031: Accept Your Abundance Now!

Accept Your
Abundance Now!

Accept Your
Abundance Now!

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And we are coming to you live from Bath, England! Look at how beautiful all of the abbey’s and churches– the gorgeous architecture. There’s over 37 churches and abbey’s in Bath, England. Bath was founded in 837 BC, yes, before Christ. Founded by a swine herder. Yes, his name was Bladud and apparently he had leprosy and because of leprosy he was ostracized from community and became a swine herder. And when he came to Bath in 837 BC, before Christ, he noticed that even his swine’s, his pigs had leprosy, but he noticed that they were getting healed when they played in the mud, and you all know that Bath is known for its minerals in the water. And then the Romans 900 years later came and opened the Roman baths and found healing for their disease and ailments. Isn’t that amazing, you guys? What and open mind, what a miracle, what a fortuitous event that Bladud would be here and notice the healing of his swine’s and then he healed himself as well, just from the minerals in the mud, in the water in Bath, England.

So, it makes us pause, I want