sit and stay put. You are training yourself to sit for those 30 minutes, that one hour, those 10 minutes, and you’re actually training this capacity you call will. You can bring that to all other areas of your business and in life.

The fourth intellectual faculty is imagination. Einstein said that imagination is more powerful than intellect. So, how are you doing with tapping into your power of imagination? This is a gift to you, and this creates results. It actually changes your vibration when you’re imagining the possibility of your future, imagining you sharing your product, your service, your message, with clarity and power and resonance so that your prospect responds to it.

You were imagining them responding to you and connecting with you before you even pick up the phone and have the prospecting call. This is the power of imagination.

I was on stage a couple of months ago, and I said: “Imagine you are in a Maserati, and you are going 110 miles per hour, when your brakes let up and your steering locks. What do you do?” The whole audience is like “What do I do?” Well, what would you do?

Notice I said, imagine you’re in that car driving 105 miles per hour. The answer is you would change what you’re imagining, and this is what you and I do all the time. We imagine clients saying no or we imagine the prospect not being interested, we imagine our business partners angry with us or frustrated. We make up this stuff and the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between an imagined thought and thought of reality.

So, we might as well make up something radical, beautiful and inspiring. Imagination. Tap into that power.

The fifth power in your mind, these are mental faculties intuition. Intuition is so powerful. I heard Wayne Dyer say one time that prayer is us talking to God and intuition is God talking to us. I believe that.

You can be intuitive in what’s safe and what’s not safe. You can be intuitive in making a connection with a prospect, or a friend. You can be intuitive of who to call;  if you have it on your heart to call someone do it. That’s your intuition. God whispering to you what to do. You can also pick up intuition and energy from other people.

That’s helpful in making a connection and creating a connection with new people, friends, loved ones. Intuition. These are all skills, just like you go to the gym and workout on your muscles, (like I’ve been doing), you work out on these intellectual faculties. They take effort to work them out, and the more you focus in on them, the more that you practice these skills, these intellectual faculties, the more they grow, the more you can access them and the greater capacity you have to use these for more productivity, more connection, and more results.

Let’s review we said reason, imagination, the will, memory, and intuition. The last one, I love this one, perception.

Perception is mental capacity. I had a client say to me one time, “Lisa I invited this friend to take a look at my business opportunity and when I was in the car line with my kids this morning, she completely ignored me and looked the other way.” Perception.

Come to find out when they chatted later that night:

The friend said something like “Sure I’ll take a look at it so what else is new with you?”

And the other friend said, “Well, you didn’t even look at me. I thought that maybe I made you mad or something.”

And the other friend said “I wasn’t wearing my glasses. I didn’t even see you.”


One time I was at a Rich Life Mastermind Retreat conducting this retreat in Versailles. One of my participants was a pastor and I was kind of nervous coaching this pastor. Just my own limiting beliefs around who he is for his congregation. Within 15 minutes of that first-day session of the mastermind, he’s looking at me with this serious face. And then about 20 minutes into the mastermind, he looks at me and he says, “We need to talk.”

I’m sweating. My perception of that was, he’s mad at me. My perception of that is, he doesn’t like me teaching that we have power here and we can tap into the spiritual realm and we the power of the mind and God in you.

You know what, on that break, we walked out of that room and he looked at me and he said: “Lisa, you are a gift from God. I have been trying to teach this to my congregation and never gave myself permission to go all out with this. But this is what my congregation needs.” But see, I made it up because of that perception.

How are you doing with perception? Could you stop putting meaning to people, to things, to circumstances, and even tap into the power of imagination and imagine the best case scenario, then clear it up with that person? That way your perception and their perception is aligned.

What would that look like to have business partners, prospects, friends and loved ones with that kind of alignment?

I hope that these six mental faculties are helpful to you. It is a fearless Friday.

What are you going to do today that’s outside your comfort zone to open up a whole new realm of possibility of you experiencing a new level of you? Being fearless, being bold, tapping into your God-given gifts of these mental faculties for better results and just a better you. Because what I believe is when we create a better you, a better me, we create a better business.

Make it a great Friday and we’ll talk soon

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Thanks, everyone.

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010: Breakthrough Self-Limiting Beliefs and Create the Mindset of a Leader! (A Mindshift Aerobic)

Breakthrough Self-Limiting Beliefs and Create the Mindset of a Leader!

Breakthrough Self-Limiting Beliefs and Create the Mindset of a Leader!

So, I’m sitting in a leadership course, on day 1, of a 3 day, 14 hours a day, leadership course.

On day 1: at 9 am the seminar leader is in the back of the room, she walks to the front of the room, she takes the room and the course begins. All day long we learned how to take on leadership in our lives. How to be a leader. We know we want to be the leader and we know we can be.

Day 2: 9 am the seminar leader is in the back of the room. She takes the platform and begins the seminar. All day long we learned, skills, strategy, and mindset of taking on being the leader we can be to make a great contribution on the planet. I’m all in. On day 2, I declared myself a leader, I am a leader and I got present to the impact that it could make on the planet and I got excited about taking on I. am. leader.

Day 3: 9 am no seminar leader. We start buzzing around, we start talking to each other asking what’s going on? 9:02 still no seminar leader. Now I’m getting ticked. How can you be a seminar leader on leadership and be late to the leadership course?

People are buzzing around talking to each other and you can tell their personalities are coming out. The leader takes the stage, stands in front of 111 people and says, “For seven minutes, you sat there, and you didn’t take the leadership position. Where else are you waiting for someone to tell you what to do?”

Yeah, 111 leaders, for 14 hours, two days, 28 hours, we declared ourselves a leader and we all sat there, gossiped, and judged. Not one person, including myself, took the leadership position.

That’s not the end of the story. So, the seminar leader looks right at me says, “Lisa, did you declare yourself leader yesterday?”

Why did she choose me? I said, “Yes, ma’am. I did,”

She said, “What did you say?”

I said, “I am a leader,”  she said, “Come on up to the microphone.”

I get up, I go up to the microphone and then she asked me “Why did you not take the leadership position?”

What do you think I said?

For those of you who didn’t, who would not take the leadership why? Why don’t you take the leadership position?

Well, this is what I said. She said, “Lisa, why didn’t you take the leadership business,”

I said, “Because I didn’t want to look bossy. I didn’t want people to judge me and say, ‘who does she think she is? Getting up there and taking the leadership position?’.”

She looked at me and she said, “But you are bossy”.

Then she said something quite profound. She said:

“Lisa, the second you accept that, is the second you’ll make a difference on this planet.”

Wow. So, the second I accept I’m bossy and put no judgment on that, the second I accept that and don’t make it mean anything is the second I’m into leadership and I can perfect, chisel away at, and polish my skills and my leadership. But do you see how that self-view is holding me back and it’s all not real. It’s all a made up story.

So, what about you? Where do you not take the leadership position in life? At a meeting with your goals, with your workout schedule, with yourself, with your love life, with your relationships, with your children, or with that friend, with that philanthropy effort? Where are you not taking the leadership position and here’s the better question why?

What are you making it mean? I made it mean I don’t want people to think I’m bossy. What do you present to right now? What are you making it mean around leadership? You and leadership.

I want you to think right now in your mind of a leader. Picture a leader in your mind.

Did you picture a leader?

Look at that leader. Notice the attributes that make that person a leader in your mind. So, there’s that leader.

Now, I want you to picture in your mind. A second leader. Just think of another leader.

Did you get that picture right there in your mind? Notice the attributes of that leader, that you say makes that person a leader.

Now, finally, I want you to notice in your mind, a third leader.

So right there in your mind, you are picturing three leaders. Now I have a question for you, are any of those people you?

How many people saw themselves as the leader?

So, leadership is created in the mind first, that’s how the brain works.

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011: Transform Failure or Difficult Circumstances Into the Fuel That Drives You

Transform Failure Into the Fuel
That Drives You

Transform Failure Into the Fuel
That Drives You

We’re going to talk about overcoming the limiting beliefs we attached to negative circumstances. How do you get beyond a negative circumstance? I’ve dealt with divorce, a divorce that I didn’t want. How did I transform that?

I dealt with three short sales, which is a fancy way of saying foreclosure. How did I overcome that in and move past that? Well, the first thing I did that I encourage you to do is give your circumstance, your negative circumstance, a different meaning. Don’t make it mean you failed, you’re unlovable or you’re not good with money. Whatever the limiting meanings you’re giving your negative circumstance, change it. This is up to you to make it have an empowering meaning. Even if you’re making it up.

For you to move into a fantasy of what that meaning could be, is an empowering way to transform it. Give yourself a new meaning of the negative circumstance you’re going through.

It is a lesson for you to learn, it’s an opportunity to be single in your 40s and early 50s when you didn’t know you’re going to be single halfway through your life. Choose to see the negative circumstance in a new light and literally, as a declaration, give it a new meaning. An empowering meaning.

The second thing to do is to look at your negative circumstance, write it out and actually see it as a ball. There it is, there’s divorce. There it is, There’s foreclosure. There’s our negative relationship or whatever it is, there’s your health challenge, and take it outside of you.

Make sure you have a distinction between you and your negative circumstance. Don’t collapse your negative circumstance with you. You are not your negative circumstance. You are not a divorce, you are not financial challenge, you are not I’ve gotten 10 no’s in a row, you are not your negative circumstance. Create a distinction between you and your negative circumstance.

Why? Because then when you don’t collapse it, you are not that. Who are you if you’re not your negative circumstance? Who are you if you’re not cancer you’re not a financial challenge if you’re not a divorce, who are you? Who are you if you’re not those circumstances?

Your infinite possibility. You’re more than a conqueror. You are divinely guided. You are powerful beyond measure. So, when you create a distinction between who you are and your negative circumstance, you have power over it.

Try this game in your mind and your subconscious mind. Take your negative circumstance, create that distinction, and grow yourself 10 times bigger than your negative circumstance. Now grow yourself in your imagination 100 times bigger than your negative circumstance and ask yourself: “How do I change the meaning of that? How do I slay that negative circumstance? How do I bring power to myself from that negative circumstance?”

Growing yourself in your imagination 10, 20, 100 times bigger than your challenge gives you, in your subconscious mind, that new way of thinking. You are so much more than your negative circumstance.

Could it be that your circumstance is actually allowing you to become even more? More than a conqueror, very creative, inspirational thinker, powerful beyond measure, and limitless. Those negative circumstances are gifts and I’ve seen it in my own life and I’m sure you’ve seen it in your life as well. Change the meaning you’re giving to your circumstance. Create a distinction between you, who you are, more than a conqueror, powerful beyond measure, limitless, divinely guided, and then you will be able to manage and change the story of that circumstance and it will gift to you the beauty of transformation. Becoming your best self. What a gift. That’s the beauty of a negative circumstance.

What did you gain from this time with me? What are you going to do differently in your negative circumstance?

Did you actually try the exercise of growing yourself 10 times and 100 times bigger than your circumstance and watch your new way of thinking? Watch the new ideas that come to your mind. Watch the power that you have in that new frame of thinking.

Did you choose to change the meaning? It’s not the circumstance that’s holding you back. It’s the meaning you’re giving it what you make it mean.

So, when you choose to shift that and you give yourself permission to shift the meaning you’ve given your circumstance, a new revelation occurs. A new way of being is bestowed upon you. A higher level of being and thinking becomes apparent to you.

Thanks, you guys.

Make it a great day.

Bye for now.

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062: Shift From Fear to Faith!

Shift From
Fear to Faith!

Shift From
Fear to Faith!

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. It’s an interesting day. It’s May 31st, 2020 and I am right here in the Orange County airport ready to get on a plane. Yep, I’ve got my mask here and I’m ready to go and I’m heading to For Lauderdale, Florida for my Mindset Reset Event.

I decided to have this week’s show be around building belief, which is the name of my podcast and YouTube Show. How do you build your belief in the middle of COVID-19 a pandemic or with the riots going on in Minneapolis and Los Angeles and other metropolitan cities, but we must do it, it’s the human spirit. And faith, you guys, building belief is a muscle, it’s just a muscle, so the more you work it out the stronger it gets.

So, what even can you do today to make a decision that you’re going to take a step, maybe even a leap in faith and build your belief for your life, your family, your future possibility. And do something today, safe, you’re safe. But also, do something today that is a factor of faith. It will take a seed of faith to complete, to tap into, to jump into. What could it be for you? I’m encouraging you to show that to your family, yourself, and start cultivating your faith.

Your faith in your own human potential, your faith in others, boy do we need it. So, step out of fear, close that door, and show your neighbors, your friends, your family, yourself, that you are a person of faith, a walking talking vessel of faith and you show it with your actions.

Not being risk-adverse, not being stupid, but being safe, wearing a mask if you are around people. Whether it’s in business or even going out around people, whatever it is. Whether it’s really being bold and saying your truth to your significant other. Today’s the day. This week’s the week. The calling form me to you on this Build Your Belief Show is step out in faith. What is it? What is that action step? What is that word? What is that conversation? What is your willingness?

So, my request of you this week on the Build Your Belief Show is step out in faith, turn off the TV, stop listening to it, stop focusing on your fear, and shift, make that shift. Cultivate your faith this week. The world needs you to do so more than ever. Your family, your clients, your children, you, yourself. You need to do that more than ever. Step out in faith. Show that you believe: I’m divinely guided, all things happen for my highest good, I trust. And I’ll see you next week over from Florida. I’ll film from Florida on the next build Your Belief Show.

Thanks everyone, make it a great week.

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060: How to Get Unstuck and Move Into Momentum

How to Get Unstuck and Move Into Momentum

How to Get Unstuck and Move Into Momentum

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. This week’s topic is all about the “Big Mo.” Oh yeah, we’re talking about momentum. How do you get into momentum, you know, momentum, that sweet spot of flow and creativity, and the runner’s high, when you’re in the zone, when you didn’t even know two hours went by because you’re in the zone. You’re in the sweet spot of momentum.

It’s Newton’s first law: Whatever’s in motion tends to stay in motion. And when you’re in motion, you’re in momentum, you feel bulletproof. You can actually manage and handle a negative comment, a limiting belief that pops up, you’re just like, “Huh, I got this.” An interruption? “Nope, you’re not allowed to come in, I’m writing.” Or I’m drawing, or I’m sculpting, or I’m working. Yeah, you build a backbone in momentum. That’s the truth, isn’t it?

So how do we get into momentum? First of all, I want you to notice what kind of limiting momentum, fear-based momentum, the momentum where it’s starting to spiral down. And we got to shift and turn that first before you can move into positive momentum. So, how are you doing right now in the middle of this global reset? What are you doing to shift that ship, move that momentum of fear and anxiety? What are you doing to cultivate your faith? You’re divinely guided. All is well. You’re taken care of. This too shall pass. Faith, that’s momentum, that’s a muscle builder. You got to build that muscle of faith and you can begin with asking yourself, who do I trust? What can I trust? Make a list of all the things you trust. Even in the physical, you can trust sunrise and sunset. You can trust physical laws of science. You can trust gravity.

Now move into the spiritual, if you believe in a creator, you can trust your creator. If you have a person in your life that you can trust, I can trust that person. Hopefully, my friend, you are on that list, you can trust yourself. You say to yourself, “I’ve got your back. I’ll never leave you. I’m your best friend. I’m your best cheerleader. I’m here for you. I believe in you.” You build trust. And by building that momentum of trust, focusing on what you can count on, in the physical, in the spiritual, within yourself, when you start building that within yourself, you’ll start seeing it outside of you. You can’t attract peace, unless you feel peace within. You won’t see faith until you first cultivate faith within. So, that’s the first momentum builder I want you to do. Unravel any spiral momentum and start moving and shifting the ship into faith, trust, peace, well being. Because moving up that emotional scale, you’ll go from well being, trust, peace, to excitement, to creativity, to anticipation, to bliss. And that’s up to you and me to be in charge of our own emotional momentum.

Now, let’s move into actually getting things done and moving into the momentum of action in a project, in an idea. A lot of times my clients say, “But Lisa, I don’t even know what I want right now, with this global reset, I’m just not sure.” Some of you are totally on it and know exactly what you want, but what about those of you that are just not that sure. You have no clarity; you have a lot of confusion and clutter in your mind. One of the best things you can do right now, my friend, is let go of something in the physical, let go of a physical clutter. I know that sounds crazy, but actually I just had this as my homework assignment for all of my global Mindset Reset Coaching clients and the results were remarkable. What happened in their own mindset when they let go of the clutter in the garage? What got created in their own belief and anticipation and excitement about their business when they let go of the clutter in their closet? What happened when they let go of the clutter in that drawer and organized the drawer? The clutter in everything, the garage, the closet, the drawer, the briefcase, the purse.

Let go of the physical clutter and then just watch how that builds momentum in your power, in your clarity. You create space. I call it zero-point energy: When you have nothing you have everything. So, Step #2 in building momentum is clean out the clutter and in that process watch how ideas start popping up, creativity starts building, excitement starts growing, and then you got an idea, right? There’s your idea, there’s your excitement, there’s your goal, there’s your dream that just woke up. There’s the creativity. And now I want you to gift yourself the gift of focus. If you want to build momentum in that project, that idea, that clarity, that newfound dream, that inspiration, gift yourself the time of focus. That means go in your closet and shut the door and tell everyone don’t talk to me for an hour. Maybe its go in your office, “You guys, today is my day to focus.” You’re going to build the momentum, momentum needs time to build, it needs focused attention on that idea, on that project, on that newfound inspiration, on that dream. Make requests; ask your family to leave you alone so you have some focused time to build the momentum today on that project.

For me, you guys, I actually got a place for two weeks, rented out similar to an Aribnb condo and here I am, in Dana Point by myself, in solitude, writing my fourth book. Building the momentum and I am in such a sweet spot. The words are coming, the ideas come with ease, the creativity is flowing. I mean here is what it looks like, I just draw out the things I need to do, I don’t do it linearly, I like circles and I make the circles and get to color it in when I complete it. Complete the Table of Contents, complete the storyboard, complete the chapters, complete the testimonials, complete even ideas for the marketing plan. And so you saw some circles are not finished, but I’m on a role, I’m in my sweet spot, I’ve built the momentum, I have stepped into the “Big Mo.”

Even so much so that my unit that I rented out has literally my whole book taped up on the wall right there. And this is basically only day four of a full week. Now, I know some of you can’t take a full week away from your kids, or your spouse, or your obligations and responsibilities, but until you gift yourself that focused attention whether its in your own office or bedroom, or closet, and you make those requests to not come in, I’m taking this time for my project, for my dream to start building the momentum, because it’s worth it. When you’re in that sweet spot of momentum that you create, no one can create it for you, my friend. You create it by making requests and putting the parameters of time and focused attention on your dream, on your project, and then begin. Small little actions build up, small steps grow, small ideas start to take root and germinate, small action steps expand. And before you know it, you are in the sweet spot of momentum. And boy, does the world need that from you right now.

So, in review I want you to turn the ship, if you have a spiral momentum of negative thoughts, or negative beliefs, or fear or anxiety. Number two; let go of clutter in the physical so that you open your mind to possibility, to creativity, to ideas. Trust the process that the idea will come, the ingenuity will be there, the creativity is birthed when you let go. Let go of something in the physical. And then third, give yourself some focused time to build that momentum. More than an hour, a couple of hours here, and then tomorrow, a couple of hours here building that momentum. And if at all possible, wow, what would it look like with three full days of focused attention on your project, your book, your business. Or one full day or maybe even a week. You’ll be glad you did. Make some requests, make some decisions, tap into the power of momentum. Thanks everyone make it a great week!

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059: Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game! Step #5: Create an Organic Plan of Action

Change YourMindset and You Change the Game!
Step#5: Create an Organic Plan of Action

Change YourMindset and You Change the Game!
Step#5: Create an Organic Plan of Action

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Hey everyone! Welcome to the Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. I’m Lisa J. and as you know we’ve been moving through my Mindset Reset Formula and on this Build Your Belief Show we’re talking about Step #5: Create an Organic Plan of Action.

I love that word “organic.” What does it mean to you?

It means it’s constantly evolving, it means you’re in flow of that vision you created from Step #4: Craft Your Compelling Vision, and it’s really a feeling of more trust. Yes, you have that vision that you crafted, you know what you want, you realize the feelings you want to be feeling on a consistent basis, you know the person you want to be and the person you’re becoming to be. And so, in Step #5: Create an Organic Plan of Action, you have that goal date, you have that plan of action and you create it from the future looking back.

What do I mean by that?

So, you crafted that vision in the last step, the last edition, what date was it? Was it three years in the future? One year in the future? Whatever it was, jump into your future and stand in the completion on your vision. There you are, there it is, there’s the success completed. And as you stand in your future, whole and complete, the goal accomplished, the vision a reality, look back and tell me what had to happen one month before, what had to happen a year before that, what had to happen two years before that? Whatever was your goal date, stand in that future and look back, that’s how you create and organic plan of action.

So, let’s take the example of writing a best-selling book. Jump in that future and there it is, there’s your international best-selling book. What had to happen a couple months before that? Your marketing plan was in full force. What happened before that? Your first country purchased your manuscript. What had to happen before that? You had to actually launch and debut your book. What had to happen before that? You had to get your book edited. What had to happen before that? You had to find a publisher or and agent who found a publisher for you. What had to happen before that? You had to write the book. What had to happen before that? See? You had to come up with the idea and the premise. What had to happen before that?

So, as you stand in the future, whole and complete, and work backwards, that’s your organic plan of action, and you will start receiving—I call them nudges, God winks, it’s just inspiration, it’s an inspire action. You’ll just know what to do. This 5th step, Create an Organic Plan of Action, is very similar to a GPS, how a GPS works. YOU get in your car, you program that GPS for the destination of your choice and immediately that GPS goes to work to create the fastest, the most flow, the easiest route for you to take. And notice you don’t get all the steps in one long spreadsheet, you don’t have the voice of your GPS speak to you and tell you all those steps. No, what do you get? You only get step one. And when you obey step one, then step two comes, and follows. Interesting. That’s very similar creating an organic plan of action. And you guys, this is counterintuitive, too often we have to know, we have to know every step, we have to know all the objections of every step, we have to know al the possible failures of every step, and then we’re creating in all that energy. It’s so much more powerful to create in the energy of trust, and the energy of alignment, and the energy of inevitability. Like, I know what I want. Here’s what I created that has to happen to create it, and then I let it go, and I get into flow. I just obey inspired action, and then the next step is presented.

And you obey things that may not sound or feel rational sometimes. You might have an inclination to call someone and you’re like, “What does that have to do with me being a best-selling author?” or whatever is your goal, you obey it anyways. It’s counterintuitive sometimes. Maybe not counterintuitive, it’s actually more intuitive, it’s counter logical. Let’s speak it that way. But creating that plan of action in that kind of flow, in that type of energy, you are leaving room for this something better.

So, as you learned in the last step: crafting your compelling vision, you say, “I want this… or something better.”

Leave room for this something better. You’re actually leaving room for something that you’re human brain, with its potential, its limited potential, could not create. And in that supernatural realm the duality of you, your spiritual nature that is infinite is connected with all possibility. And so you are actually on a path that will surprise you. You will be aligned with serendipity, and you’ll be in the right place at the right time. More coincidences will start occurring. I always talk about the fortuitous will be your middle name, because you’re not so regimented on your steps and you’re not so much in your head. And this doesn’t mean you get lazy, if anything you guys, I promise you will be more motivated, you will be more inspired, you will take even more action, because it is in taking those inspired actions that you start building your belief and cultivating your faith that, “Oh my gosh, I’m good at this. I’m invincible. This is happening. This is inevitable.”

Step #5: Create Your Organic Plan of Action. Jump in the future, ask yourself, what had to happen, last month, last quarter, last year. And then just be in the reality, in your imagination in the reality of “this happened” and just watch, you will get an inspired action. Obey that inspired action, because then the next juicy will be revealed to you. What a beautiful way to create your delicious lifestyle. What a beautiful way to create and achieve your goals.

So, I trust that this formula has inspired you and you are ready and you are willing to:

Step #1: Identify the Duality of You. You have a physical nature and a spiritual nature.

Step #2: Adopt the 5 Spiritual Beliefs and start shifting more into your spiritual realm, more into spiritual thinking and believing.

Step #3: Let go. If you’re having a challenge with even shifting into your spiritual realm, just let go. Go for a run, go for a bike ride, take a nap, let go, release, say nothing. Get in meditation and just watch what comes from letting go.

Step #4: Craft Your Compelling Vision, and this vision is your best life in X amount of years or a certain amount of months, and write it out as a mantra, as a vision statement. And not just read it, but live it, feel it viscerally in crafting your compelling vision.

And then Step #5 of our Mindset Reset Formula: Create the Organic plan of Action and go!

I can’t wait to hear what you’re creating, how exciting and exhilarating it is to create the supernatural in this way with this 5-Step Formula.

Make it a great rest of the day and I’ll see you on the next Build Your Belief Show!

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058: Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game! Step #4 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step #4 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step #4 of the Mindset Reset Formula

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

We’ve been going through my Mindset Reset Formula.

In Podcast 055 it was Identify the Duality of You.

056 is was all about Adopting the 5 Spiritual Truths.

057 we talked about Letting Go, the power in surrender and letting go.

And today, this week on Build Your Belief we’re talking about Step #4 in the Mindset Reset Formula, which is Crafting Your Compelling Vision. The power of vision. I love vision work, don’t you? Even Einstein said, “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.”

Because you and I know, everything is created twice. First in the mind and then in the physical world. So whatever you’re experiencing right now, at this time in your life, these thoughts that created this life, they happened last week, they happened yesterday, they happened last month. This predominant thought-life creates.

So, when you’re crafting a compelling vision you’re actually retraining your brain on how to think. You’re reprogramming your subconscious mind and your consciousness on how to vibrate, who you’re being, how you show up everyday. This compelling vision can radically transform who you’re being in your day, everyday.

There are a couple areas I want to talk about today around the compelling vision. First and foremost, the benefit of it. So, not only do we know where there is no vision people perish, scripture said, but where there is vision, there’s power, there’s momentum, there’s a bull’s-eye, to know what to focus on, to know what to move toward, to know what to hit. We have the answer to our success equation with a compelling vision.

I can remember as a kid, I wanted to go to Nicaragua on an exchange student program, I was seven years old, maybe 6 years old, and all I did was talk about, “Oh, I’m going to go to Nicaragua when I’m 11. And my mom and dad said, “Lisa, you can’t go. No one is allowed to go at that age, it was called Intercom Exchange Students and you had to be 13. Didn’t matter. That reality didn’t affect me. What I knew to be true in my little 9-year-old mind is all I had to do was save money and I could go. My dad said, “If you save half, I’ll pay the rest.” I heard that, I believed it, I went to work. And I would go house to house saying, “Hey, can I empty your dishwasher for 10 cents? Can I vacuum your house for a quarter?” And of course, people would have me come in and give me a dollar for emptying the dishwasher or vacuuming the house. I did that for three years, you guys.

I was about 8 years old when this started and at 11 ½ years old I presented this money to my dad and I said, “Here it is! Here’s half of what I know it costs to go to Nicaragua as an exchange student.” And he made it happen. I actually went to Leon, Nicaragua with the exchange family when I was 11 years old. And that was unheard of with the Intercom Exchange Student Program, to allow that. I don’t even know how I qualified to go at that young age. I just knew in my 8 ½ year old mind and heart that I’d get what I want.

When I’m aligned with that vision, and I believe it, I will see it. So it’s not, I’ll believe it when I see it, that’s in our physical nature. It is I’ll see it when I believe it. When I’m a walking talking vessel of faith in my vision and in who I’m becoming, and the life I want to live, and the experience I want to have. I’ll live it when I believe it.

So, how are you doing on that? How are you doing with your belief level? Your expectation of what’s possible for you and in crafting that vision.

So, I used this power of crafting a vision in business. When I was in my 20’s I worked for Mary K. International and I went to their big huge convention on year one of being a consultant. I had never recruited anyone, I’d been in the business maybe 6 months, I didn’t even know about recruiting, I just knew to sell make up, that’s what I thought I was doing as a Mary K. representative. But I went to this convention with 40,000 other people and I saw the big picture.

And on awards night, I saw the winner’s come out on stage and they said their name over the intercom and on this big huge iMax screen, they had their picture, and they walked down these stairs and they walk over to Mary K. Ash herself and she would hand them the keys to their car, a bouquet of flowers, and they would sit in the Queen’s Court of Recruiting. I was up in the nose bleeds station, ok, way up there in like row 400, looking down at this queen’s court of recruiting and I had not recruited one person. I didn’t even know you could recruit. I thought it was just a sales job.

So, at the end of that convention I went behind the stage, I don’t even know how I got back there; how they allowed me back there. I’m 29 years old, and I go back there and I came out on stage and I heard my name, “Lisa Jimenez, Queen’s Court of Recruiting, and I walked down the 15 stairs—how do I know there are 15? I counted them. I felt that experience viscerally. And I walked down the 15 stairs and I imagined Mary K. Ash handing me the keys to my car, my flowers, and I went and sat in the Queen’s Court of Recruiting. And then I got on an airplane and went home to reality, but I had a new reality I was living into. Even though it didn’t look like my life was aligned with that vision, I knew I could taste it, I knew I could have that vision if I just stayed aligned with that belief, and cultivated the faith in that vision. And that’s what a compelling vision did, that’s what a compelling vision does.

So, through that 365 days, I quit twice. Completely quit the career, completely quit direct sales twice. Through that 365 days, I looked at the gown that I had purchased right when I came back from that convention the year prior, and I put that gown outside my closet, because that was the gown I was going to be wearing as I walked down the 15 stairs to receive my award for Queen’s Court of Recruiting. I played that vision in my mind everyday. And even though I quit twice, even though I had limiting recruits on some months, other months, I nailed it. Nailed it enough, that one year later, I went back to that international convention winning Queen’s Court of Recruiting.

And you guys, it was the funniest thing, I walked out on stage, I threw confetti, which got me on the company video, so I am on the company video of 1993 winning Queen’s Court of Recruiting, hearing my name, “Lisa Jimenez, Queen’s Court of Recruiting” and I’m five months pregnant. When you are so focused on your visions, sometimes life happens and I didn’t know that I was going to be pregnant with Connor. I had to take the dress out, but there I am winning in Queen’s Court of Recruiting. And I’m walking down the 15 stairs and it was a weird moment when this man put his hand out and said, “You did it!” and then another man, “Congratulations!” and then another man, “You look beautiful!” and then the fourth step, another man—I didn’t remember that men were on the stairs and my vision had become so real, it was more real than reality. So, when the reality happened on that night when I won and these men were putting out their hands, I was like, “Wait, what are you doing here, you’re not supposed to be here.” Reality was less real to me than that vision. Now, that’s the power of crafting a compelling vision and staying aligned with it most of the time. You can even quit twice in a year and you can still achieve your goal, because that’s the power of a compelling vision.

So, how are you doing with your compelling vision? Do you have it written down? Do you start that compelling vision with, “I’m so happy and grateful on this moment in time in 2025, in 2022, in 2030, that I get to live in this ocean view home. That I’m married to the love of my life. That I’m single for the first time in my life.”

Whatever is your vision, “That I have an airplane. And I get to fly wherever I want and I’m a pilot.” Or whatever you want. “That I own a global business, making an international impact. That I’m a best-selling author. I’m so happy and grateful for the power of the written word.”

Whatever you want in your life, you create that vision, you craft that vision, and you live in that reality everyday. You align with yourself with the person who lives that vision. You align yourself with the future you. And everyday you wake up with the intention of being that person who lives out that future reality. Oh my friend, that’s power. That’s called alignment. That’s called clarity. Crafting a compelling vision and then waking up everyday living out the person becoming that person, being aligned with that way of being, of the person who lives that life.

How are you doing with that?

Your assignment from this week’s Build Your Belief Show is to write out your vision and start is with, “I’m so happy and grateful for…” and then go through every area of your life that makes life delicious, your career, your love life, your family relationships, your travel, your health and fitness, your eating habits, your desires, your habitual ways of being, your impact and contribution, your financial status. And fill all those values, all those goals, write it in this compelling vision and speak it everyday. Feel it viscerally, like it’s happening right now. And I promise you, you will become that person. And when you become that person who lives out that compelling vision, you can’t help but attract the ideas, the people, the opportunities to help you manifest that reality. It’s the spiritual law of manifestation.

You have great power my friend, but it starts with you writing out your compelling vision and then staying aligned with that vision in your ways of being and who you show up to be every day and in building you belief that you will have it when you believe it.

Post on our Lisa J.’s Belief Builders Facebook page and share your compelling vision. The more you share it in a document or in a video, the more it becomes real for you. In that collective collaboration in that quantum field other people will hear your vision, see your vision, get aligned with your vision, be excited for you, create anticipation for you, build belief for you.

So post that on Lisa J. Coaching or on Lisa J.’s Belief Builders Facebook page. Either one of those Facebook pages or Facebook groups and I’ll comment under it. So, that’s your Build Your Belief Show for this week: Craft Your Compelling Vision, Step # 4 in the Mindset Reset Formula. Make it a great week you guys! Thanks everyone!

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057: Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game! Step #3 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step #3 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step #3 of the Mindset Reset Formula

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of the Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

We’ve been going through my Mindset Reset Formula’s 5 Steps. This week, we’re on Step #3.

In Step #1 we talked about identifying the duality of you, that’s huge. When you identify that you have a physical nature and in that physicality there are physical laws and rules that are limiting in your spiritual nature. Because in your spiritual nature those truths, those spiritual laws, they contradict the physical laws. So in this spiritual nature, of course you’re going to have an inner battle if you’re too much in your physical realm when you know you have so much power and alignment in that spiritual realm. So, listen to that Podcast Show. That’s all on Step #1.

Then, Step #2, all about adopting the five spiritual truths, like I said, that contradict, they are counterintuitive to your physical nature, but boy, are they powerful and they render results in the spiritual realm. So, watch that show about the five Spiritual Truths.

Then, this week, on Build Your Belief, we’re on Step #3, which is all around letting go. Let go of resistance, let go of habitual patterns, let go of clutter and messiness, let go of a limiting self-view.

So, we are going to talk specifically about four areas to let go this week, are you ready for that? But just realize, right now, that whatever you pay attention to the most, is what you’re attracting and creating the most. So, too often we hold on or harbor a certain belief, we hold on and harbor a resentment, a resistance. And in just letting go of that resistance or that limiting belief, just the simple task of letting it go and showing up as, “Yeah, I don’t know, I let that go.” You’re literally opening up a portal of possibility. A new realm, a new way of being.

But here are the specific four areas I want you to work on letting go.

Number one: I want you to let go of a limiting self-view. And we all have them, because, hey, we walk around with ourselves all day long, so we see every foible, every problem, every limiting habit, or limiting belief that’s manifested. We know ourselves and our messiness. But until you let go of a limiting self-view, you have no possibility of showing up as something new or someone new. So, step number one: Let go of a limiting self-view. What would it look like if you just gave yourself permission to have second chances? So, you made a mistake, there’s a second chance.

Today, is my one-year wedding anniversary to Jeff Johnston, my second husband. So, in my first marriage, which I was married 18 years to my childhood sweetheart, and then after divorce I was single for many many years, and I even wondered, “Hm, maybe I’ll never get married again. Are there really second chances? Do I even really want to be married again?” And then Jeff Johnston came into my life and I married him one year ago. There are second chances.

And I had to create that self-view of me, who I am, showing up in the dating world, that I was open to a second chance in relationships or in marriage, and I had to let go of any limiting belief I had attached, and there were lots. When you come out of divorce, you create some limiting beliefs about marriage. I had to let go of my own self-view in marriage, and literally recreate who I wanted to be as a wife.

And even in my marriage vows to Jeff Johnston, I said, “I promise to be faithful, you have my word. I promise to take care of myself and my own alignment. I promise to make myself happy. I promise. I promise to be the space of your greatness. I will never hold you back or limit you. You have freedom.”

But that second one is the one I want to talk about. “I promise I will keep myself aligned. I promise.” That was my vow and so, in this quarantine, with his daughter moving back home with us, with him being home full-time, working full-time, he’s CEO of an aeronautical company, and I’m on phone calls and webinars, and Zoom calls all day long, it was challenging . And so in the space of “I’ll take care of myself, my own happiness,” instead of asking everybody to change around me, I just decided to rent a place. And sure enough, I found out that I had three weeks available through my TimeShare, that I didn’t even know I had and if I didn’t use them they would expire.

So, here I am in San Diego, with sweet solitude, and on our anniversary, Jeff is coming down to take me out to dinner. Like a date, and we’re married. And what would have happen had I not chosen that second vow?

Lisa what can you do to make sure you’re happy, to align with your own joy and what you need? Not asking Jeff to change, not asking the circumstance of the quarantine to change, and all of the sudden I realized I had this week available. So, here I am in San Diego, gifting me sweet solitude. And I’m showing up as a better wife, as a wife who is whole and complete because I take care of my own happiness, my own alignment.

What about you? How can you let go of a limiting belief that you have about relationships, about being in quarantine, about another person, and about yourself? Your own self-view. So that’s Step #1 on Letting Go. Let go of a limiting self-view. Oh, my friend, you are so free. You are so free you could even choose bondage and often we do. Let’s choose freedom. Let’s choose, “Wow, if anything’s possible what could I create right here, right now?”

The second area I want you to let go is: Let go of fear. Fear is normal and it’s never going away, but when you can befriend your fear. You can even say, “Oops, there it is! There’s fear! I must be on to something big.” And you literally transform your relationship to fear. Sure, some bad things can happen, but when you let go of your addiction to being afraid of fear, wow, a whole new world opens up to you. New possibilities are awakened within you. So, let go of your fear of fear. Change your relationship to it. See it as a friend. Literally, take it arm and arm and just skip down the road with your fear. Moving forward with the fear and watch how it has no power over you. Let go of fear.

The third area I want you to let go is: Let go of habitual patterns. You and I both have habits, we have habitual patterns, and it’s keeping us small. And one thing that’s been so cool to see in this global reset is, one of my clients said, “I have a terrible case of FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out. And now that we’re in quarantine, I’m not missing out of anything and I’m being so hyper-creative.”

She’s invented things, she’s launched new companies, she’s literally partnered in a new deal with the company in New York, she lives in California. It’s been incredible to watch her grow. To watch her create new results. To watch her be in her genius of her creativity. Why? Because she was able to let go of a habitual pattern of FOMO. “Oh, I have to be on the boat. Oh, I have to be at that party. Oh, I don’t want to miss out on that happy hour in Newport Beach.” But with the social distancing mandate in quarantine, no FOMO anymore. And she is focused, and creative, and getting results. So, what would it look like for you to let go of a habitual pattern and recreate yourself?

Let go. First, let go of that habitual pattern that’s no longer serving you and recreate a new way of being. And then just practice that new way of being. You and I, we become who we practice to be. You’ve just been practicing being that limited personality for far too long. So, let it go. Recreate yourself, because you can.

And then the fourth area I want you to let go this week is: Let go of clutter. If you’re not sure what you want to transform, what you want to do, you’re a little in that state of, “I’m not sure,” go clean out a drawer. Yeah, I’m not kidding, just clean out the clutter and you will be amazed at what your mind opens up to. Clean out a garage, clean out your closet, get rid of clutter in your briefcase or your purse. Clean out a drawer, that junk drawer, just clean it out and make it organized.

Just the physical act of cleaning out clutter, it does something energetically. It does something to your creativity, it does something to your brain, it does something to your way of being, and it does something to your mindset. Creating that clarity with a physical space. Try it. So, that’s step number four, let go of the clutter and clean it up. And just watch the results you’ll start getting.

So, I hope that’s inspiring for you in this Step #3 in the Mindset Reset Formula to Let Go. Let go of a limiting self-image, let go of habitual patterns, let go of your fear, and let go of clutter.

Can’t wait to hear your results. Type below what you chose to take on this week and share your results. We’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show.

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056: Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game! Step #2 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step #2 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step #2 of the Mindset Reset Formula

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of the Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show!

This week’s show is all about Step #2 of my Mindset Reset Formula, which is Adopt the 5 Spiritual Truths. Last week, I taught on Step #1, Identify the Duality of You: that you have a physical nature with physical laws and beliefs and you have a spiritual nature with spiritual laws and beliefs. If you missed that show check out Episode 55: Mindset Reset Step #1. This week, all about Step #2 and Adopting the 5 Spiritual Truths.

These 5 Spiritual Truths will radically transform your core beliefs and you will start to show up differently in your world. And when you show up differently, everything and everyone one around you shows up differently.

So, here we go.

Truth # 1: There’s nothing wrong here.

Yeah, in the spiritual realm, there’s nothing wrong here, everything happens for your highest good. There’s a divine timing to everything, there is a divinity to all things. There’s a divine purpose to all things. So, spiritual truth #1: There’s nothing wrong here. You can stop judging yourself, beating yourself up, judging the timing of things. Just imagine if you showed up to your business, to your life, adopting that spiritual truth: There’s nothing wrong here. You would be bolder in your activities, you would face failure with the context of, “It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong here. What did I learn from it? Take two!” There’s nothing wrong here. You would release your need, your addiction to judge everything and everyone. That would be gone, because there’s nothing wrong here.

Spiritual Truth #2: My power is within me.

You’re creating it all. You’re the magnet attracting it all. If you want to see something different in your circumstances you go within and you transform from within. The inside-out. You are a mirror. We are all just mirrors. Whatever is showing up in your world is a reflection of what’s going on, on the inside, because your power is within you. Just imagine if you chose to adopt this spiritual truth. No longer would you get your worthiness outside, other people, your success, someone telling you did a good job. No longer would you be addicted to other people telling you, you did a good job and recognition. No longer would you show up limited. You know, if I want to change something, I can do it. I just go within, because my power is within me. I am the common denominator. You are the common denominator of your life. Your power is within you.

Spiritual Truth #3: My authenticity is needed for balance in this world.

Your uniqueness creates balance in this world. My uniqueness—when I show up authentically unique, my propensities, my foibles, my passion, my values, my purpose, I show up fully giving of myself in all authenticity. Wow, that’s bringing balance to this planet. Just imagine you chose to adopt that spiritual truth. That your uniqueness is needed just the way you’re created, meaning your propensities, your passion, your core values. So, when you show up to your day and you’re being yourself, authentically you, that’s your power, that’s giving fully of yourself, and that creates balance on this planet. No longer do you feel like, “Ou, I got to be like him to be successful.”

“I have to start acting like her to make my business work.”

No. You show up whole and complete, because your authenticity is needed for balance in this world.

Spiritual Truth #4: there’s enough. I’m enough. Too often in our physical nature we believe in scarcity. There is scarcity on this planet in the physicality, but in the spiritual realm, there’s no scarcity. In the spiritual realm there’s abundance and when you can adopt—when you do adopt that spiritual truth: There’s enough. You no longer have to coerce or force or make someone purchase your product or service. No longer do you have to force or coerce your point of view, your beliefs. No. You allow people to have there own set of beliefs. You allow people to show up in there own truth, because there’s nothing wrong here, my power is within me, my authenticity is needed for balance on this planet, and there’s enough, I’m enough, they’re enough.

So, you have a prospect who says no to working with you? You say, thanks for checking it out and if you change your mind, give me a call. There’s no coercing or forcing because you know there’s enough. There’s another prospect to share. And you wouldn’t even want that person to say yes to you anyways. You want people who are aligned with your message, with you, with your product and service. So, you can let go of a prospect who is truly not aligned with what you have. You can let go of a relationship that’s not aligned with what you are up to in creating in your life, and you grant them being. They’re enough. There’s enough. What a powerful spiritual truth.

And Spiritual Truth #5: I have the capacity to change. In our physical nature, we think, “Oh, this is just my DNA, this is just my lot in life. This is how my family has done things, this is my nationality.”

No. In the spiritual realm you have the capacity to change. In fact, you are changing, in fact, that’s who you are: change. You are just waves of possibility. You are pure energetic potential. And so not only do you have the capacity to change, you are changing at every moment. Every moment you’re evolving. So, can you imagine if you showed up to your business, to your life, today adopting that spiritual truth: I have the capacity to change, in fact, I’m changing now. Everyday in everyway, I’m getting better and better.

These are powerful spiritual truths that when you adopt them they change everything for you. They radically transform those limiting beliefs that are no longer true. They don’t even exist in your spiritual realm.

And then, next week, we’ll move into Step #3 in the Mindset Reset Formula. But for right now, type below what do you think about Step #2 and the 5 Spiritual Truths? I’d love to hear from you.

And if you’re interested in more of one-on-one conversations and even a coaching program around the Mindset Reset Formula, check out

We’re launching a brand new Mindset Reset Coaching Program on Friday, May 1st. This is limited pricing and limited seats, so check it out and if you say YES to that, you’ll get a questionnaire from me and a welcome letter and we’ll set up your first private coaching call right away.

Thanks everyone, make it a great day and we’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show!

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055: Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game! Step #1 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step#1 of the Mindset Reset Formula

Change Your Mindset and You Change the Game!
Step#1 of the Mindset Reset Formula

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of the Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

This week’s show is all about harnessing the power of your mind. Yeah, there’s some power in your mindset and during this time, this global pandemic, wouldn’t you agree, it’s like we have a magnifying glass on our mindsets. Where are you in a limiting fear-based mindset and then often or other times you’re in a prosperity abundant mindset.

So, for the next five weeks I’m going to be teaching you my Mindset Reset 5-Step Formula to help you shift from a fear-based mindset to your prosperity mindset. Let’s jump right in.

Step number one of my Mindset Reset Formula is: Identify the duality of you.

Identify your duality. You have a physical nature, your physical body, you’re on a physical planet, and you have a spiritual essence, you have a spiritual nature. And this physical nature has physical beliefs and laws that don’t even exist in your spiritual nature. Next week we’re going to talk about the five spiritual truths in step number two, but this week we’re focused only on your physical nature and the five core beliefs that exist there and how are they limiting you today. So, this week is more about awareness.

I’m going to give you a couple Mind Shift Aerobics to help you do the inner work to shift from your physical to your spiritual nature, but step number one is all about identifying that this exists, you have a physical nature and you have a spiritual nature. The concept to adopt is; you are a spiritual being having a human experience. That’s the concept to adopt. So, if you’re a note taker, write that down, every step, all five steps, they’re going to have concepts to adopt.

So, in step number one, this identifying your physical nature, this duality, let’s talk about the five core beliefs that could be limiting you this day.

Belief number one: There’s something wrong here.

In the physicality, there’s something wrong here, we notice that in that mentality with things dying, the planet evolving and dying, the body evolving and dying, the physicality of us dies, it doesn’t live into eternity. Noticing that and being in that physical realm, that first core belief is true. There’s something wrong here.

Where are you making “there’s something wrong hear” affect your mindset? Are you showing up as a mindset of “there’s something wrong here?” When we know in the spiritual realm it doesn’t even exist. It’s a lie. There’s nothing wrong here.

Sp, core belief number one: there’s something wrong here. No wonder we have so much competition and your brain is wired for survival, so you’re surviving and you’re competing with each other and this is normal in the physical realm. There’s something wrong here.

Core belief number two: My power is outside of me.

So, you’re waiting for him to make you happy, you’re waiting for hat success to make you feel worthy; you’re waiting for that to make you feel whole and complete. You’re looking for success to make you feel enough. So, no wonder we have so much FOMO, fear of missing out. We have FOOPO, fear of other people’s opinions.

Where are you stuck in your physical mindset that your power is outside of you? When that doesn’t even exist in the spiritual mindset, in the spiritual realm. Notice.

Core belief number three: I don’t fit in.

Core belief number three is: I can’t be myself, I don’t fit in. when in the spiritual realm your authenticity is needed to create balance on this planet. Your authenticity, your uniqueness fits in, it’s needed, but in the physical realm we have a core belief that we don’t fit in. So, we try being other people, we’re not comfortable in our own skin, just think of the implications of always feeling like you don’t fit in.

Core belief number four: There’s not enough, I’m not enough.

That’s a core belief in our physical essence, doesn’t exist in the spiritual essence, but it’s a core belief in the physical. And think of how we show up in the world when there’s not enough, there’s scarcity mindset, no wonder we’re so fear-based, no wonder we are like fighting for what we deserve or what we need, because there’s not enough. No wonder we’re stock piling toilet paper, we have this mentality that there’s not enough. This is a normal core belief, you guys, in your physical realm; it doesn’t exist in your spiritual realm.

So, obviously you can see in my Mindset Reset Formula the goal is to move, shift to your spiritual realm, with spiritual truths, but that’s next week. This week is awareness. Notice that this limiting belief that there’s not enough, notice where is limits you. Notice where is has you showing up being rude, stock piling, scarcity mindset, not trying new things, closing down the economy, your economy, your ideas, because you’re not enough, there’s not enough, just notice.

And then finally core belief number five: I can’t change.

That’s a core belief, we truly believe we cant change. This is how we’re wired, this is my nationality, this is what my mom did, this is what my grandma did, this is what I do. This is what my nationality does, this is my lot in life. In our physical beliefs, in our core beliefs we belief that. It’s not true in our spiritual realm.

So, how is this affecting you, my friend? These five core beliefs.

Limiting core belief number one: There’s something wrong here. So, we’re judging all the time.

Core belief number two: My power is outside of me. So, we’re always look for other people to make us feel whole and complete. Solutions or success to always make us feel happy, or fulfilled or worthy.

Core belief number three: I don’t fit in. So, we’re never comfortable in our own skin, when in the spiritual realm your authenticity is so beautiful. You’re made just perfectly, exactly how you are and you bring balance to this planet, but in your physicality, you don’t fit in.

The fourth core belief: There’s not enough, I’m not enough. So, we’re wired at scarcity. Just notice how you show up in the world with that mindset, that physical reality, that core belief that there’s not enough.

And then finally core belief number five: I can’t change, this is my lot in life. “I’m just wired this way, Lisa. I just have this addiction I just…”

Those are the five core beliefs and they actually formed your personality. How you responded, the rules you made up for yourself in your youth, that created your mindset, but that mindset is based in the physicality and it’s not true in the spiritual realm.

So, we’re going to get to the five spiritual truths next week in step number two, but for now the concept to adopt is: I have a duality. I have a physical nature, I have a spiritual nature, and I’m not my body, I’m not my mind, I am a spiritual being having a human experience.

And when you’re noticing this week, you guys, not out of judgment, that’s just you going to core belief number one, “Oh, there’s something wrong here.” No, not out of judgment, you have to become like a behavioral psychologist and just notice, you say, “Oops, there it is!” And you noticed your limiting beliefs, you notice when you’re coming from your fear belief, you notice when you’re in your physicality. “Oops, there it is!” And you usher in so much humor and light heartedness and grace and love over yourself and over everyone, because we’re doing the best that we can with this limited mindset of these five core beliefs.

But next week you’re going to learn how to shift those five core beliefs into five spiritual truths. But for now, notice the duality, bring in your Mind Shift Aerobic: “Oops, there it is!” Lots of humor and light-heartedness. “Oops, there it is…” there’s me being my physical mindset, my physicality, how can I shift it to a prosperity mindset. It’s just noticing, my friend, and having tons of grace over yourself and others.

This is a beautiful time during this global pandemic, which I actual label a global reset. This is our opportunity, you guys, for the globe to reset, the planet to reset, the spiritual realm to reset, your physical nature to reset, your businesses to reset, families to reset. It’s a beautiful time, so let’s create a discipline that you’ll just delve into these five Mindset Reset Formula ideas and principles, and just practice shifting from your physical mentality mindset to a prosperous spiritual mentality.

Make it a great beautiful week and I will see you next week when we go through step number two of our Mindset Reset Formula. Bye for now everybody!

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054: Mastering Your Mind During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Mastering Your Mind During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Mastering Your Mind During the Coronavirus Quarantine

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show!

This week’s topic is all about your mindset. Yes, during this global pandemic, I’m sure you’re very aware of the different mindsets in the people around you. Have you actually considered your mindset and where is your mindset limiting? Where is your mindset thriving and moving into creativity?

Mindset is so important to actually break through fear and limiting beliefs. A mindset—more than skill, positive thinking, because you can positive think all you want, you can follow your skill set all you want and that’s called will power, but if you don’t have an empowering mindset you’re going to get pulled right back to that neutral zone of being paralyzed with your fear, or worrying because you’re watching the news too much, or your believing in the worst case scenario. A mindset can help shift all that.

So, over the next couple of weeks on this Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show, I’m going to be teaching you my 5-Step Mindset Reset Formula. You can reset your mindset. You’re going to discover how your mindset was created way before you had logical thought, before you were seven years old, and you’re going to realize through this formula, wow, how you’ve been duplicating the same limiting beliefs and how they’re actually reoccurring in your life.

You’re going to get present to the original belief, the original circumstance that every human being went through when they were two, three, four, five, when they were developing their personality. You’re going to realize the five-core universal beliefs that helped create your personality and yet how they are limiting now, because they’ve created the mindset of limitation.

What would it look like, my friend, if you and I practiced even mastered creating a prosperity mindset? And empowering mindset in difficult times like this? I’ll tell you what it would look like…

You would stop watching the news so much. You would just chime in just enough to be educated and then you would turn it off. You wouldn’t allow yourself to keep looping around and listening over and over to the truth, the reality of what’s happening. You would listen to it once and you would move forward in your creativity, in your contribution, in your philanthropic efforts, maybe even just in your own self-care and meditation. But we get stuck in these patterns and what is causing us to be stuck, to listen to the news too much, to move into anxiety and even just be paralyzed with fear. It’s a mindset.

And again, no amount of positive thinking or positive self-talk is going to help you move past this fear and anxiety unless you change your mindset. The mindset that you hold right now, it’s the reality of your core beliefs. And I can tell you right now, your five core universal beliefs are limiting and they don’t even exist in the spiritual realm, in the realm of possibility, which is what we’re going to tap into.

So, in this 5-Step Mindset Reset Formula, you’re going to learn how to access your inner wisdom. You know, that wisdom that’s beating your heart right now, that intelligence that’s causing you to breathe in and out without commanding your lungs to breathe, without commanding or telling your heart what to do. You know, that intelligence that’s causing your cells to rejuvenate. What causes a seed to germinate? That’s an intelligence. And in the Mindset Reset 5-Step Formula you’re going to access that part of you that is that intelligence.

In one of the steps, you are actually going to realize where your true power comes from and you’re going to be able to stop looking outside yourself, other peoples approval, other people telling you you’re okay, other people telling you, you can do something. You’re going to decide with integrity and with inner strength and power that you know, wow, my intuition, my creativity, my power comes from within.

In this 5-Step Mindset Reset Formula you’re going to realize, you’re enough, your authenticity, how you were designed, and what your values represent, they’re enough, in fact, they’re needed, they are so needed right now to create balance on this planet.

You’re going to get present to how much you limit yourself because you’re waiting for someone else’s approval, you’re waiting for others to affirm, you’re looking your success, or your ideas, or your results from other people.

When your ideas, and your creativity, and even your results start right here from within, that’s an empowering mindset. And part of this program of the Mindset Reset 5-Step Formula you’re going to realize how connected we are and that the power of unified consciousness, the power of a unified thought, which I call prayer, a unified intention can create miracles. They cause results and we are going to look at science to prove this. You’re going to get access to that unified field, that sense of oneness and connection through a collective prayer.

You’re going to master what you think about and what you allow yourself to focus on. You’re going to get really good at saying, “Oops, there it is!” That limiting thought, that thought of limitation, that thought of blame, “Ou, I want to blame someone.” It’s just a habitual pattern, my friend. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

Everyone, everyone has a mindset of blame until they don’t.

Everyone has a limiting mindset of my power is outside of me, I can’t do it alone, until they don’t.

Everyone needs an affirmation from someone outside themselves, their results, their bank account, someone’s approval, a recognition, an affirmation from someone else, until they don’t.

You are going to learn the “until you don’t.” You’re going to access these five steps and recreate your mindset. And then I’m going to teach you, I call them mindset aerobics, they are literally mindset aerobics, mental mind shifts that are games that you’re going to play on a subconscious basis, to completely and radically reprogram your subconscious mind. To actually believe in these core truths.

I’m getting ahead of myself.

I’m teaching you the entire formula starting next week on the Build Your Belief Show. We’re going to jump into step number one of the Mindset Reset Formula, which is Identify the Duality of You. You’re going to love it. You’re going to love the self-expression, the inner power, the freedom, the creativity that starts to come to you, that you start accessing. You’re going to love how you are noticing, “Wow, I’m at the right place at the right time.”

People are going to collaborate with you that you didn’t even know was possible, miracles, serendipity, the fortuitous, that’s your birthright, my friend. And you just need to align your mindset with that truth and watch how your business, your contribution, even your industry can radically shift for the better, because you chose to recreate your mindset.

But first before we even say goodbye, I want you to evaluate right now. What do you think your mindset is? What is it right now? Would you say that you have an empowering mindset? You’re inspired to recreate your business model, you are empowered to make a difference right now, you are coming up with just genius ideas, and you are even following through on these ideas.

Your mindset is aligned with “We can do this.”

“I’ve been called for such a time as this.”

That’s an empowering mindset. And your behaviors, your reactions, your responses to this global pandemic prove that your mindset is inspiring, and prosperous, and empowering.

Or, are you like me and most of us, we need some help, we got to work on our mindset, because a lot of the time our mindset is limiting. We have a limited mindset, we have a fear-based mindset, we have a scarcity mindset, and so we’re hoarding, “Oh, there’s not enough, we got to hoard right now.”

We’re hoarding our ideas because we’re afraid someone else might “steal” our idea. We are riddled with fear, paralyzed, and some of you are not even moving forward, not even just in your ideas or your contribution to others, but physically you can’t even move, you’ve just been in bed for days. This is no judgment, don’t judge yourself, that’s part of the problem is that you’re judging yourself.

But are you ready to change all that?

Are you ready to go within and identify where those beliefs came from?

And then learn a formula, how to retrain your brain, how to break through those limiting five core beliefs, and how to adopt new empowering, spiritual truth that you can actually reprogram your subconscious mind and embrace an empowering mindset. A mindset that shows up in creativity, a mindset that believes there’s enough, all we need to do is collaborate, and create from those ideas, and get into action, inspired action from those ideas.

Craft a compelling vision that pulls you forward. That you wake up in the morning so excited to apply your ideas, to expand those ideas, to collaborate with others to see those ideas realized.

Yeah, I get it, it’s not what you thought you were going to be doing as of one month ago. It’s a new world, it’s a new normal, but aren’t you a little bit excited of creating something extraordinary in this new normal?

Because you can! You can when you create and empowering mindset.

So, your assignment is evaluate your mindset. Really look at your behaviors. Your behaviors hold secrets. It’s like magnifying glass. Look at your behaviors, how have you been behaving over the last three weeks? Are you hoarding? Are you paralyzed? Are you secluded? And I know, social distancing, we’re isolated, but it’s not the same as secluded. Are you having negative thoughts all the time? Are you just depressed? Are you in anxiety mode? Notice where you’re at and notice the glimpses of hope, the glimpses of creativity, the glimpses of, “I want to make a difference, I want to thrive.” That glimpse of a desire, that little seed of hope.

We’re going to cultivate that and you are going to radically change your mindset and shift your programming. That’s starting next week, so come on back to the Build Your Belief Show and we’re going to start with the 5-Step Mindset Reset Formula with step number one: Identify the Duality of You.

Until next week, do the best you can. You know, you guys, we have never experienced a global pandemic to this measure ever in human existence, we have not. We have had pockets of a pandemic in different areas of the globe, but not to this level, so we don’t know what it’s going to look like. That’s part of a mindset: Not to need to know what it’s going to look like. Not to be attached to what it has to look like. To be completely unattached to that. To be open to anything is possible, but just be very committed, very attached to your well-being, to your health, to your wholeness, to your mindset, to your positive and inspiring contribution, and that all comes from an empowering mindset.

So, I’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show and we will start to craft your compelling vision and reprogram your subconscious mind, so that you can show up every single day with an empowering inspiring mindset. Because when you show up differently, everyone around shows up differently.

So, your assignment for next weeks Build Your Belief Show is to be in the inquiry, just to notice your mindset, notice what you make things mean, notice other people’s mindset, notice limitation, notice prosperity, notice abundance, notice scarcity, notice fear, and notice faith. Just notice, be in the inquiry, and come back next week ready to learn a 5-Step Formula that can radically shift your mindset and help you show up differently in the world. Because when you show up differently, everyone around you shows up differently.

Thanks everyone, make it a beautiful week and I’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show.

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053: How to Conquer Fear in a Pandemic with Lisa’s 5 Fear Busters!

How to Conquer Fear in a Pandemic with Lisa's 5 Fear Busters!

How to Conquer Fear in a Pandemic with Lisa's 5 Fear Busters!

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show!

So, did you check out the ideas around the spiritual vaccine giveaway? Congratulations to eight of you who won—each of you won my $50 Gift Certificate for coming up with phenomenal inspiring spiritual vaccines like love, fun, humor, creativity, unity. Check out everyone’s ideas right there on my Facebook page: Lisa J. Coaching, that’s my business page and I posted everybody’s ideas and videos and pictures of them from around the world. So, congratulations to you and thank you for stepping up and creating some phenomenal and great ideas for the spiritual vaccine for COVID19.

This week, I felt it was truly important to talk about conquering your fear. Yes, there is so much fear and anxiety happening right now because of the unknown, we are in the middle of a pandemic, something we’ve never had to deal with before. There’s a lot of fear. And I’m going to give you five fear busters right now, straight from my Best-Selling book Conquer Fear! but if you want the full arson of my conquer fear ideas, my fear busters, I created a special email mini course just for you, and I’m launching it today at an “I CAN DO” promo rate. Yeah, whatever you can do, I want you to have this resource. This resource, the Conquer Fear Email Mini Course is going to help you learn the fear busters to conquer your fear, soften the anxiety, retrain your brain around fear and anxiety, and help you manage your emotions even better, and boy do we need that right now.

You guys, you know as much as much as I know that fear and anxiety lessens your immune system, it weakens it and we need to build up our immune system, we need to build up our energy on this planet, and that is by conquering our fear and moving into a greater depth of faith.

So, here’s my five fear busters for you.

Fear buster number one: Stop beating yourself up about your fear and anxiety, accept it. So… you have anxiety. So… you’re riddled with fear. I get it. You’re making it worse when you judge yourself or you think you’re the only one.

“Oh, why am I the only one who’s having these anxiety attacks, that I’m riddled with fear?”

Everyone’s having anxiety attacks, everyone’s riddled with fear, it’s just that we don’t have a culture that honors vulnerability, so no one’s telling you that you’re not the only one. Please stop beating yourself up and pour over great amounts of grace and understanding over yourself and others. Everyone is doing the very best we can.

So, step number one is my fear busters is accept it. When you stop judging and even self-loathing in your critical nature, judging yourself for your fear or anxiety attacks, you lessen their control over you, you lessen their power.

So please pour over self-love, become your own best friend though this.

Which leads us to fear buster number two.

What are your self-soothing habits? Yeah, when you were a little kid you learned because you have a human spirit, you learned how to self-sooth. When you were riddled with fear as a little girl or a little boy, you did something, as a little infant you sucked on things. That was brilliant, that was you learning how to self-sooth.

Now, as an adult, what can you do to self-sooth, take care of yourself? Maybe it’s go for a run, maybe it’s take a nap, sleep is a great healer. Maybe it’s take a hot bath, maybe it’s call a friend, maybe it’s be generous and write a thank you card or an appreciation note. Maybe it’s turn off the T.V. Maybe it’s study people in history who you admire.

Which leads us into fear buster number three.

Who do you admire? Who can you emulate? Who can you tap into in collective consciousness and say I want to be more like her, I want to be more like him.

For me, you guys, I think of Jane Austen, the brilliant author that had no voice, was told she had to get married to be valuable, and yet she wrote best-selling books that exist today that are big blockbuster movies, and she died before she even knew how successful her writing is. Jane Austen, amazing.

What about Anne Frank, who was in isolation for just over two years, not just isolation like you and I have to be in isolation, but having to be quiet, not speak, not make a sound, because if they heard her she would be captured and killed. Anne Frank, thank you for your gift, your example of courage.

What about the great poet, Maya Angelou? What about Mother Teresa and her kindness and love for the ugliest of situations, that she was there for people to, in her language, “die with honor.” That moves me to get to be the—she’s the angel of passing over, the angel of death, being with people in their hardest part of life, in their ugliest state. Because you know who she was wish as she helped them pass over and she was just this beautiful space of love for them.

What about Lady Diana? In her insecurity she would bring her beauty to hospitals with the patients dying from AIDS back in the 80s, which now that’s not a death sentence, but back then it was and she was not afraid. She brought her beauty and her insecurities and she served those.

What about Rosa Parks? Who sat on that bus and said no I will not move. I draw great strength from her and her courage and that she had a divine guidance that she wasn’t killed.

I think about Joan of Arc, talk about a divine guidance, she actually said that God spoke to her and told her what to do as she led her men in battle for the French Revolution, and I think she was only 17 years old when she took on that calling as a solider, as a general to lead her French army into battle. Wow.

I think of Mary Kay Ash, who I worked under for many years. Yes, I was a Mary Kay International Distributor and Director, and Mary Kay Ash would stand on that stage in front of 40,000 consultants and she said, “I pray for you every single morning, I pray for you.” Wow, to know that our leader was praying for us made a difference in our lives, not just within our business with Mary Kay, but also in how parented, how we treated others, how we were in marriage. I love Mary Kay Ash and her example. You know she died on Thanksgiving Day, what a special day.

I think about Esther, the Queen of Persia, who stood up to her husband—and do you know why Esther was that king’s wife? Because he had his first queen beheaded, because she did something that he didn’t like. Wow, and yet she, Queen Esther said, “I’ve been born for just a time as this.” And what she did was move the heart of her husband, the King of Persia, to save her people, the Jews, from annihilation. Wow, the courage, the strength of character, the trust in a higher power.

So, these are some of mine, who are yours?

So, fear buster number three is study women of courage, study men of valor, and ask in, what I would call the quantum field, for those attributes to be yours.

And then idea number four, can you emulate you? Yes, you can.

Think back when you were a little girl or a little boy and think when you had courage, you stood up to that bully, and maybe one thousand times you didn’t stand up to the bully, but one time you did. Call out that one time.

Remember when you were a little kid or maybe even a teenager and all your insecurities, I was so insecure as a teenager, but I remember one time feeling so empowered and independent and that was when I went to my grandma’s house, my grandma and my granddad and they liked to sleep in and I got up early, so they would put the cereal down where I could reach it and they had me feed myself. I had never done that before visiting them. I remember I was six, seven, eight, nine years old going to their house and making my own meals for the first time in my life. Now, that might sound silly to you, but I was like this weak little girl, that’s how I saw myself, incredibly insecure, incredibly just not capable, but my grandparents made me feel capable.

Even all those times of insecurity, what was the one time you stood up to a bully? Or you said no? Or you said yes? Or you were kind when everybody was rude. Even if it’s one time, fear buster number four is relish in that one memory of you tapping into your valor, your courage, and focus on that. Stop focusing on the times you were weak, or riddled with fear, or had multiple anxiety attacks, focus on the time, even if it’s that one time, that you were courageous, that you made a difference.

So, idea number five, fear buster number five, gosh, the most important one, is look at fear as a gift.

Fear is a gift.

Right now, we are being given a gift, because fear helps us cultivate faith. Fear helps us cultivate a need for a higher power, for each other, for meaning.

Bill Gates said that the coronavirus is the great corrector and I agree with that. Could it be that we are being given a gift right now with this fear and anxiety, that it is a great corrector for us to evaluate, where am I giving my power to other people, where do I care too much about what other people think about me? Where am I not standing up for myself? And where can I make that shift, that my priorities are aligned with my highest values, and I’m cultivating my faith and rekindling my relationship with God, my creator, my higher power? Admitting that I need people, I need you, and that beautiful access of vulnerability that now we’re given in this time of fear and uncertainty.

So, that’s idea number five: Look at this fear as a gift. It’s our opportunity to correct our values and what matters to us, and even re-correct our vision, our goals, and where we want to be and who we want to be one year from now when all of this is over and we’re back to a new normal, it’ll never be normal, and we don’t want it to be normal, we want the new normal.

User in, come on, we’re ready for you, the future you, the future me, our future world.

So, there are your five fear busters! Again, if you want the full collection of my fear busters, go check out the Lisa J. Coaching email mini course. You can have it for whatever price you can afford. I want you to have it, I don’t want money to stop you from getting this resource and share it with your friends and loved ones.

So, just click on the link below or go to

Make it a beautiful week and we’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show.

Thanks everyone!

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049: How to Overcome the Biggest Fear That Holds You Back! (It’s called Allodoxaphobia!)

How to Overcome the Biggest Fear That
Holds You Back!
(It's called Allodoxaphobia!)

How to Overcome the Biggest Fear That
Holds You Back!
(It's called Allodoxaphobia!)

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What would you say is the number one reason why people don’t set and achieve bigger goals or play a bigger game in life?

Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

So, according to research there’s a reason why we don’t play a bigger game in life and it’s called Allodoxaphobia. That’s a fancy word in behavioral psychology, Allodoxaphobia, for the fear of other people’s opinion. So, another way to say Allodoxaphobia if FOOPO: Fear of other people’s opinion.

Isn’t it amazing how you and I, we could be so on fire about a goal, or a decision, an intention, a dream, and we set that intention, we can even create a business plan, we get started, and then one other person’s opinion can knock us out of the game, or steal our joy, or lower our expectation. It’s crazy that we do that, especially when you realize that the definition, the very definition of opinion is one’s judgment not based on fact or knowledge. It’s not even based on fact or knowledge, other people’s opinions, so it’s not even logical that we allow opinions to deflate us, or to change our goals, or to take anything away from our drive.

But we do this because this problem and this solution has nothing to do with logic, it has everything to do with belief. And if you believe that you get your worthiness, your wisdom, or your acknowledgment outside of yourself then you will forever suffer from Allodoxaphobia. But when you start shifting this belief that your worthiness, your—everything about you, your acknowledgment, your wisdom, your drive, comes from within, then you will never be the victim of other people’s opinion.

But this takes time to work this out, listening to that voice of inner wisdom, or intuition, of just the knowing.

You got to be willing to put your cell phone aside, put your workload aside, turn that T.V. off and spend time alone, in solitude, meditating, listening to that inner voice of wisdom, listening to that voice.

But when you listen to that voice, it’s just like working out a muscle, that voice gets stronger, the intuition is stronger, your inner wisdom expands, but you got to take the time to tap into it and listen to that inner voice.

And when you do you will have the boldness to say when someone voices their opinion, you will say, “Wow, thanks for sharing that, I’ll think about.”

Or you will say, “Hmm, thanks for sharing, I know you care about me, but I’ve got a gut feeling about this and I’m going for it.”

And you will never allow another person’s opinion to alter your drive, your wisdom, your intention, what you want to create in life.

I wish that for you, my friend.

So, make it a great week and we will see you on the next Build Your Belief Show. Bye for now everyone!

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048: Are You Speaking the Wrong Language and Sabotaging Your Success?

Are You Speaking the Wrong Language and Sabotaging Your Success?

Are You Speaking the Wrong Language and Sabotaging Your Success?

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Do you ever wonder why you’re not getting the really big results, the ones you really want? Maybe you’re speaking the wrong language.

Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief podcast and YouTube show.

I’m a Mindset Coach. I love helping people identify and break through their limiting beliefs, their barriers, and radically transforming themselves and recreating their whole life.

So this week’s conversation on the road to do that is all around using the right language, the language of manifestation. And that language is emotions. That language is feelings, crafting a compelling vision with emotion and feeling. Now, I know we need the intellect, we need the head of reason.

So, that would be like setting the goal of, “I want to create an extra $250,000 in business this year.”

That would be a goal like, “My goal is to lose 15 pounds.” Good goal.

That would be a goal like, “I want to live in an ocean front home.”

Those are three great goals, but when you’re speaking your goals and creating a strategic approach around manifesting or creating those goals you’re not speaking the language of manifestation, because the language of manifestation is emotion and feelings. It’s heart-centered, it gets you so inspired, you just jump out of bed at 5:00AM because you get to be this person.

So, what do I mean by that?

Let’s take those three goals, create it in the intellect, surrounded with reason, and I love the head, but we’re talking about tapping into the heart. The language of manifestation. And let’s transform these three goals.

So, the first one: “I want to create an extra $250,000 in business this year.” Well, speaking the language of manifestation it would sound something like this: “Oh my gosh, I’m so grateful for all the clients that I got to contribute to and make a difference for. Isn’t it amazing that my coaching you, my service, my product, created a $250,000 value.”

So, it’s a feeling of contributing to somebody, contributing to another company, or another person in the value of $250,000 US dollars this year.

Another way to speak that in the language of manifestation is, “I’m so happy and grateful that I recreated myself to show up everyday as the person who leads a company, that has over $250,000 in revenue.”

It could be, “I’m so happy and grateful for my team who helped me every single day, fulfill on our vision, our goal of manifesting an extra $250,000 in business.”

So, do you hear the language of manifestation?

What about the goal of losing 15 pounds? That’s a good goal, that’s the voice of reason, that’s the voice of the intellect, but speaking the voice of manifestation it would sound like this, “I’m so happy and grateful to feel so healthy and fit, and experience a body of vitality by dropping 15 pounds.”

“I feel so grateful feel youthful and full of vigor and even sexy in my favorite jeans now that I’ve let go of 15 extra pounds.”

“I feel so proud of myself and happy for the example that I am to my team, to my clients, to my kids, to my spouse that I let go of 15 extra pounds.”

Do you hear the language of emotion serving others, contributing, becoming who you need to be in order to achieve that specific goal?

And the last one, “I want a home, a beautiful home overlooking the ocean.” Great goal. Speaking the language of manifestation that would be, “I’m so happy and grateful for this beautiful home to get to entertain and share this beauty in with my family, and friends, and my clients.”

“I’m so grateful to have created the revenue to be able to pay for this beautiful home overlooking the ocean.”

“I feel so richly blessed for creating this goal and showing up every single day, aligned with this goal, this vision coming to fruition.”

Do you hear how that’s the language of manifestation?

So, this week I want you to look at every single one of your goals and I want you to transform them and speak the language of manifestation. Tap into your heart, expose your emotion, and get in love with your goals, and the person you become because you achieved them.

So that’s your Build Your Belief show this week. Type in below a comment, how are you doing with speaking the language of manifestation, and tapping into your why, your emotions and your feelings of achieving your goals this year.

Make it a great week and we’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief show.

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047: How to Crush Doubt!

How to Crush Doubt!

How to Crush Doubt!

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The number one dream stealer and momentum killer is doubt. Doubt. Doubt creates ambiguity. It’s like yes, I want it… no, I don’t. Yes, I deserve it… no I don’t. Yes, I’m moving forward… no, I suck. Doubt creates ambiguity. Doubt is cousin to fear. When you start watering the seeds of doubt and you let that get in your head and your heart you start feeling anxiety and fear bubbles up.

Doubt is a momentum stealer. Doubt creates ambiguity and fear.

Doubt actually vibrates. Yeah, what’s the vibration of doubt? When you’re out there in the world and you’re sharing and promoting your product or your service and you have an ounce of doubt about if this person is going to say yes, or and ounce of doubt if this person is going to believe you, or an ounce of doubt that can I fulfill on this client or this customer. Any ounce of doubt can be felt. It’s a vibration.

So, how do you overcome doubt? Two ways, number one!

You overcome doubt by getting ahead of it. Yeah, don’t let it even start. Don’t even begin the process of feeding the seeds of doubt and start building your belief. What did you do this morning to create that posture, building your belief, getting present to your vision, speaking your declarations that you’re chosen, you’re up to something that only you can fulfill on and you are called for such a time as this.

So, one way is to get up ahead of your doubt. Another way if your feeling doubt maybe right now, you didn’t get ahead of it. How do you crush doubt? You crush doubt by doing. The opposite of doubt it faith and action. You do something. So, what are you in doubt about? Go do something about it. Maybe it’s should I do that program, go register. Maybe its do I really want to write that book, sit down and start writing the chapters or the table of contents. Do I really want to get in that relationship, or be in that relationship, say yes to the date. It’s an opportunity to start the momentum.

You got to move from doubt to doing. Doubt to doing.

19 years ago, when I wanted to launch my Mindset Reset events, which back then I called the Rich Life Mastermind Retreats. I flew to Paris, France and I put down the rooms on my card, I reserved the rooms on my credit card, flew back to the United States, not one person signed up for my retreat yet, but I had those rooms reserved. And who I became from doing that risk, from doing that action. I showed up differently in my conversations, because I knew what I knew. And what did I know? I had the rooms reserved, this thing has got to go. This thing has got to sell out. My credit card has cash-ola charged on it.

Same thing with the Mindset Resets, that’s the first thing I did. I got on a hotel site, I got on VRBO and I reserved the mansion, I reserved the hotel rooms without one person registered.

So, you want to conquer doubt, get ahead of it before it starts and build your belief, build and cultivate your faith with your mantras, with your declarations, with your quiet time. Get aligned with your vision and who you are for this planet.

But, if you haven’t gotten ahead of it, the only other way to conquer doubt, you guys, is by doing. Get yourself registered, say yes. When you’re registered you show up differently in the world. You’re having some challenges with a family member or maybe your spouse, do something, call that marriage counselor, call that therapist, and make an appointment. Do something instead of just staying in the doubt.

And you guys, isn’t it the same with complaining? We have doubt about our politics right now, we have doubt about where our world is going. I mean look at the top movies that are right here for Valentine’s Day, which is tomorrow, February 14th is tomorrow. Look at the top movies that you can go see, just look at them you guys. I have doubts sometimes about where we’re going as a collective species. And yet when I do something, like I’m taking my mom to the movies             today. She lives 500 miles away from me, but we’re going to go see the same movie at the same time 500 miles away. Because I’m doing something about—instead of just complaining, “There’s no love on the planet, what’s going on with our society.”

No, what are you doing to be the missing piece of love, the missing piece of connection, the missing piece of overcoming anxiety or fear? So, how do you get rid of doubt? You get ahead of it, but if you haven’t done that then you do something to balance out the doubt. You do something to rectify the hate or the ambiguity, or the anger. What are you doing? How are you showing up from doing something different? Doing something that’s bold. Doing something that represents love. Doing something that is an example of bravery. Doing something that represents faith, faith in your future projects, faith in your retreats selling out.

There’s an action that needs to take place.

So, that’s our conversation today. Where are you at? Doubt to doing. So, what can you do today? Type below what did you choose? What was that action step that you chose to do and fulfill on and what were the results? Did you see the doubt start to dissolve? Because that’s what doing does. You’ll show up differently and when you show up differently, everyone around you shows up differently.

Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day and we’ll see you next time on the Build Your Belief Show.

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046: Your Money Mindset

Your Money Mindset

Your Money Mindset

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. On this week’s Build Your Belief show I want to talk to you about money. Yeah, last week I did my Mindset Reset Intensive Webinar on the conversation of money and the conversations and the emails were so rich… Ha! Pun intended—we’re so rich in quality that I wanted to bring it to the Build Your Belief Show.

So, let’s talk about you and your relationship with money. Yeah, I use that word very clearly, very strongly. It is a relationship. So, how are you doing with your relationship with money? When you learn how to transform and to retrain the brain around your money relationship you actually stop having so much angst about it. You release the suffering around money. You release the limiting beliefs and start shifting them. You let go of the heaviness that you’ve made up around the struggle with money, whether you have it or don’t. We’re going to let all of that go with a couple of ideas how to do just that. So, are you ready for this?

Idea number one: Understand what money really is. Money isn’t currency, it’s not pesos or dollars or Euros, it’s not the paper currency I want you to focus on.

I want you to consider that money is truly an idea put into action.

So, you want ten million dollars, do you have ten million dollars ideas? Do you surround yourself with people who can help you come up with and follow through with 10 million dollar ideas. So, money is simply an idea put into action.

Money is also value for value. We know that in the spiritual laws of prosperity on this planet, is that when you are valuable to another person they pay you with what we call currency or money. Value for value. Sometimes they pay you with their value. I have a deal right now that somebody has hired me as his coach and I’ve hired him as my coach, and that’s value for value. So, you want to make more money, be more valuable. How can you improve your skill set? How can you increase your value?

So, two things right there. Come up with better ideas, million dollar ideas, billion dollar ideas, surround yourself with people who have better ideas, and secondly, please, put more value you our in the world. It works like magic, but it’s not magic at all. It’s a spiritual law, that when you give value you get value back, and that value you is and can be monetarily, money.

Another idea I want you to consider is have a set clear money goal. How much do you want to make this year? At the end of this year, what would just surprise and delight you that that’s how much was your net worth, or that’s how much money you brought in, or that was your profit. How much? Be clear with that amount of money. Isn’t it interesting to say, “Oh, we just want a lot!” or “We just want more.” No, creation doesn’t work that way.

Creation loves clarity.

So, how much more? How much money do you want? State that. Get out a sheet of paper, a Word document, a Pages document and write at the top of the page how much you want to bring in this year. How are you upping your value?

Better ideas put into action, but then also a clear goal helps you expose your limiting beliefs.

Yup, this happened for me actually. I did this exercise about 17 years ago, I put at the top of the page how much I wanted to make that year and all the limiting beliefs started coming up for me. Things like my kids are too young, I can’t actually do that much work to make that much money, wait until they’re in school, then I can make that kind of money.

Really? What about collaboration? What about residuals? What about royalties on writing a book? What about launching a coaching certification program like I just did? That’s how you can duplicate your money, but double, triple, quadruple your income. Collaboration.

So, write that amount at the top of the page and notice what beliefs come up for you. Tell the truth. Clean up your money limiting beliefs. What are they? Do you believe that money is good? Do you believe that that scriptural verse did not say, “Money is evil,” it said, “The love or the constant pursuit of money is evil?” But money, that’s what’s paying for churches, and synagogues, and schools, ad better hospital care, and better salaries for the people who teach our kids and take care of us when we need nurses, doctors, and assistance.

So, wow, what about taking a look at your limiting beliefs around money. Writing them out and then replacing them one by one, so that you are in alignment with money coming to you, and you won’t sabotage it. You could up your value, you could think of better ideas, surround yourself with people who will help you create better ideas and keep you accountable to those ideas put in action, but if you have a limiting belief about receiving money, or being a multi-millionaire, or billionaire, then you’ll sabotage your efforts in the long run anyways. So, clean up your money beliefs.

And then the final thought is be respecter of your money. Money, currency is a servant not a master. And for too many of you money is your master, it’s all you think about. I remember when I was super struggling, all I could think about was can I pay my bills this month? Will I be able to make my mortgage payment? What about my kids—they were in grade school at the time, but the struggle that I had—all I did was thinking about money in a limiting way.

So, what about you? Money can’t be your master, it’s got to be your servant.

And here are three ideas you can actually put money in its place, that it is your servant and you are the master over it.

Idea number one, Tell the truth. How much money do you have? What’s your net-worth? What’s your bills? Where’s your budget? How much more money do you want to make this year and next year? Tell the truth. So, being a master over your money means you don’t hide from it. You open up those letters. You open up that bank account online and you take a look at what is the truth about your money. You are your master over your money, it doesn’t master you. You’re not hiding or denying or have fear around your money. You are bold with your money you tell it what to do. You tell it what to do. You are the master, it is your servant.

And the other way that money is your servant is what’s your highest self-expression? Do you love to be a giver? Do you love to help and be of service? Do you love to risk and just launch new ideas and new businesses? All the things that money can do for you to be even more self-expressed. Allow money to be your servant for you being more out there in the world. Being more authentic and integrice.

Another idea about money being your servant is in a story. So, a dad took his daughter into an ice cream shop and bought her a double decker ice cream and as she’s looking at that double decker ice cream, she couldn’t handle it or manage quite well and it toppled over. What do you think that father should do?

He took her back into that ice cream shop and she saw on the side of the store a picture of a little girl her age with a triple ice cream cone. And she said, “Oh, daddy I want that triple ice cream cone.” When she couldn’t even manage the double. And he said, “No, we’re going to get you a single cone, because that’s perfect for you.” And he knew that that was the best that he could do for his daughter, what she could manage.

When you can manage what you have well, you’ll grow into the double scoop. When you can manage that double scoop of your money, you’ll move into the triple scoop.

So, silly analogy, but a profound truth. How are you doing with the money you have, right now? Are you aware of it? Are you having it make more money for you? Do you get assistance, advice, or a coach to help you do so? Are you a good steward with your money? So, take care of what you have now. Same thing in your business, take care of the clients you have now. Do a stellar job with what you have now. And watch when you can manage that single cone, that single scoop, the double scoop will follow.

So, I hope that helps you have a new idea around money. It’s just simple ideas put into action. More money, better ideas. It’s simple value for value. Be more valuable out there in the world with your clients and watch how more value comes back to you. Be the master of your money. Respect it. Make sure that when you get your change back—well, most people credit cards like me, but if you get change back make sure all the dollars or all the currency is faced in the same direction. You are organized with your money. You tell the truth with your money. You know where your money is and how much you have. And finally you have clear money goals and then you notice the limiting beliefs around those money goals and you clean it up. Because the truth is you want more money, money as a servant is an amazing capacity for the master to be, do, and have even more for themselves, for their families, for their community, and for the world. What an impact, I want that for you.

And I’m going to leave you with a final truth. This is the one that helped me make the biggest breakthrough around making more money and receiving more money. And that is this: Money is a magnifier; it simply makes you more of what you already are. Money doesn’t change you, so let go of the fear of coming into a lot money, or more money and it changing you.

The truth is money’s a magnifier, so work on yourself because it will magnify who you truly are.

If you’re a kind hearted, generous force on this planet and you come into more money or a lot of money, wow, you’re going to be even a bigger contributor, a mightier force for good on this planet. But if you’re a liar, and you have no integrity, and you cheat even the little cheat, the little lies, the little lacks of integrity, and you come into more money, money is a magnifier, it’s going to make you more of a cheat, of a jerk, of a person who has no integrity.

So, could it be that God and his infinite wisdom, he’s keeping you safe that you can manage your single scoop right now, that you’re working on your own internal integrity right now. Every day in every way you’re becoming better and better as an individual force, as a person on this planet for good. And when you clean that up—little lies here, little integrity here, I’m doing it for and with myself as well—when you clean that up, just watch the money come.

So, those are my money ideas for you. You can leave your comments below and of course, share it, like it, and help us get the message out building your belief in you, in your ability and capacity to grow your wealth, and that you are and will be an even massive beautiful contribution on the planet with money, your servant, as you the master.

Thanks everybody, make it a beautiful week.

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044: Stop Procrastination!

Stop Procrastination!

Stop Procrastination!

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What if we lived in a world where you had total freedom and you never had to do what you didn’t want to do? We do live in that world. And if you never did what you didn’t want to do you would be unhappy, unfulfilled, overweight, broke, and of no use to society.

Hey everyone it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of Build Your Belief podcast and YouTube Show. I’m a Mindset Coach and I love helping people shift their mindset to help them become more productive, and one topic we need to talk about this week is around procrastination.

First and foremost, stop making it mean anything. Too often my coaching clients, they judge themselves for procrastinating. They isolate themselves thinking, “Ugh! I’m the only one who has this fear or struggles with procrastination or has writer’s block”—so called.

No! Everyone procrastinates. Even the highest achievers have something in their business, in their life, in their role as a CEO, as an entrepreneur that they don’t want to do. And some of them deny it; some of them procrastinate, until they decide to shift their mindset about it.

So, here’s two ideas, your head and your heart. One idea for your head, one idea for your heart, to help you shift your mindset about procrastination. That it’s normal. The only difference between you and someone who overcomes their procrastination is they’ve shifted it in these two areas.

First, do you see yourself as a doer?

Or do you have the self-view as,

“Ugh! I always procrastinate.”

“Oh, I just struggle. I’m just always struggling.”

No, stop it!

You become who you practice to be.

You are who you say you are.

So, start putting markers in your day that you prove to yourself, you’re a doer.

You’re alarm clock goes off you get up. Your running shoes, your walking shoes are right there when you wake up and you put them on. When you walk out to the kitchen to get your hot tea or your coffee, your water bottle is there, fresh water. Your vitamins are set out. You have healthy snacks on your counter to remind yourself you’re a doer, you eat healthy, you work out, it’s who you are.

You put alarms in your phone to remind yourself to stop and breathe, to meditate, to pray, to send a text of gratitude, to feel blessed and highly favored. You remind yourself with alarms, you’re a doer. So, that’s the first one, to actually put markers in your day.

What could you do today to make yourself feel like a doer? I’m a doer, I do this…

Maybe it’s just you sit down and you make that first call. Only one, one call. And what happens when you make one call? Even if that one call you’ve fidget and you get scared and you embrace the anxiety, but you don’t procrastinate. You make one call. Just that act of making that one prospecting call, that one marketing email, that one social media post, helps you get in the zone of “I’m a doer.” So, that’s the first one, you train your brain to be a doer. You tell yourself you’re a doer. You put markers in your day that, “Yup, there it is, I’m a doer.”

The second thing is with your heart, you actually have reasons, emotional amazing reasons that pull you into action and helps you shut down the portal of procrastination. Everyone procrastinates. The person that overcomes that procrastination has a bigger “why,” a bigger reason, and they cultivate that reason. They wallow in those emotions of that dream being realized, of that example that they are for their spouse, their loved ones, their children. Of the feeling that they get when they accomplish their to do list. Of that sense of contribution or who they are when they fulfill on a promise.

What does it feel like to achieve that task that day?

What does it feel like to overcome procrastination and be a doer?

What does it look like to achieve that goal?

And for what reason are you achieving that goal?

That fitness goal—maybe it’s you’ve got that health condition and you want to be the one to walk your daughter down the aisle, and that’s your why. That’s why you get up and get those walking shoes on. That’s your why. It pulls you into action.

If you aren’t tapping into the power of your heart with your compelling reason then you’re missing a lot of fuel, the potential fuel to get you into action and keep you there.

First and foremost, stop making it mean anything. Everyone procrastinates. You do, I do, high-achiever’s, everyone does. The difference is they apply these two ideas, these two habits, to, number one, see themselves as a doer, put markers in your day that you show up as,

“Yeah, my self-view, who I’m becoming, I’m a doer.”

“I get shit done.”

“I do things.”

Progress. Every day in every way I’m more aligned with being a doer than being a procrastinator. And then the second thing is your heart, just tap into that beautiful emotion, and that vision of accomplishment, achieving for that person, for that community, for that country, for yourself, and who you show up for the world.

That’s it. That’s how you tap into this fuel called overcoming procrastination with your head and your heart. Make it a beautiful week, thanks everyone! See you next week on the Build Your Belief Show.

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042: Do THIS to Get More Sales!

Do THIS to Get More Sales!

Do THIS to Get More Sales!

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What needs to precede every sale? What comes before every result in your business or life? Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief podcast and YouTube show. The answer to that question: What has to precede every result? It’s a question, it’s an ask, you actually need to ask for the sale. Too often you’re putting out great ultimate benefits, you’re putting out great content, but you’re not asking for the sale.

Ask, “Are you ready to get started?”

Ask, “Would you like to place an order?”

Ask, “Which Mindset Reset Intensive would you like to register for?”

Ask for the sale.

Why don’t we ask? We don’t even ask the prospect to take a look at our product. Just imagine what it would look like if you just started asking, “Are you open to take a look?” Take that relationship on social media offline by saying, “Can I call you sometime?” Ask!

The reason why we don’t ask is we are too addicted to looking good. We are too attached to that and we’re not willing to accept a no, or too afraid of that rejection. Instead of knowing the benefits of our product, our service, and taking a stand for that person, and sharing those ultimate benefits of our product and service and then asking for the sale. Unattached to what that prospect will say, but very attached to your commitment to share what you know will help that person.

So, the first reason: Too addicted to looking good. Let it go. Let go of your fear of rejection. It doesn’t matter what that prospect says, yes or no. What matters is that you took a stand for them and you asked for the sale, you asked if you could send a video, you asked if they’re open to taking a look.

And then the second reason is a fear of success. We’re actually afraid they’re going to say yes. Because if they say yes, maybe you have a fear of responsibility. Then you have to step up and deliver. Maybe if they say yes and you have fear of money and you’re making too much money. That happens, you guys, there is a real fear of income, money, wealth. And that sabotages—people feel that energy that you’re afraid of them saying yes. So, take a look at that. Where are you in your alignment to; I receive a new client, I can handle this. I love helping people. My product works. I’m a stan for others going on my product, whatever that product or service is.

So, let’s take a look and bring in awareness right now to why you’re not asking. Is it the fear of rejection or is it the fear of success and responsibility? Either one, get outside yourself and take a stand for that other person. You believe in your product or service or you wouldn’t be representing it in the first place.

So ask, “Are you open to take a look? You want to sit down next week?”

Ask, “May I send you a video to learn more about our product?”

Ask, “Are you open to take a look to my retreats?”

Ask for the sale, “Are you ready to get registered? Are you ready to buy my book? Which credit card would you like to put it on?”

You ask for the sale unattached to the result, just very attached to your commitment to sharing.

Alright, so we’re going to have a little contest this week and that is upping your asking. Upping your asking. So, I want you to post below how many asks are you committed too this week? And next week when I post the next Build Your Belief YouTube and podcast show, we’re going to have a winner. And that winner is going to get a very special prize. So, type below in the comments, how many more asks are you committed to making, to asking, to having in your business or life and let’s just see what the results will be.

So if you want more information about my coaching programs, or my Mindset Reset Intensives, check it out at!

Thanks you guys, make it a great week and we’ll see you next Tuesday on the Build Your Belief Show!

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041: Stop the Negative Loop That Keeps You Stuck!

Stop the Negative Loop That Keeps You Stuck!

Stop the Negative Loop That Keeps You Stuck!

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief show. In this week’s show, we are going to play a little game. I want you to imagine you’re in a red hot Maserati going about 150 mph, when you realize that the steering goes out and the brakes lock up, what do you do? What do you do? There is only one answer, what you do is you stop imagining that, notice I said imagine you’re in a red hot Maserati. I know, this little game, this little trick I did on purpose to give you an awareness of how often you think about the worst-case scenario.

Isn’t it fascinating that we as human beings have a propensity that when we pick up the phone to make a prospecting call we think about the person saying no. We imagine them, worst case scenario rejecting us or hanging up. Why do we do that? It’s even just made up in our head.

We could literally create the energy to get a result we want by harnessing the power of our imagination.

So, let’s make a pact you and I in this new year of 2020, that we are going to bring awareness to what we’re thinking about before we pick up the phone to make a prospecting call, before we sit down with a client or a prospect and share our vision, or our pitch, or our marketing vision.

And when we start thinking about the worst case scenario we are going to shift it and we’re going to start imagining picking up the phone and creating a connection, and being clear with our message, where the prospect is inspired and says, “Yes,” or says, “I want to hear more.”

What would it look like if you started imagining those kind of scenarios. I’ll tell you what it’ll look like! It will look like people saying yes to you. It will look like you making the connections, because your word creates your world and if we really believe that our words, our thoughts, our emotions have that much power—and I know you believe that or you wouldn’t even be on Build Your Belief podcast and YouTube station—then let’s get disciplined with our imagination.

So, just imagine you’re in a Maserati, a red hot Maserati going a beautiful safe speed, pushing it just a little bit, having the time of your life, driving around in this car, that your company owner bought you, or that you purchased for yourself with all of your efforts and results in 2020, or that a loved one purchased for you.

Imagine. Whatever you imagine, you literally create the consciousness, the energy, the vibration to attract it.

So be disciplined with your imagination and make sure that you shift it, you catch yourself.

You never watch a bad movie twice! Have you ever sat through a bad movie? And then got up and said that was the worst movie I’ve ever seen, I can’t believe I pad $12 bucks or $20 bucks or $30 bucks, and then go back and watch it again? And yet you do that every single time you watch a bad movie in your head.

So, let’s clean up the bad memories, the negative imagination, or the worst-case scenarios that we allow to loop and loop that negative loop. And let’s catch ourselves, bring awareness to it.

Your imagination is the most powerful, intellectual faculty you have. Let’s harness it and shift it to get it to work for you.

If this message resonates with you, I want you to write down below—type out what you’re shifting, what you’re noticing and the power of your imagination.

And of course, share the podcast or the YouTube station with those that you love. Make it a great rest of the week and imagine the best-case scenario. Love you guys, bye for now!

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040: Let Go of the Baggage! (AKA: The Power of Completion)

Let Go of the Baggage!
(AKA: The Power of Completion)

Let Go of the Baggage!
(AKA: The Power of Completion)

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Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Hanukah week! It’s Lisa J. here and this is the final show for the year 2019 with the Build Your Belief series and we will launch right into 2020 that first week of January. In fact, the coaching program for the Mindset Reset Intensives launches on Monday, January 6th.

But today’s show is about completion. How powerful will it be for you to move into 2020 complete with 2019?

I want you to be able to move over to 2020 having said, “I celebrate 2019 for all that it was and for all that it wasn’t I am complete with that year.”

This is powerful, you guys, you’re bringing no baggage to the next year. You’re complete with what you need to be complete with.

So, what could that be? What do you need to do between now and that clock striking midnight to move over to the New Year, to be complete in your business?

Maybe it’s looking at your revenue, your profit-loss, telling the truth about where your efforts were and what needs to get recreated and expanded for next year. You can’t be doing the same things and expect better results.

What needs to shift in your marketing campaign?

Maybe it’s time to hire a coach like Lisa J., maybe it’s time to come to a Mindset Reset Intensive, maybe it’s time to hire a PA, a personal assistant. Maybe it’s time to delegate that website and you’ve been trying to do it yourself. Maybe it’s time to launch a podcast. Maybe its time to launch that new business. Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to a relationship. Maybe it’s time to clean out that cluttered closet or that office. Maybe it’s time to ask for forgiveness. Or even better yet accept the forgiveness, the “I’m sorry,” that will never come. And accept that. That would be powerful.

Do you know what you create when you get complete with 2019? You create a vacuum. You create space. You create zero-point energy. And what do you have when you have nothing? When you have space, when you have zero-point energy?

When you have nothing, you have everything. You’re pure possibility. You have every possible client. You have every idea. You’re present to every opportunity.

So, what do you need to do this week to clean up and create closure with 2019?

Post below, I want to hear your ideas, I want to draw a line of demarcation for yourself that you will clear out that drawer, clear out that mess, clean up that unresolved problem, forgive that person that will never give you an “I’m sorry,” heal a relationship with your forgiveness, tell the truth about your P&L statements, and see what do you need to shift, what do you need to let go of, what do you need to unlearn… now! Before that clock strikes midnight. So that when you move into 2020, you move into 2020 powerfully, with no baggage.

You move into that New Year pure possibility, unbridled potential, anything is possible. That’s the state I want you to be at when you launch into the New Year and create new goals.

So, with that having been said, you guys, just make it a beautiful, magically Christmas and Hanukah and how ever you celebrate this week and I will see you in 2020. And if you’re still on the fence about hiring me as your coach and coming to a Mindset Reset Intensive, just do it! Just say yes! Get off the fence, your butt is hurting! Now the VIP spaces, those tickets are completely sold out for Fort Lauderdale and for Maui, but there are still Breakthrough Levels. That’s the full two-day Mindset Reset Intensive for all three locations. So, just go to and make the decision to say yes! And I will see you in the Mindset Reset Intensive. First coaching call will be Monday, January 6th. Happy New Year everyone, see you in 2020!

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037: Become More Attractive to Sell More!

Become More Attractive to Sell More!

Become More Attractive to Sell More!

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Hey everyone! What would your business look like if you had more focus? Hi guys, I’m Lisa J. if you want to learn more about me check out

There are a lot of freebies on there, we can connect there!

So, the question, “What would your business look like if you had more focus?” Is really about what kind of focus you want to generate. Because most of my clients, myself included, we fall into the trap of focusing on our results. And when results aren’t coming we feel deflated or we analyze or we get into a funk or we just get hard on our prospects even. It’d be kind of like the gardener who plants the seed and if that seed doesn’t come to germinate in the next couple of days it digs up the seed to see what’s wrong with it. No, what about planting the seed, focusing on the efforts of watering and giving nutrients to that soil, sunlight to that seed and that soil, and focusing on your efforts not the results.

This is a powerful shift in your mindset and that is what I love to do. I love to give entrepreneurs the power of their mind, but then also combine that with the power of their spirit. So, see in that seed there is a spirit to germination. There is a timing to fruition for specific seeds to germinate, just like your business, your clients. There’s a timing and an evolving to them saying yes to your product or service.

So, when you’re focused only on the results you actually create a nervous energy about you. And this light is not attractive and it deflates your relationship with your prospect.

So take a big breath and focus on your efforts.

Being more intentional with your way of being. Maybe one of the ideas is to wake up today and say, “My intention today is to be generous listener.”

“My intention today is to be clear in my conversation.”

“My intention today is to be powerful in my love.”

My intention today.

So, you’re focusing on who you’re being, because guys, that’s the only control we have. And the best news about that is: when you are intentional about your efforts, your way of being, the universe rewards you.

Science, like the law of average, takes affect and you start getting the results that you want.

So, that’s our conversation today. Post below, what do you do to focus in on your efforts, your intentions, letting go of the results?

Can’t wait to hear what you think and again check out and get all those freebies there and we’ll talk soon. Make it a great day everybody.

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036: Stop Procrastination and Self-Sabotage With This Powerful Strategy!

Stop Procrastination and Self-Sabotage With This Powerful Strategy!

Stop Procrastination and Self-Sabotage With This Powerful Strategy!

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So, on today’s conversation, I’ve been totally inspired by my Mindset Reset Masterclass participants. We’re only in week two, but we are creating radical transformations in their businesses, in their lives and we are on track to create their best version of their ideal life.

And one of the conversations we had that I want to have with you, that will really help you overcome limitations, conquer fear, create a powerful posture, that’s a conversation about the vision that you hold for yourself and your life.

Everyone has a vision, make no mistake, you’re already living out the vision that you have for your life and yourself, but what would it look like, what would your life look like if you took the time to actually write out and craft a compelling vision about your future life, your dream life, your ideal life?

Where would you live? Who are you with? What car do you drive? What countries do you frequent? What contribution are you making? What level are you at in your business? How much money in revenue, in profit, do you bring in every single year?

When you can actually get present to those goals and turn that into a vision, and craft that compelling vision that it moves you. It literally recreates who you’re being today. And you’re living into a future you. That’s the power of a vision.

I want to encourage you to take the time—that’s the hardest part in this process is actually finding the time to write the vision, do your dream board—or what I do is, is I create a dream book so I have beautiful pictures of my next Rich Life Mastermind Retreats right here in the book. I’ve already done 15 Mastermind Retreats, but look at what I want to create, the countries I want to take on. And I remind myself of that. I feed that into my subconscious mind every single day and throughout the day. I actually have an alarm on my phone at 11:11 AM every day to take a breath, to stop, and to be with that vision.

Who I need to become to create this vision? And getting aligned with that vision starts an amazing magical process of being in the right place at the right time. Actually aligning with that vision and who I am in that vision aligns me with supernatural powers of incredible wisdom, creative ideas, expansive possibilities, people, partnerships. It’s just magical and I want that for you.

Here are three ideas on why you want to write your compelling vision.

Number one, it actually feeds your subconscious mind—that reticular activating system that’s your filter system, it actually feed that, an address of where to go, what to do, what to notice, what to focus on. So, it’s giving you a bulls eye, it gives that subconscious mind an address, a bulls eye, an end result, and your subconscious mind needs that. It’s messy. Your conscious mind can get messy and you start ambiguity.

“Do I want it? No, I want this, I want that.”

Or you start lack of focus. And the power of a compelling vision is it gives your conscious and your subconscious mind an end point, a bulls eye, an address just like a GPS, telling it what to focus on.

“This is who we are. This is what we’re up to.”

And when that happens, wow, things start clicking, you are actually—I call it inspired actions. You actually start aligning—you get promptings. Go call that, go do this.

So step number one, or benefit number one of a compelling vision, is it gives you a focus. Powerful.

The second benefit is that compelling vision actually releases chemicals in your brain that create, that gives you energy, that gives you a new found access to creativity that actually gets results faster. It shaves years off your learning curve. It shaves years off your productivity curve. You have this powerful ability to release chemicals.

So, when you can shift from fear to focus, from insecurity to knowing—that’s what a compelling vision does, then you stop excreting the chemicals that stop you in your brain and you start excreting these chemicals that give you energy.

Let’s name these chemicals; It’s actually called DOSE, that’s what psychologist call it. First, dopamine. Dopamine is a powerful energy that it is a chemical of anticipation. You just can’t wait. Like, “I can’t wait to get on the phone and invite my next prospect to take a look at my vision. What’s up for our company, if this aligns with them. I can’t wait to make a difference here.”

This is a powerful retraining that your brain can release these chemicals in your body to feel that anticipation.

The second chemical is oxytocin. Oxytocin is your natural chemical in your brain. What does it do? It literally gives you the feeling on connection. You are connected with that person. It actually gives you a unified sense. We are all one. We are all moving forward. Every day in every way we are evolving. Oxytocin is a beautiful chemical that your brain releases when you’re focused on things like your vision, on compelling visions.

Then, the next one, serotonin. Serotonin is an energy. It actually gives you this release of unfound energy that can actually help you finish that work out, move forward, push through something. This is a natural way to move your body forward.

And the last one, endorphins. This is your runners high, your just feel so elated because, wow, this is happening, this is who you’re becoming and then you start seeing proof of this in the world. You start acknowledging your compelling vision and giving conscious attention to your way of being and who you’re becoming, and wow, you start seeing results.

You start attracting people who want what you want. You start getting more yeses. You start seeing results in your life and then you justify your compelling vision. This is you releasing these chemicals by focusing on that compelling vision.

So that’s the first one, gives you direction. Second one releases all these beautiful natural chemicals, and the third one. Oh, you guys this might be the most important one. And your compelling vision that your disciplined to meditate over, to create an intention everyday of who you’re being as your future self calls you into this new way of being. You’re literally recreating your personality.

And what is a personality?

A personality is simply a set of thoughts, a set of beliefs, and behaviors, habitual behaviors. So that personality got you to where you are today. Thank you personality.

And now to get you to that next level you need to become a new persona. You need to recreate your personality. New thoughts, new behaviors, and new feelings, new emotions in your body. And we get to do that. So the third benefit of a compelling vision is it’s you partnering with your creator. I believe that that divine part in you, that created you, that’s beating your heart right now without you telling it to beat, that’s digesting your food, that’s causing your lungs, you to inhale and exhale, that’s recreating your cells right now without you telling it to do that. All those unconscious beautiful actions that are going on in your body right now. That part of you that’s aligned with infinite intelligence, infinite possibility. That part of you gifted you life and it sustains your life. It gifted you waves of possibility.

As Neal Boor and even Einstein calls it, it’s zero point energy. When you have nothing, you have everything. Every possibility. Now, there’s a problem in that isn’t there, because with humans it’s like us going into a candy store and we just want everything and we turn into gluttons or we can’t focus because we want it all.

A compelling vision is the gift that you give back to your creator that you’re doing the work. The focused inner work to focus on that compelling vision. To obey those inspired actions that come from focusing on that compelling vision. To become the person that that vision is calling you to become. That’s focusing and turning that energy, those waves into matter. Focuses particles. That’s our job. And we get to do that with the power of our mind, with the power of our chemicals in our brain to give our bodies stimulants, and with the power of partnering with that unified field.

You are not alone in this, my friend. You are partnered with many many people who are also tapping into that unified field to create a new reality for themselves and what they want and then they know in their victory, standing in their victory, they give others permission to be victorious too.

Will you take on that belief today? When you win, everyone wins. When you are victorious, everyone is victorious; everyone has that example of victory. Own that, you’re called for such a time as this. So harness your focus and you do that by crafting a compelling vision and meditating over it. Rising up every single, being intentional of your day, creating your day before it begins, meditating over that crafted vision of your ideal life. Your desires matter. They pull you into a new way of being. A new more evolved way of being. What a beautiful example for your family, your children, your cousins, your up line and down line, your business partners. And what a beautiful contribution you give back to your creator who gave you infinite possibility.

Thanks everyone! Take on crafting your compelling vision and live into it everyday and I will see you in victory.

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035: Is the Fear of Success Holding You Back? (How to Breakthrough the Poppy Syndrome)

Is the Fear of Success Holding You Back?
(How to Breakthrough the Poppy Syndrome)

Is the Fear of Success Holding You Back?
(How to Breakthrough the Poppy Syndrome)

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Hello everyone, its Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of Build Your Belief!

Today, I want to talk to you about the Poppy Syndrome. If you are from New Zealand or many parts of Europe there is a saying called the poppy syndrome and what it alludes to is when you get too successful people will come over and chop you down like a tall poppy.

And I had this truth shared with me from one of my clients who just received a very high-end job and in that high-end position the first person she wanted to share it with was her parents so she called them and her mom’s response was this, “Oh, I’m so happy for you and so excited for that you got that job, but oh my gosh how is that going to land for your sister? I feel so bad for your sister that she’s going to feel like she’s…” and fill in the blank. And the mom actually proceeded to tell my client to be careful to not get too successful, as it might be competitive or a realm of competition for her sister.

Wow, that’s the poppy syndrome. And I don’t know if it’s tradition, I don’t know if it’s just mindset in family, I don’t know if it’s generational, but this is a reality for a lot of people that they think, “Oh, I can’t be too successful because I’ll hurt somebody else.”

What a limiting belief, so instead of seeing it that celebrating someone’s success the person will feel jealous or not enough or,

“Oh, they got the good promotion, so there’s no good promotion for me.”

“Oh, he found the love of his life, so love doesn’t exist for me.”

Like we live in a world of limitation? No. There is an unlimited supply my friend and when you can start owning the space of when I win, everyone wins.

When I get a promotion at work that gives my family, my siblings, my friends, my colleagues the vision of what’s possible for them. And I’m not talking about the person who just kind of flaunts it in your face; I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about somebody who has a goal, sets a goal, achieves the goal, and can experience that level of success.

So, don’t ever be the person to put a blanket on your success or to hide your celebration or your success.

When you win, everyone wins. You are the reason, your example could be the reason that your sibling steps up and decides to risk as well, or follow their dreams as well.

And it is not your responsibility, my friend, to feel the burden of your success in that poppy syndrome conversation.

And the last part of this – I experienced this last year, today is the anniversary of the Paradise Fire. Yeah, November 8th, 2018. Today’s November 8th, 2019 so we’re heading up to Paradise right now, my family and I. In fact, I’m standing in front of their new home in Chico, California. They never really wanted to live in Chico, but now they do and they are grateful for what they have. Now does that mean that they take away from other people who are still suffering and who are dealing with PTSD possibly or just the loss of a loved one. 85 souls died in that fire.

It doesn’t take away from the grieving of another one when you feel grateful for your healing or grateful for your blessing of a new home. Do you hear that my friends? So, never apologize for your blessings or your level of happiness, your level of success, not in a way of flaunting it, but in a way of gratitude.

When I win, everyone wins, and in that vibration, in that space you are a great contribution, your success is a great contribution. Your blessings are an example of God’s goodness.

So last year, Jeff and I flew out to Lake Almanor and we had a party for my sister-in-law Marissa. And I brought champagne and I brought balloons, and I posted it on Facebook three days after the fire I had a friend reach out to me and said, “Lisa, you’re incredibly insensitive. How rude of you to be celebrating at a time of this with so many people hurting.” And I’ll tell you when I saw that post it hurt me. It hurt me to the core, because I’m like, “Oh my gosh, am I hurting others, because my family feels grateful to be alive?” Because my family is celebrating Marissa’s birthday and believe me Marissa did not want to celebrate her birthday. She had just lost her home, she was in shock, people died, but I didn’t apologize for that. And I didn’t, what’s the word, you guys, just to the best of our ability, my whole family we did not dim our light, we did not dim our gratitude for being alive and for celebrating Marissa’s birthday and for celebrating the reality that we’re safe and we’re alive.

It doesn’t take away from the person who lost their life in that fire, it doesn’t take away from the person who is still grieving to this day one year later for you to be successful or for you to feel happy, or for you to feel grateful or fulfilled.

So, today’s message is about owning your responsibility for success. Owning your responsibility for happiness and do not allow the poppy syndrome to dim your light or to stop you from creating or causing happiness, your goals fulfilled, a level of success, your celebration.

Yes, in a balance and with a heart of contribution and understanding other people that—hey, people are suffering still and if they don’t want to go to Paradise celebrations today or the Paradise memorials today, we honor that. You honor that. No judgment here, but then they shouldn’t be judging me as well. Right? Let’s usher in this new realm of no judgment. Everyone’s at a place of wherever they’re at and we can accept that. And don’t put a damper on your happiness or your celebration or your success and really stamp out this poppy syndrome mentality. It’s got to go, because when you win, everyone wins.

That’s my message for today. We’re heading up to Paradise now to yes, grieve with those who are grieving. Yes, stand beside those who are suffering. And yes, celebrate with those who are celebrating life.

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034: How to Utilize the ENERGY of Words to Create Results!

How to Utilize the Energy of Words to Create Results!

How to Utilize the Energy of Words to Create Results!

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Hey everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief show. We’ve been talking a lot about the importance of your environment both your internal environment and external environment. This week I want to talk to you about the energy of your words and how words—they can create a different state change. How important they are for your environment. How important they are in what you attract and who shows up in your life. All with the power of words.

And just think about it. Think about if someone is dealing with an illness or a disease and the words most likely that they are saying are things like medicine, doctor’s visits, fatigue, nausea, and these words hold energy. And maybe you’re dealing with some frustration in your business or your financial circumstance or with a relationship and the words you’re using with that person or over that financial situation are things that hold energy, where you can actually shift the energies in your circumstances, your problem, what you’re up to transforming by the power of your words.

You can use words like well being, whole and complete, integrity, love, connection, supernatural, beauty, joy, whimsical, funny, willing.

Words hold energy and just by you speaking those words and feeling the emotions, feeling the energy of those words, could you tell that you altered your state?

Think about the power of two words like, “I do.”

Your whole life could change just by the two words “I do.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

“I believe, I believe.”

Just by two words.

Thank you. I do. I believe. Just ask.

I’ve been studying a lot of marriage books now that I’m married and I haven’t been married in a long time so I need some training on the subject and one of the things that this marriage book said is to say or to ask a favor of your spouse by using two words, “Will you…” Instead of, “you know, honey, you need to take out the trash or honey, this needs to be done or hey, did you remember to pick that up or could you go get that at the store. No, just, “Will you…”

“Will you go do that for me or will you take out the trash. Will you stop by the store and pick some cream. Will you. Will you open this wine bottle for me. Will you…”

Here’s another two words that hold energy, that hold power, “Let go.”

“Let go.”

“Just breathe, just breathe”

And another important two words, “no way” or “hell no”

These words, I mean you want your daughter to say, “hell no,” in the backseat of a car when she’s on a date, right?

Words are power. Words hold energy. And just by you meditating, which the definition of meditation is becoming familiar with…

Just by you becoming familiar with the energy of these words through your practice, through meditating over these words, for saying these words, for feeling the energy of your words, you can alter your state. You can create something new. You can radically transform every day in every way.

Make it a great week and if this intrigues you, you guys, check the freebie that I just launched for you all it’s called The Breakthrough. If you want to have your breakthrough in an exercise that I did, oh gosh, 22 years ago, in fact, I talked about it on Randy Gage’s podcast if you were watching that he interviewed me. Then I want you to do this exercise as well. And you just go to and I will send you your freebie, your free breakthrough to start your journey into radical transformation and creating the life you love.

Make it a great week, bye for now everybody!

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033: Your Environment Is Making You Fail!

Your Environment Is Making You Fail!

Your Environment Is Making You Fail!

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Hey hey everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of Build Your Belief. I’m super stoked to teach you the lesson of this week, because I’ve been applying it to my own business in life and so has all my clients and the Mindset Magic Coaching Program and we have seen extraordinary results and that is the power of your environment.

Reading Bruce Lipton’s book, “Beyond Belief” and also his latest research around epigenetics, which is basically proof that the environment causes disease not the genes, it’s the environment that triggers the genes. I took that to heart and I said, “Wow, if our environment can cause disease, can our environment cause us to produce less, or to be less rigorous, or less creativity?”

And the answer is yes! There’s scientific proof around this.

So let’s switch that and say, “I’m going to own my environment. I’m going to clean it up with my environment.” So, the first thing that we did is we took our external environment and we cleaned it up. We decluttered. I decluttered office space, closets, garage, that infamous junk drawer. I cleaned up everything and organized everything.

Wow, how you do one thing is how you do everything.

And when I just cleaned it up and decluttered it was really just like 15 minutes each day and over time I started to feel just more creativity, more aligned, better clarity.

So, the first thing is declutter your environment. Your environment matters.

The second area of your external environment is bring in beauty. Beauty, flowers, artwork, natural light, plants, a card or a letter that you received from a loved one, or a client that inspires you, and just surround yourself with this environment. Take yourself to inspiring environments.

Environments matter. Beauty heals.

And you know, I do believe this too, that we know we have chemicals in the brain and when you see this beauty and see this organization and you’re surrounded in an environment that inspires you and you’re feeling those feelings of inspiration, you’re actually triggering– your brain is releasing the happy chemicals like dopamine and endorphins and oxytocin. You have the power to do that with your environment, external environment.

And now let’s talk about internal environment. Yes, your most predominant thoughts. What’s going on in that little head of yours? Those predominant thoughts literally create your belief system, which creates your personality, which creates your life. So, in psychology we call it metacognition: you think about your thoughts. So take some time right now and just think about, what are your limiting thought that you have? Your habitual thought that you think about all the time? These are killing your progress and the solution is just to bring awareness to it.

Think about what you’ve been thinking about and then consciously choose to shift that thought.

If your predominant thoughts are thoughts of stress and “I’m not enough” and “I got to get this done” and “She’s not good for me” and “I can’t forgive him” and any kind of resentment or stress or lack of forgiveness or worthiness issues, self-loathing. All these thoughts add up to one big mess inside your head. So, let’s clean it up. Clean up that internal environment and bring in that level of awareness and the choice to shift your thought.

You are only the created being that has the power to choose one thought over another. Utilize that and just watch your results.

So, the message is about cleaning it up. Your environment matters. Bring in beauty, clean up your external environment, and clean up your internal environment. Make sure that your thoughts, which are creating your beliefs, they’re empowering, they’re inspiring, and if they’re not it doesn’t matter, you guys, it’s okay, just catch yourself and the goal is that you catch yourself faster and faster. And you shift that limiting thought or that negative belief into a more inspiring and empowering one. And I promise you over time you will completely recreate yourself and when you recreate you, you recreate your results.

Make it a great day and we’ll see you on the next edition of Build Your Belief!

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031: Accept Your Abundance Now!

Accept Your
Abundance Now!

Accept Your
Abundance Now!

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And we are coming to you live from Bath, England! Look at how beautiful all of the abbey’s and churches– the gorgeous architecture. There’s over 37 churches and abbey’s in Bath, England. Bath was founded in 837 BC, yes, before Christ. Founded by a swine herder. Yes, his name was Bladud and apparently he had leprosy and because of leprosy he was ostracized from community and became a swine herder. And when he came to Bath in 837 BC, before Christ, he noticed that even his swine’s, his pigs had leprosy, but he noticed that they were getting healed when they played in the mud, and you all know that Bath is known for its minerals in the water. And then the Romans 900 years later came and opened the Roman baths and found healing for their disease and ailments. Isn’t that amazing, you guys? What and open mind, what a miracle, what a fortuitous event that Bladud would be here and notice the healing of his swine’s and then he healed himself as well, just from the minerals in the mud, in the water in Bath, England.

So, it makes us pause, I want you to think today where have you closed your mind to something miraculous happening today? And where could you open that mind and open your heart to something amazing? To the serendipity, to the fortuitous of life, to being at the right place at the time? And that mean you need to step out of your routine, step out of your comfort zone and travel and go to new places. And even in your own routine of life be ready, be willing to receive something extraordinary, to receive something out of the ordinary and that’s my message for you today. To really expand your mind that something amazing is going to happen today.

Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in the physical realm.

So where are you allowing something incredible to come to you today, to be admired, to be aware of, to notice something that you wouldn’t have noticed before had you not created the mindset of the amazing is going to happen today and you guys it’s so funny too, because just as I was coming out to film this in front of this Cathedral or in front of—they don’t call it cathedrals—in front of this abbey, the doorman welcomed me and said, “Good Morning!” and I said, “How are you?” and he said, “Well, I’m alive.” And I said, “Well, that’s a good thing.” And he said, “Well, it could be better.” And I wonder, that’s a mentality of a lot of people. And interestingly enough that’s the mentality of a lot of people in the UK, because of the monarchy and they have a lot in life, they don’t have control over making their life better and that old mindset is still in many of the people from the UK.

What about you? Do you believe you have control over your future, by making choices today—this is about a mindset—making choices to see opportunity, to be the one that notices something, that discovers something, that the miraculous happens to. Being the one, why not you? Why not today? So make it a great day discovering the unusual, being in the right place at the right time, being open to the serendipitous and to the fortuitous future called your life. Make it a great day in Bath, England!

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029: Breakthrough the 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back! (Part 1)​

Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back!
(Part 1)

Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back!
(Part 1)

Hey hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another show! Anyone who has read my books or worked with me in my coaching programs you know that the core of my message is change your beliefs and you change your results, and change your results and you change your life. So if you want a radical transformation in your life you need to look at your core beliefs.

What beliefs no longer serve you? What limiting beliefs are holding you back? And that if you put the effort, the daily focus into changing those beliefs, wow, look at how liberating your way of being would be. Look at your confidence level; notice what you’re attracting.

I believe there’s 5 core limiting beliefs, but I want to talk about just two in this week and then next week we’ll cover the last three. So the first two core beliefs—I believe every human being has because I believe we have dual natures. We have a spiritual nature and we have a physical nature. And just to exist in this physical world, because we have a physicality we have to believe these 5 beliefs, but they’re limiting when you talk about quantum physics. They’re not true when you’re working in the realm of quantum physics and they’re not true in the spiritual realm.

So, the first one is, there’s something wrong here. Yeah, I’m sure that right when we were birthed into this world coming from that womb and even before that if you believe you had a nature before that. Wow, you came from abundance, you came from perfection and then all of the sudden BANG you’re born into this world of physicality and of course you’re going to believe there’s something wrong here, but when you’re talking about quantum physics and even behavioral psychology there’s nothing wrong here.

There’s nothing wrong here. Any hardship you’ve gone through, any failure you’ve experienced, you were meant to experience that. It was to expose and to craft and to polish the best version of you.

I often wondered why did I have to go through a divorce? Why did my family have to experience a break up of a family? And as soon as I released that why, as soon as I accepted the reality of getting to—getting to experience divorce and who that made me become, who my children are because they’ve come from a divorced family. I relish in the privilege of that hardship. And you can too, any hardship.

I’ve lost three homes in 2008, when we struggled in that real estate downfall and I can remember judging myself and like, “God, I’m so bad with money and I’m just not good at investing and how could this happen. It’s so embarrassing. And here I am a professional speaker.” And it was so embarrassing and yet as soon as I accepted that that was part of my life experience—I was supposed to invest in those homes and lose those homes. And what the benefits, wow, the lessons learned about investing and things I’ll never do again that I did back then.

So, what could you take on today to actually in the core of your being accept that reality that there’s nothing wrong here. There’s nothing wrong here. Everything is happening in your life just as it’s meant to. And as soon as you release the meaning—you’re making your failures or struggle or success—as soon as you release the meaning you’re making it. You create an avenue of possibility, you create a whole new realm of confidence and trust and faith and good energy.

So, core belief number one that we’re radically shifting is there’s nothing wrong here. There’s nothing wrong here. I take on the saying, “c’est comme ça.” The dog’s barking right now, c’est comme ça. It is what it is. I work at home and the dog lives here. So c’est comme ça, it is what it is.

Oh, you guys, when you can embrace this truth—and this is a core belief so it’s going to take some focus and some effort on your part to identify where you’re making thing wrong, identify where you’re struggling where you don’t need to struggle. Identifying where you’re judging yourself and others when you don’t need to.

I talk to my coaching clients all the time in sales, you know if you’re getting seven, eight no’s every time you get one yes you can start creating a mindset of a no person. And you start expecting a no. You got to guard against that. You got to guard your heart and guard your mind. I’m a yes woman; I’m a yes man. People want what I have. It doesn’t matter that the reality is showing that you got a no, and a no, and a no. You’ve got to train your brain for a yes, there’s nothing wrong here.

You know, they did some research that it used to take—well let’s see if you can guess. How many advertisements of your product or your service did you need to share and show to the world before you got a response, a sale? Back in the 1980s, it was four. Can you guess what it is today? Moving into 2020? It’s sixteen. So you wonder you share your product of service with somebody one time, two times, never again. No wonder your sales are struggling. You need to be willing to continue to share what you believe in, your service, your product. It takes sixteen contacts with a person that doesn’t know you. So sixteen advertisements, sixteen requests, “Hey, would you like to take a look?” for you to get a yes. Wow. We have to acknowledge that reality and not make it mean anything that we’re getting these nos.

So, belief number 1, there’s nothing wrong here.

Belief number 2 is, I’m not the center of the universe. You’re born into this world and your parents taught you to share right away. You’re born into this world and a lot of times you had to cry and self-sooth yourself. And your mom and dad weren’t right there, which is a good thing. You learn to self-sooth yourself. But then you make it up that you’re not the center of the world and in the spiritual realm that is not true.

You are the common denominator. You are the source of everything that you’re attracting.

And some people don’t want to see that or admit that, do they? Because that means that you got to tell the truth that, “Wow, why am I getting such negative friends or negative circumstances or hardship right now. Or so many just difficult era in my life. Why am I dealing with an illness? Well you are the source of everything, my friend. Everything is a mirror. Everything is a mirror. So whatever you’re receiving and getting in life you got to look and say, “That’s what’s within me.” Everything’s a mirror.

Another way to say that is we are magnets. You are the source, you are the center of the universe. And I know in the physical world we’re not the center of the universe, we think of others and we understand—I’m not saying don’t give and don’t help others, but I am saying it’s all you. You are the source of everything. So take that on, that’s a beautiful privilege. So when something happens, good or bad, you say, c’est comme ça. It is what it is. There’s nothing wrong here and, “Huh, who am I being today that I attracted that?” Hm, who am I being today that that goodness came to me or that that challenge was in my life today? Who was I being today with that person?

Oh, you guys, when each of us can take that on and we have our own responsibility to align with our best self everyday throughout the day to align with the responsibility that we get to have, that we are the source, you’re the magnet, everything’s a mirror, you have power. And when we all take that on in our own responsibility, in our own realm, wow, everybody taking care of themselves, taking care of the responsibility of their own alignment, no blame, no more blame. What would the world look like if there was no more blame?

So those are the first limiting beliefs I’m going to ask you this week to work on. And that is, there’s nothing wrong here, c’est comme ça, I accept it all, I don’t judge it, I don’t make a meaning of it, I receive it, I accept it. And the second one is, I am the center of my universe. I am creating it all and that’s a good thing and let’s honor that beautiful gift and really do the work to align with our best self.

Make it a great week, we’ll come back next week and talk about the other three.  

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028: Boldness Gets Rewarded!

Boldness Gets Rewarded!

Boldness Gets Rewarded!

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Boldness gets rewarded!

Hey everybody, it’s Lisa J. here! Welcome to another Build Your Belief show. This week I got a question for you. What would your business look like if you were 50% bolder? Yeah, if you chose today to take on that your goals are going to be bigger and bolder, that how your being, your personality, and your intention, and your belief is going to be even 10% bolder—because we know that boldness gets rewarded.

I think about one of my clients came to me almost 10 years ago and she had the bold audacity to say she’s going to take on the continent of Africa. Yeah, she wanted to bring her company and her product to the countries of Africa. And she had self-limiting beliefs, she had doubts, just like we all do, but she pushed through that doubt because she feed her boldness. Her goal was bigger than her self-doubt. And today, almost 10 years later her company has launched all over countries in Africa and she’s made a difference for the women, for the families. In fact, she even wrote a book about it.

So, what about you?

What would it look like if you chose to expand what’s possible for you? Your goals coming into this New Year were 10% bigger, 20% bolder than you’ve ever set.

What would it look like for you?

Next area is your own self worth and your own belief in you. What would it look like if you took on the belief; “boldness gets rewarded” in your own self-view?

I think about a client that came to our Costa Rica Mastermind Retreat—I’ll never forget the day he called me and said, “Lisa, I have a challenge because I can’t get the Visa.” Apparently, he had a reputation or some kind of a legal situation in America and he was denied his Visa and yet that was years ago when this was happening. And I said to him, “Who are you today? Who do you create yourself to be now? It doesn’t matter your past. Some of you are holding onto your past—I love airports and there’s a reason why I’m filming here. And some of you haven’t let go of your old self-view of the mistake you made, of the business failure, of the divorce, of the ailment, of the health condition. You haven’t let go of that financial struggle and it’s time to be bold and recreate a new identity, and live into that new expanded version of you.

Yes, you’re going to feel a lack of confidence. I feel a lack of confidence every time a set a goal, until I don’t. I feel complete imposter’s syndrome every time I set a big goal, until I don’t. So this client came to me with that challenge, “I can’t go to the retreat, Lisa, because I can’t get the Visa and I was denied the Visa.” He had already purchased his airline ticket. And I said, “Who do you create yourself to be now? Who are you now, not the past?”

And he spoke his mantras of his new identity and who he was living into, this new created version, even though he had a past, even though I guess even somewhat of a criminal record in the United States. But it’s a new day and he was a new man and he knew that.

And so I said, “No, go call the consulate, go call the travel agent, go call the Visa office in your country, with that mentality.” Showing up as that new created being, and he did, and he came to the Costa Rica Mastermind Retreat. I was so moved when he got there, I can remember he had to fly in two hours from where the retreat was and he had to drive in a rental car at night and he didn’t get to the retreat until two in the morning. And one of the happiest moments of my life, truly, in career-wise, was when he called me from that lobby and said, “I made it, I’m here.”

And that came from a decision he made that he’s not his past, he’s going to recreate himself, even though he had this very big challenge, and that can be you too.

I don’t know what you did in your past and maybe you’re holding onto guilt. I don’t know what you’re struggling with, of loss, or what you’ve made that mean, but you can recreate yourself and boldness gets rewarded: boldness in your goals, boldness in your self-view.

Your business will grow as fast as you do, my friend.

So you need to take it on that you’re the one, you’ve been called for that big goal, and you can recreate yourself and everyday in everyway you’re growing into that new version of you. That you’re in alignment with the person who lives the life you choose to live.

And yeah, I know it’s a future you, but you’re going to get inspired by that future you. You got to believe that you can change and transform who you’ve been in the past and recreate yourself today.

So, my message for you is, boldness gets rewarded: boldness in your goals and boldness in your self-view.

And I’m filming from and airport because Jeff and I just returned from lunch in SLO. And it has always been my vision and my goal that I would be a pilot and I could fly myself and my friends to lunch, or to dinner, or to the opera. It was a fantasy that I had. Who knew that when I had boldness to move to California from Florida, sell my things, my house sold, move by myself, thank God my three children were supportive of that and encouraged me, and I landed in California not knowing where I was going to live or what my life would be like, but boldness gets rewarded. And within seven months I had met Jeff and now we’ve dated, got engaged, and been married for a year, and he’s the pilot.

Your dreams can be your reality, but it starts with you being so bold and audacious that you take on that goal and that you say, “Why not me?” And you expand that version of who you can be so that your goals, your future goals are aligned with that new and improved you. I want that for you, my friend.

And if you want help with this, we’re launching that new coaching program. It launches in just a week! Mindset Magic Coaching: daily intention calls where you’re going to learn my principles on a daily basis to recreate yourself everyday in everyway you’re expanding what’s possible for you and who you’re being every single day. I want that for you. So go to or just click on the link below and I’ll see you in that program.

Make it a great day guys!

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027: The Two Don’ts and The Two Do’s of Success

The Two Don'ts and
The Two Do's of Success

The Two Don'ts and
The Two Do's of Success

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Hey Everyone! Lisa J. here and today on our show, we’re going to talk about the two don’ts and the two do’s of setting and achieving your goals. And I’m right here in Paradise, California and I’m inspired by this amazing growth here and the rebuilding that’s happening here after the Camp Fire on November 8th, 2018. It’s only been ten months you guys and look at this, this growth. Most of the lots look like that. Which means it doesn’t look like much, but that’s a lot, because what it had on it was a burned down house and burned out cars. So the clearing of the lots here is extraordinary, the greenery is amazing. New just regeneration of the foliage: grass, trees, plants. It’s quite impressive to see how nature regenerates itself.

So, I want to share two don’ts and two do’s that I’m seeing the community of Paradise—wow, so beautifully giving an example of. But before I do, I want to share with you guys, that if this message resonates with you and the principles that I teach you every week on my YouTube show and on my podcast, if it resonates with you I want to invite you to some private and personal coaching in a new coaching program that I’m launching: Mindset Magic. We are getting ready for a brand new year, what a way to partner with me and the other like-minded participants from all over the world. We have five countries represented so far and there’s still time for you to sign up. It does include daily intention calls with me, so I know that’s a lot, and that’s intense, but if you’re up for that I want you to go to and check it out.

Now, let’s talk about two don’ts and two do’s for you to move forward powerfully in your goals, setting and achieving. The first don’t is do not believe in your past.

Here in Paradise there are not putting their focus or their belief or their not resonating in the difficulty of what they went through, and that is tough, they lost everything. My parents lost everything. My brother, my cousins, my community of Paradise high School friends lost everything. My parents lived in their home 48 years, but they are not looking back at what they lost. Don’t look back at what you lost, don’t resonate in the pain anymore of that loss.

Choose today, that today’s a new day, a new day of moving forward.

So don’t get stuck in your past. Don’t believe in your past and the other don’t is don’t do it alone. Don’t get stuck in your past alone and don’t move forward alone. You need a community. I remember when I was dealing with moving forward from my divorce I had a counselor and I did therapy and I got help. Building my business, I wouldn’t be able to do it without my coach Randy Gage. Don’t do it alone. Right even now, I’m moving into even more of a social media platform, I wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of my team, with Eolyne Arnold and Sarah Young and Alycia. Extraordinary. So, don’t do it alone.

So the first don’t: Don’t rest on your past, don’t believe in your past, don’t get stuck in that resentment or that pain. You know when it’s time to move forward. And you might have to push yourself to move forward. You might have to just constantly shift, “Oh, I’m focusing on I lost my house that I lived in for 48 years. I’m focusing that I have nothing. I’m focusing on he left me. I’m focusing on they passed over. I’m focusing on loss.” And then you have to shift that. That’s up to you, my friend, everyday, every moment to monitor what you’re your resonating with and what you’re thinking about and then don’t do it alone.

Here are the two do’s: Do believe in yourself. Do believe in progress. Do believe that you’re divinely guided. Do believe in nature’s way of saying,

“Wow, I’m going to bless the brave. I’m going to inspire the mighty. The ones that step up and write that imaginary line of demarcation.”

So do choose and choose powerfully. I choose to recreate myself. I choose to set this goal. I know, you guys, that when you’re setting those goals you are transforming the planet, because that goal will cause you to transform yourself. So, the bigger your goal, the more you’re going to expand and become a better person, and that’s helping the planet expand as well.

So, I’ve had too many clients tell me, “Lisa, don’t you think I should just be grateful for what I have and not expect more.” Well, it’s not one or the other my friend.

You’re grateful for where you are and it is the human condition to expand, it’s the spiritual nature to expand.

So, of course you want to set another goal, and you want to water those seeds of desire. That’s what expand you, that’s what expands the human condition, that’s what expands the human spirit in this world. So, yes do believe in yourself, believe in your goal, let yourself be divinely guided. Do look for that expansion in you and that gift that when you win, everyone wins. When you achieve that goal, everyone benefits. You write that Best-Selling book and you are making a difference for the world. You set that goal and achieve it, you’re making a difference for everyone in your community. So, do believe in yourself.

The other do is, and I love this one you guys, this is so powerful. This is what the Mindset Magic Coaching Program is all about. Do set an intention every single day. Be intentional. Set the intention that today we’re going to get this much done. Today I’m going to get this one thing done. Today, I’m being a woman of possibility. Today I’m being a man of gratitude. Today I’m being contribution. Today I’m being powerful.

Whatever your intention is, how are you going to show up for the world? Create it every single morning. Because if you’re not recreating yourself every single morning and you’re just waking up going about your day and you haven’t set the intention for who your being, what you’re going to accomplish that day then life is having it’s way with you. But you can actually have more power in your control to actually decide every morning, “I’m being…” and who are you being that day. “I’m creating the possibility of achieving that goal, that task, that To-Do.” Gosh, you guys, it’s so powerful to set the intention and then your past isn’t dictating you and even your present isn’t dictating you. You know what’s running you and dictating you and pulling you, not pushing, pulling you like a magnet, what’s pulling you is that future you. The better more expanded version of you. The version of you that’s achieved its goals. You had that goal to create that income and that income gave you the opportunity to help others, to build orphanages, to rebuild Paradise, and that is what I’m seeing in the workers here.

Now there is a camp just 4 miles out of Paradise called Man Camp – Woman Camp, and they are dedicated, they have an intention everyday with how much work they’re going to get done that day. How many lots they want cleared that week. And they have given their lives to do that, those workers. They’ve left their families and their homes and they’re living 4 miles away from Paradise in what we call— I mean you can see all their fabricated homes, all their cars are there. That’s their pop-up community until this town is rebuilt. That’s creating an intention. That’s a line demarcation.

So, right there you got the two do’s: the line of demarcation, write it, make that choice, make that decision. And then the do number two, that sounds funny! To do number two is create the intention everyday. Every single day. Who are you being that day? What’s your goal for that day? And you’re living your life intentionally and it’s not about being so strict with your discipline that you don’t enjoy that, you do enjoy that because you get to, you’re choosing to. So if there’s a task you don’t want to do, delegate it and that’s how you’re being intentional and you’re not doing it, you’re delegating it. Or shift your beliefs about it and you powerfully choose to make that phone call. You powerfully choose to complete that task.

And if you’re thinking metaphysically, just imagine the energy— everything is energy, the energy that you’re putting toward your life. The energy that you’re creating that goal with is with such beautiful energy.

Just like nature, it’s happening, you’re divinely guided, it’s happening in alignment. It’s happening with your intention.

You are aligned with your goals, you’re aligned with your purpose, and you are just being the most beautiful version of you. That future you calling you to become better. I want that for you.

So, that’s our show for this week, taken right here from Paradise, California and inspired by all the people. You guys, who are recreating and rebuilding Paradise, California. Alright, love to all of you, make it a great beautiful week!

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026: How to Manage Physical Limitations with Grace and Power!

How to Manage Physical Limitations with Grace and Power!

How to Manage Physical Limitations with Grace and Power!

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Hey Everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another show. I’ve been filming my shows from all over the world and I decided why not in the middle of the lake in Lake Almanor, California on a hydro-bike. Yeah, look at this little thing. You just peddle like a bicycle and you can go all around the lake with these beautiful views.

And the conversation I want to have with you today is all around mindset with your own ability to do the things you used to do and maybe having to alter some of the things you used to do. Whether you’re suffering with an injury, or you’re aging and you can’t do the things you used to be able to do. I know with myself I was an avid runner and just running 5, 7, 10 miles a day is not in the cards for me anymore. So I’m finding great joy in running maybe only 3 miles and then power walking, but let me tell you I didn’t do that gracefully. Like that’s challenging for me. Letting go of the reality of, “Huh, maybe I can’t do 10 miles anymore.” But maybe I can and some days I can.

It’s a mindset about finding that balance of still pushing yourself, but receiving reality with grace and beauty and dignity.

And I’ve seen that in my mom and dad, because this is the lake that they grew us up in. We would come here every single Summer. This is Big Cove Resort in Lake Almanor, California and my parents always had a Hobie Cat, a speedboat for water skiing, a fishing boat, kayaks. My dad was always on the water. And now in his 80s, he sold the fishing boat, he sold the powerboat for skiing, he sold every boat except this little paddling, 1 mph probably, of this hydro-bike and this is his joy, to be on the water at this speed. And I’m sure it’s challenging for him, but I’ve watched him and my mom receive limitations with grace and with ease, but not losing that powerful mindset of, “Hey, I love the water, so maybe I can’t water ski anymore, how can I be on the water?” And finding this as a solution.

So, what about you? How are you doing with finding that balance in receiving reality, but yet not giving up on what you love to do. Maybe altering it a bit, but not giving up, not letting go, and just finding your new way, your new reality of enjoying what you’ve always enjoyed, but maybe just in a different capacity. And I know you know what that area is for you.

I want to encourage you to receive that truth with grace and dignity, but then also just find another way.

Push through, find another way to enjoy what you’ve always enjoyed maybe in a different capacity. So, here I am on this beautiful lake not water skiing with my dad, but enjoying the slow pace of a hydro-bike. So enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Almanor. Make it a great week, we’ll talk next time!

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025: 4 Ideas to Build Your Global Business

4 Ideas to Build your Global Business

4 Ideas to Build your Global Business

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Hey Everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition whether you’re watching this on YouTube or listening to me on my podcast I welcome you to this week’s edition and hopefully you’re on YouTube so you can see this beautiful picture. This is where my office is this week. And I want to chat with you about how you too can create this kind of freedom. And I work with three international clients, three different time zones this morning. And you know it wasn’t always this way. I had to build this and I built this with intention, and I’m going to share with you on this episode what I did and what you can do too.

4 ideas. 4 steps to creating your own personal freedom. Financially and as well as time freedom that I can be up here in Northern California. This Lake is called Lake Almanor. My parents have a second home up here. They lost their full-time home Paradise, California in the Camp Fire, but we just found them a home in Chico, California so we’re moving them in this week. But I still have to do business so I’m up here, my little office right here overlooking Lake Almanor, but again it wasn’t always like this. I had to build up to this, just like you need to build up to this.

So here is 4 ideas for you to build up to your own personal time freedom and personal financial freedom. Number 1, first and foremost, become an entrepreneur. Yeah, become an entrepreneur or at least a freelancer. So, you run your own time, you run your own schedule. Now, please know when you choose to step out of your corporate job or step out of a teaching job possibly, I don’t know, you’ve got to do both for a segment of time. You’re going to work harder then you’ve ever worked. You’re going to work harder on your new business more then you would if you worked for an organization. That’s just the way it is. It takes a lot of effort, fuel, and time to launch a successful entrepreneurial business. So please know it’s not an overnight success. It feels like it though, because you’re going to be working at it, working at it, just like pumping water from a well. You’re pumping and pumping and exerting all that energy and then all of the sudden, wow, a gush of water comes out and you’re just holding onto the lever and just maintaining that water pressure, just like success. So, here’s the first idea, it is to decide, and to set those goals and to create that vision board, and to know your decision. Creating that clarity in your heart and in your mind.

That’s step number one, but along with that is and having morning rituals every single day. Morning rituals that set your posture for who you are.

I am a thought leader. I am a successful entrepreneur. I am a global leader. I am running a company that’s international.

That was my goal back, gosh, 19 years ago, you guys. And this morning, my coaching calls and my Zoom calls, my webinars they were from Paris, from Ambsterdam, from South Africa, and from Israel, Jean that’s you. And what a joy that I have an international business, it wasn’t always that way. Here’s what I did.

Step Number 1, I decided and I created that line of demarcation. That line in the sand that this is who I am, that this is what I’m up to, and I supported that decision and still do with morning rituals. I write in my journal, it’s sitting over there, every single morning. This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. I will rejoice and be glad in it. And I create the posture, the mindset, I sense my contribution even when I’m feeling insecure that day. Like, who am I to contribute, who am I to have an international business? All those doubts still come up for me and I retrain the brain in the moment everyday throughout the day to establish my posture and maintain that level of confidence.

Who am I? I’m a child of God. I am divinely guided. I am equipped. I am capable. I want this and that desire is my fuel. I love helping international clients. I love learning about their culture. I love being on the phone with them and it’s 10 o’clock to them and its 12 noon to me. And then I love going over to Europe and to South America and to Canada and visiting my clients. I have a client this Monday, Labor Day, coming in and staying with me to two days, that’s you Annette, from the Netherlands. She was my client; she came to the Florence Mastermind Retreat. She was my client for about a year and a half. What I joy to have her stay in our home this weekend with her daughter. I’ve stayed in her home as well a couple of years ago.

So, bring those thoughts and those visions to life with your imagination in your memory everyday, rooting your desires and substantiating your goals with vision and that heart connection of, “Wow, I get to do this. I’m called to do this. This is what I really want.” And just watch what you start attracting. So that’s step Number 1, you guys, did you hear that? It’s decide and then support that decision with morning rituals and daily habitual patterns to keep yourself in that posture.

Step Number 2, daily routines. Daily routines with formulas. So a couple of my daily routines, I did things like it was top of mind. Everywhere I went. I can remember one time I was in a Zumba class and I was just sharing with everybody when we were done with that Zumba class, “You guys, I’m launching international in London.” And I didn’t have one client in London, I just wanted to go to London. So I’m like, “I’m launching international in London, who do you know in London?” And you know, they’re getting done with the Zumba class and they’re all, “Oh, I’ll think about it” or whatever. Somebody comes up to me and says, “Lisa, I would love to help you with that. I know somebody in London.” Another lady came up to me and said, “Lisa, we just moved here from another part of the UK, I can help you with that.” And next thing I know I had those contacts from those two gals that were in my Zumba class, which brought me to London that Summer, this is three years ago, and now I have a thriving team there and coaching clients there for both businesses. Both my direct selling business and my coaching and consulting business. That’s just because it’s top of mind. I tell people everywhere I go. I’m launching internationally, who do you know in Japan? Who do you know in France? Who do you know in Germany? Who do you know in London? You need to have that top of mind and you’re sharing that, you’re marketing yourself with everybody you meet and just watch at how people want to help you.

The other thing that’s formulaic—Now, do you see, that’s a formula? That’s a habitual pattern of mine. I do that everywhere I go. Another formula of mine is I share a lot. Free content. This is a free content. And I talk about my next Rich Life Mastermind Retreat in Paris, France Summer of 2020. I talk about—I go on podcast guest appearances, I do YouTube stations for my competitors or other colleagues of mine and that helps me market myself and get the word out. While, yes, I’m contributing to others, you better belief it, that’s a business strategy, because I’m sharing about my next mastermind retreat. I’m talking about my next online program that’s being launched. So who could you partner with that you have them on your podcast as a guest or YouTube station show and you are on theirs?

Another part of my formula, I write a lot. I’m a guest writer for different blog posts. Again, getting my message out. Now, that’s up to you to ask who do I know that I could reach out to and say I’d love to be a guest host on your podcast or your YouTube station, or write and article for your blog and may I at a bio at the end with my website and share my next whatever I’m up to. So that’s a formula that I do every single day. When I’m focused on sponsoring and inviting for my direct sales business I am inviting everyday. For the last—well since January of 2019 I pulled back from my direct sales business and I’m just enjoying that residual income. Thank you, God, for residual income. If you are in a direct selling organization I want you to work your tail off to get that residual income in, because that— you do the work once and you truly get paid forever. I love that business model. I believe in direct sales. And so but if I were actively growing my team right now I would be inviting a specific number. For me, it was only 10 a day, but never less then 5. Sometimes it was only 5 a day. 10 a day 5 days a week, that’s 50 new prospects, every single week. Can you imagine if you were committed, dedicated to that — that’s what I was committed and dedicated to for a short period of time. I would say 3 years max. Now that– for some of you that sounds like a long time. I didn’t grow with crazy speed like some other people did. I grew, I would say, more slowly and consistently, but I was consistent over about 2 ½-3 year period to the point I had residual income that I’m still enjoying today 19 years later. I joined my company 19 years ago, Life Matters. And I’m still enjoying that check today. Yes, we’ve been acquired by Young Living so that is our company, but again if I were actively promoting and sponsoring I would be inviting a certain number of people every single day.

What about you, do you have your bottom number that every day you will invite that many people just to take a look, just to take a look. So do you hear? These are systematic approaches, these are formulas. Another way of formula is your way of being. Like I said it’s top of mind for me to talk about product, my service, launching London, or going to the Paris Rich Life Mastermind Retreat. This has to be a formula for you. And I know what comes up for you because it came up for me and it’s imposter syndrome. Like, “Wow, who am I to have a global business?” Well who aren’t you to have a global business? 

It’s just time for you to step up, be bolder, trust your confidence, trust you’re divinely guided, and start sharing your intentions, sharing your goals, and believing more in yourself. Cultivating your faith in yourself, and cultivating the faith in your goals.

And then the last thing is every evening doing an evaluation. Just between you and you. Where did I miss the mark today where I could be better tomorrow? Where did I really knock it out of the park today? I’m proud of myself, I did that, I accomplished that, I held that conference call with confidence. I retracted when I made a mistake and said I was sorry. I made those phone calls when I promised myself I would. I wrote that blog post and I was a guest appearance or a guest host. Whatever it is for you that you set your goal, you evaluate at the end of the day. Don’t forget that you guys, that’s so important; your own personal evaluation. And then you end that day with this, this mantra, “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better. Every day in every way I’m getting closer and closer to my goal.”

So, what’s your goal? Financial freedom? Time freedom? Creating a tribe of amazing people internationally, globally, that you can go visit around the world? Be willing to do the work, be willing to create those morning rituals that creates your posture to go out in the world. Have it be top of mind and share it with everybody. And then in the evening doing your own personal evaluation.

So those are my tips for you as an entrepreneur. I’m going to go and enjoy this beautiful day here in Lake Almanor and thank you so much for being a part of my tribe. See you soon guys!

(Correction: Lisa launched her Life Matters business 9 years ago, not 19, as started in this video).

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024: How to Let Go of Struggle and Allow Your Success

How to Let Go of Struggle and Allow Your Success

How to Let Go of Struggle and Allow Your Success

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Hello everyone and welcome right here at the Louvre! I want to walk down here and show you one of my very favorite statues. I’m right here at the Tuileries Gardens in Paris outside of the Louvre and when I came here almost 17 years ago after my divorce, I found this one statue right here—I’m reconnecting with this statue from 17 years ago. This statue actually helped me heal. It’s a simple statue of a woman holding out her hands, being receptive. And that is how I felt after my divorce and going through hardship of just trying so hard, forcing things, making things work, making my business work, coercing people to join my company. Just creating so much turmoil and strife in trying too hard. That this statue was the message for me to say,

“Lisa, just surrender, just surrender. Trust that you are divinely guided. Know your talents and your worth. Hold out your hands and receive. Receive what God has for you, receive what life has for you.”

And that was the moment, literally that moment that you guys, right here in front of this confirmation of being receptive is when my life changed. I had a radical transformation in just being open to the divine and not pushing or coercing or forcing things anymore.

It is counter-intuitive, especially if you’re an A-type personality like me and you know you got to work. You got to get things done, you got to be proactive, you got to step up and charge. And yet that energy is so defeating and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work long-term. That’s where willpower, you just use your willpower to get to the gym, willpower to build your business, willpower to make your relationships work. Instead of a more feminine approach, a more receptive approach, with just knowing who you are, knowing what you want, having clarity in your vision, knowing your gifts and talents, stepping up and being that woman, that man, that would attract the life you want and allowing for serendipity to occur. Allowing for the fortuitous and the miracles and the rich blessings of life. And then receiving them with a grateful heart and being so filled with gratitude and a willingness to share in those rich blessings.

So that’s another reason why I wanted to film right here in front of the Louvre in the Tuileries Gardens and that statue. To ask you how are you doing with that? How are you doing with knowing who you are, knowing what you want, you have clarity around that vision, around that lifestyle, and you have clarity around your gifts: what you’re willing to share, what you’re willing to do on a daily basis to grow your business, to share your opportunity, but then just show up with the receptive posture. You don’t have to force or sell yourself you just show up and watch who gets attracted to you and who wants to listen to what you have to share, who wants to enroll in your programs, partner with you in business, date you and maybe marry you.

But truly it comes from that stance of being receptive and being the force that’s more spiritual then even mental.

It comes from your soul, your spirit that you just know who you are and what you want and the rest is being taken care of. And you are an open vessel to receive it all. And then when you do receive it and it occurs because it will, you share it with others. You’re grateful. You know you were born to be blessed, to be a blessing to others. Make it a great day, we’ll talk soon!

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022: Fear is Your Green Light to Go!

Fear is Your Green Light to Go!

Fear is Your Green Light to Go!

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Here’s reality number one: Fear isn’t going away. Fear doesn’t go away. Even just last week when I’m in Prague with Peter. We’re just done – on a high – we just finished our Versailles Mastermind Rich Life Retreat and we’re creating the new one for Prague and he says, “Lisa, we need to step it up. We need to have these retreats in the Four Seasons.” And I’m like, what do you think is happening? I’m like, “Oh my gosh, I don’t know, Four Seasons?” And I’m feeling the gut of fear. It doesn’t go away. Can you receive that truth and be okay with that?

Because fear, when you change your beliefs about it, can actually be your green light to go! Do you get that?

When you can shift your belief about what fear is and our relationship to fear you can actually shift the reality that that’s your green light to go.

When your sensing fear, you’re like, “ Wow, I must be onto something awesome. I might be—I just must be on something cool. This just must be the road for me because I’m feeling fear.”

Because if you’re not feeling fear darling, what’s going on in your life? What’s happening? Nothing’s happening. Nothing outrageous. Nothing of a contribution.

So, can we receive right now, you and I, that we’re going to shift our beliefs about fear and see it as our green light to go. That this is normal to feel fear. It’s normal to feel it.

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023: Failure Is Part Of The Process Of Success

Failure Is Part Of The Process Of Success

Failure Is Part Of The Process Of Success

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What’s the words and the thoughts that come to your mind and your heart when I say the word “failure?” Failure. Failure. What are you thinking and feeling? Yell it out? Loneliness. Excellent. What else? Failure. Embarrassment, criticism, judgment.

Now, here’s the reality. Until you shift that, your subconscious will come in and cause you to sabotage your success, because it just wants to keep you safe.

So, we got some work to do, because I want to stand up in front of you and I want to say the word failure and I want you to say, “Failure is my road to success, Lisa. Failure is the stepping-stones to everything I want, Lisa. Failure is my green light to go, Lisa. I’m okay with not looking good. And failure comes less and less to me as I get better.”

I want you to befriend failure. I want you to befriend fear. Educate your subconscious so that when fear comes up it’s like, “Oh cool, this is my green light to go.”

When you have a failure you’re like, “Wow, I just did a huge leap towards success.”

Do you see how liberating this is people? This is what you got to do. You got to work on the subconscious to shift your beliefs about fear, failure, and success. The three biggest culprits that keep us from everything we want.

When I come to you I request that you stand up and I request that you hold the microphone. Why am I requesting that of you? So you can be seen and heard and your words are valuable. And when you value yourself other people will value you. So we’ve got to stand up for these kind of things. And if you are valued as a person, people will value you. So value yourself, stand up and take the microphone and speak. Oh, now she’s on the spot. Okay, go for it darling.

Attendee: I’m Karen from Tennessee. The first thing that came to my mind was when I was little my dad was really successful but he was never around. And I have four strapping young lads and I’m devoted to and I want to be around, but I also want to be successful and I can have both.

Okay, Karen. Excellent. This is a good reality for her and that was for me too, because the number one thing I said in Bermuda is my goal in life is to have happy healthy grandchildren. So, I want to leave a legacy for even the grandkids, not my own children. And I have the negative belief that if you’re successful you can’t be a great parent. So, do you see the dichotomy? It’s all internal. So, of course I couldn’t be successful. Of course I couldn’t. Because your subconscious has only one job to do. Guess what that one job is? Bring about whatever you believe and keep you safe. That’s its job and its very good at it.

So if you have any kind of negative belief in you, your subconscious is going to show up and shatter your efforts, because it’s just trying to keep you safe. That’s its job and you’ve been telling it, “If you’re successful you’re going to fail as a parent. If you’re successful no one will like you. If you’re success—

So whatever negative beliefs you’ve been feeding yourself, your subconscious holds and its job is to keep you safe so it will actually cause you to sabotage.

But that’s the good news: realizing that. Because then all we need to do is, again, internal work to shift the mindset, change the beliefs, and educate the subconscious.

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021: Two Habits That Attract More Prosperity and Happiness

Two Habits That Attract More Prosperity and Happiness

Two Habits That Attract More Prosperity and Happiness

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Hey! Hey! Hello everybody! It’s Lisa Jimenez here! I promised that I would give you 10 ways to enhance your happiness. I’m going to give you a few just today in this video. And the very first one – you and I probably guess what that is – it is gratitude. We both know and science has proved that when the mindset is full of gratitude it is a powerful energy.

Gratitude is a choice.

So, are you ushering in gratitude today? What are you grateful for?

Here are some ideas. Grateful for where you live, who you are, for all that you are, and all that you aren’t. For all that you’ve created and all that is about to get created. So, first and foremost: gratitude.

Grateful for even your foibles or even your areas of growth.


Grateful for the people in our life. Grateful for the potential people coming into your life.


The second on is progress. Yes. There is a huge energy and benefit in how you think, how people show up for you, how you show up for the world. When you can bring in the excitement for progress, science and behavioral psychology prove it over and over that when a human being just knows they’re getting better, things are getting better, they’re on track, it’s that whole element of progress.

When you can focus in on progress and your conscious mind your subconscious mind follows with even better ideas.

A great sense of purpose. A great energy to move to move the ball along. Right? To keep the ball rolling.

So, maybe you’re not at your ideal weight right now, but here’s some language for you. Here it is. I am grateful for that I’m on track for… See? So tying in gratitude and progress. I’m grateful that I get to even have this goal. I am on track for a weight loss of 15 lbs or I’m on track to create my multi-million dollar business or my billion-dollar business. I’m on track to attract my next big leader. I’m on track to create my ideal life.

So, it’s this whole thought element of progress. And isn’t it so true that when we accomplish the goal we celebrate? For about 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 days? And then we have a sense of, “Okay, I’ve plateaued, what’s next?”


Progress is such a powerful energy and it can actually usher in tremendous happiness for you.

But it’s all about how you look at progress. Do you see it that you haven’t quite made it yet or wow, you weigh that much, or you have that much more to do, or— You see? So flip the switch. This is a choice that you make. It’s a powerful decision and it will bring in such a great level of happiness for you. And it is that progress is what drives you. So, I’m on track to be my ideal weight. I’m on track to create this.

So, gratitude is the first habit that you could usher in today. Habit #1 for happiness: being grateful. And actually taking—I have my journal right here. I write in my journal every single morning what am I grateful for. I write in my journal throughout the day, even in the evenings. I actually write—this is kind of cool you guys. This is a habit that I started about 3 years ago. I write every single day what surprise blessing occurred for me that day. So I can actually open this journal and go back a year ago, old journals, two years ago, and see what happened every single day. This element of surprise. This serendipity. Maybe it’s something that somebody gave me. A compliment. A gift. Maybe it was something that I did for someone, but I actually have it written down. That’s a powerful habit that I’ve created in the realm of gratitude. It changes you.

So will you take that on? Maybe you don’t have to be as disciplined as me and write it down every single day what supernatural event happened for you that day or what element of gratitude you have that day. But what if you did that once a week?


Another way, again, to be extremely happy and to usher in new levels of happiness is to focus on progress. It’s what drives the human condition. Right? That we’re moving forward. That in every day in every way we’re getting better and better. You’re getting so close to the achievement of your goal.

So, those are the two ideas. I’ll create another video in the next couple of days with some more ideas, but right now just focus on that. And I want to hear how you’re implementing this. So, type below and post how you’ve decided to track your gratitude, track your progress. And shift, retrain your brain, shift what you’re thinking about that you just become a person of gratitude. You become a woman or man who focuses on progress, because every day in every way you’re getting better and better.

There you go guys, two ideas for happiness. Have a great happy day.

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020: The One Word That Kills a Dream

The One Word That Kills a Dream

The One Word That Kills a Dream

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What do you think is the one word that is the biggest dream killer? Or momentum stealer? I believe it’s the word “How.” When we’re so focused on the “how”—like if you’ve gotten a dream planted in your heart, a vision in your mind of where you want to take your life, of where your company is going and you’ve been gifted this vision? The biggest detriment to achieving that vision and having the synergy to attract the like-minded people that will help you move that vision forward is the word “how.”

Because then you’re going into your intellect and it can be deflating, like how am I going to attract all these leaders? How am I going to make those sales? How are we going to bring this company or this family or this life to the next level?

The word “How” has its place, because we do need a strategic approach to achieving any goal, but I do believe the word “how” is also a big dream stealer. It keeps you from the synergy, the posture of the inevitability, of the spiritual realm to achievement. So if you were to just shift a little bit from the how—how is that going to happen? How am I going to attract those leaders? How are we going to make that financial goal? How are we going to upscale or upgrade our company, our lifestyle? To the realm of “what if?” What if I was called to be the one to create that company? What if we were the company to bring our industry to a whole new level of integrity? What if we were called to have a family that other people models and follows and wants to be like? What if?

You know, I love the quote that Russell Wilson, the quarterback for the Seahawks, would always say, and his dad gave him this, “Why not you? Why not you, Russell? Someone has to be the most valuable quarterback in the NFL history, right? Why not you, Russell Wilson, why not you?” So I take that example that that dad taught Russell Wilson and I apply it to myself. Why not me? Why not you? Why not your company? Why not your family?

Maybe you are called to be the one to transform your industry, to transform your company, to transform your family, and to bring that company, that family, that community, that country to a whole new level.

Don’t focus so much on the “how,” trust that you are divinely guided.

Focus on the calling and creating that inevitability, that posture, that spirit of the inevitability and watch how doors open for you. Fly open for you. Watch how you start attracting the people, the ideas, the opportunities to advance your vision to the next step, the next step, and the next step. Don’t be so attached to the “how.” Move in and tap into the synergy of the “what if,” the posture of the inevitability.

You’re the one. You are called for a very specific purpose, identify that, align yourself with that truth, and just watch what happens for you today.

Make it a great day you guys!

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019: 3 Ways to Discover Your Purpose and Live With Passion!

3 Ways to Discover Your Purpose and Live With Passion

3 Ways to Discover Your Purpose and Live With Passion

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Hey guys! Welcome, it’s Lisa Jimenez! Today we’re going to be talking about passion and making sure that you’re following your purpose.

So, how do you discover your purpose? What are you passionate about that could be aligned with your calling on this planet?

My personal belief is that I think that we have a lot of different purposes, but for this specific edition let’s talk about just discovering specifically your purpose right now.

There’s 3 ways to do it.

First and foremost, I want you to look at what you did when you were a kid. Yeah, your childhood play. Hmm, evaluate your childhood play. What would you do when your mom or dad would call you in for dinner and you’d be like, “Ah, man, I have to eat?!” Because you’re having so much fun and consumed in this… what?

What was your childhood play? That’s very relative to what your purpose is in life.

The second thing to look at is, who do you value? Who do you respect? Because when you look at who you respect and why, you can see what your core values are.

So maybe you really respect an entrepreneur or a spiritual guru or you really respect a comedian and the ability to make people laugh. Maybe it’s beauty. You respect beauty. Somebody who really hones in on their ability to be beautiful. Be healthy, maybe physically fit. So who do you respect on this planet? Just come up with three names right now. And those three names, whether they’re living or not living anymore, they are very reflective to your core purpose.

Who you respect is in alignment to what you value.

So that’s the second thing.

Childhood play, who you respect, and then what brings you joy right now?

If you could just do this specific thing for free—like for me it’s having this kind of intimate amazing conversations with people. And just like when I’m on an airplane I’ll sit next to somebody and I’ll just ask the question, “So, what do you want?”

And they’re like, “you mean like for lunch on the plane?”

“No, what do you want? What do you want out of life?”

And I get into these amazing juicy conversations with strangers and they tell me. And when they just share what they want and I don’t give them a direction of – I don’t tell them in what respect whether it’s the respect of a personal life or their business – just in general what do you want in life?

You would be amazed at how clear people are and what they really want when they have the space to share. So that’s the third step for you.

Give yourself permission to have the space to really think about what brings me joy.

If I could do anything for the rest of my life everyday what would it be? What lights me up?

So, there’s your edition today on how to find your purpose and live passionately.

Three things: Look at your childhood play – very reflective to what your purpose is. The second thing is, who do you respect? Notice the values that that person has or what you’re respecting about them, very relevant to what your core values or what your core purpose is. And then the third thing is what brings you joy? What make you happy? And do you give yourself permission to be happy and experience that joy?

What a beautiful world this would be, you guys, just imagine if every human-being on this planet was following their purpose and living everyday with that kind of passion to share that purpose and that passion just because that’s what brings them joy. Not even to get something or to create a business, but just because that’s what lights them up.

So discover what that is for you and you are living the prescription for success.

Have a great day and we’ll talk again soon!

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018: Stop Limiting Yourself and Start Living Large!

Stop Limiting Yourself and Start Living Large!

Stop Limiting Yourself and Start Living Large!

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Hey guys! It’s Lisa Jimenez here! I’m going to shake it up a little bit today and talk about just a couple of stories that I’ve experienced in my life that have really shaken life up.

With the hopes that I give you permission to think bigger and to expand what’s possible. To be wild and unreasonable, and have fun with your life. So, this conversation is about being bold.

One time I had a friend invite me to Atlanta and he actually sent me a ticket on eBay. This was when eBay first launched, and he sent me a ticket and just said, you know, I’ll meet you up in Atlanta, so I trusted it, and I got to the airport, flew up to Atlanta, he took me on a walk and said I can go anywhere I wanted to, and my friend Peter Schlosser took me to the Fox Theatre up in Atlanta, where my very favorite Keith Urban was in concert, and he had surprised me and got me tickets. That’s kind of the crazy boldness, unreasonable thinking that I’m inspiring you to have even more in your life.

One time my daughter, Auriana, asked for Christmas that I would take her on one of my Rich Life Mastermind Retreats, just her and I, without the Mastermind. So, I said, “Are you sure, Auriana? You want that gift for Christmas? That means you’re only going to get a sheet of paper underneath that Christmas tree.”  Yes, that’s what she wanted. So, sure enough, Christmas day comes and goes, and she gets that gift: A promise of a surprise trip, a Rich Life Mastermind Retreat.

Two months later, its mid February, I pick her up at school and she gets in the car and we start driving. She’s like, “Where are we going, we’re not going home?”

I said, “No, we’re not going home.”

And she said, “Is today the day?!”

And I said, “Yes, today is the day.”

I had packed just a couple of things for her, picked her up at school, drove right to the airport. She didn’t know where we were going and I told everybody in the Delta Crown Room not to tell my daughter where we were going, because I wanted it to be a surprise as she walked up to the gate. So, sure enough, here she is, she walks up to the gate and she sees we’re going to Las Vegas!

And we spent three days in Las Vegas at the Paris hotel and I took her dune buggy racing out in the desert during the day and then at night we got all showered and dressed up and went to see the “O” the amazing Cirque du Soleil show. It was just a wild adventure that I took Auriana on as her gift for Christmas that year.

I have rented out homes in Sweden, in France, in Spain, all by myself. I took my three children to Paris for the Summer the year after I got a divorce as a healing vacation. My kids even said to me, “You know mom, this isn’t our dream, to spend the Summer in Paris, but it’s your dream, so we’ll go with you, for you.” 

And renting a flat on the Shan de lise with my three children all by myself. One time we got home from grocery shopping and I had challenges with getting the door open with the key and the owner of the apartment had to come and help me get in and he said to me, with his French accent, “Lisa, Lisa, why do you come here without a man, you need a man, with three children without a man in Paris.” But you know you guys, sometimes I do feel like that, like I put myself in such a risk, risky, bold circumstance or situation. 

I’ve been lost on the Shan de lise, I’ve been lost on the TGV Train, I’ve been lost in London and couldn’t find my flat that I rented. So, I know I put myself in some risky situations, but isn’t that what living is about? About pushing yourself, about pushing the envelope about what’s possible, about the element of danger, about just expansion and doing things outside your comfort zone.

Give yourself the gift to live large.

That’s our conversation today. I look forward to reading your comments below. 

What’s the most wild, irresistibly delicious, unreasonable thing you’ve ever done in your life?

Write it below, let’s talk about it. Thanks for being on today, you guys. Make it a great day!


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017: The Morning Ritual That Gets Results!

The Morning Ritual That Gets Results

The Morning Ritual That Gets Results

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Hey Hey Everyone! Welcome!

My team and I have had a specific habit for the last seven months that is generating crazy ridiculous fun results in enrolling, sponsoring, sales, and also in the way of being, the ease in which we’re doing business.

This habit is simply the discipline of setting an intention every single morning. For the last seven months we get on the phone around 6:15 am for about 15 minutes and we all take a turn to set our intention for the day.

The intention is something like… it could be I have a presentation today, my intention is that I share with such enthusiasm and clarity that the prospect gets inspired and they say yes and they partner with me. An intention can be around book sales or speaking engagements. You could create an intention for how you want your children to be that day, your way of being with them. My intention today is to be love and connection, a sense of ease, a sense of joy to be around.

Whatever is your goal for your results and also for your behavior, you want to set an intention about it every single morning.

Why do you think this is powerful? Why do you think we’ve received such great results just by setting an intention every morning?

I believe there are two reasons. The first one is science. It’s the power of focus. We all learned in third grade science class the power of focus when we learned about harnessing the sunrays. When you harness the sun’s rays you can catch a leaf on fire, you can pop an ant, that’s what I used to do when I was a little girl. That’s terrible!

We know about the power of focus by focusing light, which is a laser beam that can cut through steel. This is the power of focus and that’s what an intention does.

Every single morning setting the intention of the day can give you great power and clarity that gets results!

The second reason that intentions work so powerfully it is ushers in the realm of the miraculous. It does! It ushers in serendipity. I’ve actually been researching serendipity, it’s the topic of my next book. Can we actually make ourselves more lucky? Can we actually usher in serendipity?

Research proves, yes, we can! One of the ways to do that is to set an intention every single morning. Your intention for what you want to create that day and your intention for your way of being.

Look at this you guys, it’s so cute! One of my brand reps bought this for me for Christmas.

“What is serendipity? Serendipity is finding something good without looking for it.”

You can usher in a new realm of surprises and serendipity.

It’s that phone call out of the blue. It’s that person that’s been following you on social media and finally says I want to partner with you, I want to join your retreat, I want to hire you as my coach, because I’ve been watching you. It’s the serendipitous; it’s a surprise, out of the blue. Some people call it God winks or kiss from the king.

How do you usher in a greater realm of serendipity? You usher in a greater realm of focus and that’s by setting an intention every single morning.

That’s my assignment for you today, and my intention for this web cast is that it has inspired you to set an intention every single morning.

Thanks guys!

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016: Create More Wealth, Happiness, and Success

Create More Wealth, Happiness, and Success

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I just got off the phone with a coaching client and it was such a profound conversation that I had to do an edition around the conversation of discipline. You know, discipline is such a beautiful gift you give yourself, but it has such a bad connotation.


What does discipline mean?


Discipline is simply a training of the mind that creates a result in your body and life. What a gift.

Discipline is the training of the mind. I believe that discipline is a gift.

What do I mean by you ushering in a new level of discipline? It’s actually respecting that you’re going to train and retrain your mind. You are in the driver’s seat of some new habitual pattern for you.


So one of them that my client and I were talking about was around suffering. Suffering of a limiting belief. Suffering that comes from a un-forgiveness. Suffering that came from bad decisions from months ago or years ago and still allowing that decision to make an impact on your behavior today. He was suffering around this and I basically just called him out and said, “When are you going to no longer suffer around this decision? When are you not going to tolerate that in yourself and discipline your mind to see it as a gift? That it was a learning process in that no one is better then you to transform that situation because you lived through it.”


He really accepted that coaching and made a radical transformation in the way he saw a retraining of his mind.


So what about you? Where will you usher in a whole new level of discipline for yourself.


Maybe it’s around working out, and very single morning you just get your tennis shoes on. You might go for a mile run, you might go for a five-mile run, you might just go for a walk around the block, but you put your tennis shoes every single morning. This is a discipline, a training of the mind. You do it so many times that it becomes a habitual pattern for you.


Maybe it’s around saving money? Every single time you get paid you take 10% out and put it into a savings account or an investment account. That’s a discipline, a training of the mind. You do it so many times that it becomes a habitual pattern. It becomes who you are.

Maybe you have disciplines around when the phone rings and you do a certain meditation or prayer. A discipline every time you hear a fire engine or an ambulance. You have a discipline in your thinking and mindset.


What results from this power of discipline?! The training of your mind.

I’ll tell you the results. You will usher in a whole new level of an amazing life, an expanded life, an expanded body.


Maybe it’s the discipline of going to the market every couple of days and getting fresh vegetables and fruits and filling your house with delicious food. Maybe it’s around vitamins, that you take your vitamins and protein shake and probiotic every single day.

Whatever it is for you, you guys, usher in the word discipline. That this is your best friend right now, because discipline is a training of the mind.


When you have a disciplined mind your body and your life is proof of it.

What a beautiful gift you give yourself.


I’ll leave you with a story. When Auriana was four years old, she’s 25 now, I taught her how to tie her shoes. And I said, you know Auriana, it’s going to take you 17 times to tie your shoe incorrectly before you start tying it correctly. I just taught her that because I wanted her to love the process of learning how to tie her shoes. And she comes up to me one day in all her 5 year old confidence and says, “Mommy, Mommy, you were wrong, it didn’t take me 17 times! Look, I tied my shoe in 13 trys.”


But what if I didn’t give her that piece of discipline? That perspective of getting disciplined around learning a new skill and that it would take 17 times of failure, 17 times of trial and error, 17 times not doing it properly or correctly and getting comfortable with that process. What if I didn’t give that to her? Then she would’ve tied her shoe the first time, second time, third time, and gotten so frustrated and maybe even quit. By the seventh time, eighth time, still couldn’t tie the shoe, just said forget this shoe tying thing I’m getting Velcro.


But because we can teach ourselves through discipline, the training of the mind, and really embrace that process of discipline we get the results we want. Training of the mind gives you a trained body and a trained life.


What a beautiful gift you give yourselves.


So that’s my request of you, that you would no longer tolerate limiting beliefs, or suffering, or an undisciplined life. You will be the driver of your life, of your thought-life, of your actions. That you would be a disciplined man, a disciplined woman, and what you allow yourself to think about.


Discipline: the training of the mind.


Love you guys! Have a great day! We’ll talk soon. Type down below what you thought of this edition and you are ushering in a whole new level of discipline and embracing the process.


See you next time!


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015: How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase Productivity

I just got off the phone with a coaching client and he was sharing with me about a couple of tasks that he has on his to-do list that he just loathes doing, he just hates doing it. And he asked me what should he do, should he just push through it and just get it done or what does he do. I said, “No, don’t push through it, it’s totally negative energy to accomplish or complete a task that you hate to do.”

There’s two things that you need to do when you have something on your to-do list that you loath doing or that you just don’t enjoy doing.

Idea number one is delegate it. Yes. No one said that you had to do everything in your business plan. If you do not enjoy doing a specific task, delegate it. If you’re not that good at it, delegate it.

A second idea if you can’t delegate it, maybe it’s something that has to come from you in your business model, change your relationship to that task. Don’t push through it and do it anyways, shift in your subconscious mind and pull into the depths of your heart a new perspective on that task that you hate.

How can you start loving that task? Maybe you could consider the contribution that you’ll make when you accomplish that task and that will shift how that task lands for you.

Maybe you can shift in your subconscious mind that you’re going … the privilege of shifting your relationship with the task that you’re going to do it in a sense or a realm of joy, of privilege to get to do it. Maybe you’ll get present to the feeling when it’s done, the sense of accomplishment. Possibly you need to get present to the result that it will render.

So whether it’s the realm of contribution or just accomplishment, or the result that it will render, the second idea besides delegating it is change your relationship to that task and just watch how you start creating a business and manifesting results with ease, with joy, with a sense of alignment and a true sense of power.

Just imagine the type of people that you’ll attract in your business with every task you do, you do in joy, in love, in gratitude, in contribution.

Make it a great day you guys,
Bye for now.


I want to give you the opportunity to harness the mindset of a winner.
The Mindset Reset Masterclass is a totally emergent experience in my mindset formula that will reprogram your core beliefs and unleash the unstoppable you.
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014: Bigger Results With This Mindset Shift

Bigger Results With This Mindset Shift

Bigger Results With This Mindset Shift

I just got off the phone with a coaching client, and I was sharing with him about my experience last weekend at a seminar up at Pacifica University in Santa Barbara. It was absolutely extraordinary to have a conversation at that university about goal setting and goal achieving and how the consciousness is pushing and pulling for a holistic outcome.

What do I mean by that? A holistic outcome. Well, I always coach myself and my clients to get really present why they want something. We talk about the why, and you’ve probably heard that too. Right? In goal setting the most important part and aspect of setting a goal is knowing your why.

In this seminar, that really was based on holistic thinking. It’s more … not maybe more, but it’s also valuable to consider how it makes a difference holistically for the people involved, for your clients, for the world, for the universe, for the consciousness and expansion of the human race.

On this coaching call with this client, I said,

Let’s talk about how the world works holistically in your goal. How would it make a difference for your company to be a billion dollar company? How would it make a difference for the clients? How would it make a difference for your family? What is the benefit for your community and your contribution in the world?

We talked about that. Then we were talking about even marriage. What is the holistic benefit in the world, in the universe, in consciousness for having a happy magnetic marriage? Peace in the home. Then we even took it to another extension and talked about the holistic approach to even brain research.

We know that where we can think holistically in the brain, whether it’s right and left brain holistically, or it’s the three areas of the brain: Limbic, reptilian, and neocortex.

When we can think holistically in the way the brain is even designed, and then I thought about also, good and bad, the good parts to us. The personality and traits about us that we love. Then taking a holistic approach to your personality and your way of being is also embracing the dark parts, the ugly parts, even the evil parts of myself, of you.

Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell talks about the shadow and embracing the holistic part of who you are, the holisticness of who you are. Is that a word? Holisticness is a valuable concept. I’m new to this conversation. This is about research for me. I want to hear, what do you think about this, about taking a holistic in the way your brain works, in the way your personality is, good, bad, dark, light.

Also, the holistic and generous contribution that your billion dollar business or your goal can have and will have on the planet.

Thanks so much.
Bye for now.

I want to give you the opportunity to harness the mindset of a winner.
The Mindset Reset Masterclass is a totally immersion experience in my mind shift formula that will reprogram your core beliefs and unleash the unstoppable you.
Are you ready? Just go to

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013: Being Fearless in Times of Grief

Being Fearless
in Times of Grief

Being Fearless
in Times of Grief

So today’s conversation around being fearless isn’t for everyone because today’s conversation is about how to be fearless with family members, with loved ones, with dear friends who maybe want something different for you, then you what you want for yourself. Actually, this conversation came up with several of my clients because they’re dealing with loss right now, whether it’s loss of a loved one, a loss of a marriage, a loss of a friendship, a loss of a business partner or a business. It’s interesting. A lot of people are going through loss right now.

How do you manage your expectations of others? Your requests of others to actually help heal yourself, to give yourself the space, to give yourself the time to move past a difficult circumstance and have that time to heal? And it takes courage to ask someone for space.

It takes courage to make requests of friends and loved ones. It takes courage to make a request of yourself, to quit judging yourself, to stop being so hard on yourself.

Maybe this is the segment of time you need to retrieve and maybe you’re not on it and picking up the phone with your 20 calls a day or a hundred calls a day or even five calls a day. Maybe this is the time you need to be meditating. You need to be going within. Maybe this is the time that’s calling you to a deeper prayer life. I don’t know what it is for you, but it’s an important conversation that we have the conversation for you to give yourself permission to make requests, requests of other people and requests of yourself so that you can go through that difficult circumstance and give yourself the time to heal from it.

And healing isn’t getting an action right away, you guys. Healing is actually giving yourself time to feel the emotions that a difficult circumstance gives you. I can remember when I got divorced, I told myself, you know, “I’ve got to take myself off the platform, like I can’t even speak.” Right? “Because when I get on a platform, I’m going to just start crying.” And that was true. That actually happened. So I took about three months off from speaking and I just healed myself. I spent a lot of time in meditation, in prayer with my children, with my loved ones, and alone in solitude.

And then I felt like I was ready, so I got to speak in engagement. I said yes to the speaking engagement. Got on the plane, flew out to Salt Lake City, Utah. I actually got to speak for this company and when I started talking about commitment and loyalty, this company was in business for 27 years and some of their top sales reps started the company, and they were still loyal to the company, the product, the CEO, the founders, and I started talking about loyalty and commitment and I just broke down in front of everybody.

You guys, a paid professional motivational speaker crying to the audience.

Okay, I wasn’t ready. Right? So I get it.

Sometimes you need to actually push yourself or move past a segment of time and a circumstance and just see if you’re ready. But if you’re not, don’t judge yourself. Stop beating yourself up. You just need more time, more solitude. Time for healing, time to be in meditation or prayer.

Could you be fearless with that and give yourself that time? What a gift to give yourself the time of healing. And that takes courage because we have a lot of judgment around in our society and in every country’s society about, if you’re busy, if you’re on it, if you’re successful. If you’re reprieving and taking time for yourself or allowing yourself to mourn in a difficult situation or circumstance, then we as a society judge that. We think people need to … like it’s a broken arm, right?

You can see a broken arm and you’re like, “See, it just needs three weeks to heal and you’re back at it.” Well, a broken heart is like beauty. It’s in the eyes of the beholder. We don’t know how long a broken heart takes to mend and you’ll know. So trust that when you’re fearless with your resolve, with your commitment to yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself, to give yourself that space and time of healing. Wow. Something on the other side is about to rumble. Something is getting created in your quiet time. This new evolved version of you healed whole and complete is coming.

It’s in the future.

It might be today, it might be in a month. I don’t know when it is, but if you rush back into your routine, into your way of being without fully healing yourself and giving yourself the space and the time for introspection, for mourning, then you’re not evolving to the person you could evolve into.

So that’s our Fearless Friday. It takes courage to say, “No, I’m not going to jump forward in my activity. I’m going to take time for solitude.” Give yourself that gift, the gift of inner healing if you need it. That’s courageous.

So, to you on Fearless Friday, you want to check out more information on how to be fearless in business, in life, in healing, check out Lisa J Coaching.

We’ll talk soon.
Make it a great day, everybody.

I want to give you the opportunity to harness the mindset of a winner.
The Mindset Reset Masterclass is a total immersion experience in my mind shift formula that we reprogram your core beliefs and unleash the unstoppable you.
Are you ready? Just go to

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012: Mind The Gap: Small Shifts That Will Transform Your Results

Mind The Gap:
Small Shifts That Will Transform Your Results

Mind The Gap:
Small Shifts That Will Transform Your Results

I am having so much fun watching the banter going on my Facebook page about where I should have my next rich life mastermind retreat, Paris or London? You guys are adamant about your cities.

When I spend a lot of time in London, I love seeing the sign: “Notice the Gap” or “Mind the Gap.” It says it everywhere when you’re getting on a subway: “Mind the Gap.”

This week’s fearless Friday I want to talk to you about minding the gap. Noticing and bringing awareness to that space of where you want to be, where you want to go, your career, your life, your achievement and where you are today. Really being aware and noticing the gap, but not in the way of judgment, or I’m not enough, or I have so much more to do and accomplish but more about bringing awareness to your power, the inner power that you have to shift three specific areas of your life.

We’re going to talk about that on this fearless Friday show. The first one is all about modification, awareness and making small modifications that can recreate your destiny. We get to do that because we have a conscious awareness of our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors. Those are the three we’re going to talk about today.

How I want you to actually participate in this fearless Friday is I want you to create a distinction between your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and your higher self. I want you to be the observer of what I’m going to be talking about. You’re observing. This is called meta cognition: thinking about your thoughts.

First and foremost, bringing awareness. Notice the gap in your thoughts. What thoughts? What are your predominant thoughts even over the last couple of hours, the last couple of weeks, the last several years, that no longer serve you? Be an observer of those thoughts and just bring awareness to those thoughts.

Maybe it’s a thought of I’m not enough, I’ve got a lot of work to do, or there’s never enough time. Now, thoughts and beliefs are parallel, because your thoughts create your beliefs.

So, what about making a conscious effort to actually shift those thoughts and replace them with thoughts that empower you. Thoughts like: I’m more than enough, I can do all things through he who strengthens me. What about the thought or the belief that I’m on track? I’m on track. Every day in every way I’m getting closer and closer to my goals.

It was fun on LinkedIn today I saw a picture of Richard Branson. He posted himself looking at his 2018 goals and as we’re coming to the closure of this year, he’s contemplating, what do I need to shift? He’s minding the gap.

Now you and I have the power to do that. But you got to stop being so busy in your life, that you don’t take the time to stop and evaluate and bring awareness to your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviors.

Where can you place in your life today, a higher elevated thought that over time will radically transform your destiny?

Now, let’s talk about minding the gap in your feelings and your emotions. Wow. For me, you guys, this is where the power lies. I believe that your emotions, your feelings that come from your heart, really describe and are created from the predominant thoughts that you have.

So, thoughts affect emotions and feelings and feelings and emotions affect thought. If you’re only intellectual and a rational thinker, you’re missing the biggest power you have and that is the power to bring awareness to your feelings and your emotions. That’s where true change and transformation occur on a heart level. Instead of just thinking the thoughts, what about actually feeling and creating your future ideal life in a vision, in a thought?

Last week we talked about the power of crafting a vision. So, tapping into your emotions. First minding the gap, noticing where your feelings or your emotions, your most predominant feelings aren’t serving you anymore, and you have the power to alter and shift those feelings. How? Because you have an imagination. You can retell the story; you can really feel the emotion.

So, before I pick up a phone to make a prospect call or before I have a coaching call with my Mindset Reset Masterclass, I create that intention of who I’m being for that team, for that client, for that prospect and how I want them to show up for me. I decided that before I even go prospect, who am I looking for? What type of individual do I want to attract in my life? These decisions are on an emotional basis and you and I have the power to create that kind of feeling.

We call it an intention. It’s involving the heart. Who do I want to work with? What is the purpose of this business, this course that I’m about to launch, this book that I’m writing or this sculpture, this piece of art, what’s my contribution to the planet, to others, to the evolution of myself? These are emotional feelings.These are feelings and emotions that I’m going to give you permission, like give yourself permission.

I invite you to spend time in that feeling and in that emotion. Just watch how it starts radically transforming who you attract, who you’re being, your posture, your level of confidence, and your heart-centered service. It’s powerful.

We talked about thoughts in minding the gap. We talked about emotions: mind the gap. Now let’s talk about behaviors. You and I both know behaviors follow the thoughts and emotions, but behaviors can also affect thoughts in motion. We know that emotion is the energy in motion.

As your behaviors can create a sense of accomplishment for you, for example, make a decision today. What needs to happen today, what that you have control over, and your behaviors would bring you a radical sense of peace tonight when you put your head on the pillow?

Decide that before you are in the world today before you go out and prospect, before you work with your clients, before you complete your day. What would it look like if you actually chose the behaviors? It could be a to-do list but it’s also in your way of being.

I am a contribution of wisdom; a chosen behavior could be I have clarity, I am clarity. A chosen behavior could be in prospecting. I am in the world moving around, attracting people who are on fire for life, who are turned on and tuned in to what’s possible, who are looking for that something more.

So that’s my intention in my behaviors. What about you?

Mind the Gap first, notice the gap of where you want to be and where you are now in your way of being in your behaviors, and simply look outside yourself.

Notice this is where you become a behavioral psychologist, instead of judging yourself, I did that again, I’m overselling, I’m talking too much with my prospect, I’m being too controlling, or I’m not sharing myself enough, I allow people to take away my power, whatever is your habitual behavior.

What if you chose when you woke up tomorrow morning to be intentional and your way of being? You actually stated that way of being. Who are you being for yourself, for the world today?

This is about meta cognition, thinking about your thoughts, but this is also giving yourself permission to recreate your habitual patterns, and you get to do that you can rehearse new personality, you can rehearse a new way of being now.

Will it feel like you’re being fake? Yes. Will it feel like it’s inauthentic? Yes, until it’s authentic. Like every behavior you have right now, that’s a habitual pattern, you had to practice becoming that way. Those great habitual patterns and negative behavioral patterns. You have to practice over time.

This is about just bringing in conscious awareness of your behaviors and who you’re choosing to become. One of the best ways to do this is to emulate. So, discover someone, realize someone that you totally respect, and you want to emulate, study them and start taking on the characteristics, the behaviors in your own way, in your own personality, but definitely shifting and altering your behavior and your personality as well.

I want to give you permission to give yourself permission to say: I can change who I’m being. This is my right, my privilege, and I’m going to own a better version of myself.

How do you take on a better version of yourself? You practice, and yes it will feel inauthentic until it’s authentic. Until it truly becomes you, who you are being in the world. That’s your privilege, you get to do that.

This fearless Friday is about taking on a new persona, a new way of being because you get to. Maybe it’s more courageous, maybe it’s bolder, maybe it’s a generous listener, maybe it’s a space of contribution, wherever you are, and whomever you’re with, you are the space of contribution of evolving that person in joy and love, in intellect, in possibility and that’s just who you are.

The space of possibility,  a space contribution. That means you got to empty yourself out so that you don’t have a deciding factor of who that person is. You have to allow yourself to show up new and to allow that person to show up new.

Before I sign off,

this is a very important point, because this came up on my Mindset Reset Masterclass just yesterday. If you are in sales, most likely according to LOA, the law of average,  you receive seven no’s for every 10 yes. Some of us nine no’s for every 10 yes’s. Some of them a little better batting average, but the point is you receive more no’s than yes’.

You can actually start creating in your subconscious mind and expectation of a no. You can actually alter that. That’s normal. All of you are doing that to the point where when you are actually sharing and prospecting or selling or presenting or persuading. You have that subconscious mind thinking or deciding that this person is going to say no because you’ve heard no so often. You hear no more than yes.

This is about minding the gap, this conversation on Fearless Friday. Notice that it’s normal that you do that. Where can you mind the gap? Where can you bring awareness that you’re going to make an intention, a decision that this is what I say? Everybody says yes to me. Everyone says yes to me. Everyone says yes to me and when or if someone doesn’t say yes to me, I’m in that space saying, hmm, isn’t that interesting? Wow, that’s so unusual, because everyone always says yes to me.

This is a declaration and intention that I choose to create within myself and you can too. It’s not a judgment of other people. If they don’t say yes to you, but it is you showing up in the space of a yes. That’s your expectation. That’s the expectation and you get what you expect.

So how are you guys doing, my Facebook friends, and my YouTube friends, on minding the gap in your thoughts, your feelings, emotions, and your behaviors? Give yourself permission to bring awareness on those three areas that you have control over, and you will experience a fearless Friday and more courage every day.

That’s what I want for you.

Thanks, everybody.

If you want more information on my coaching program or my next mindset reset masterclass, or where I’m hosting the next Rich Life Mastermind Retreat, please check me out. 

Check us out at and go grab your freebies there.

There’s a lot of freebies for you to help you create your best life.

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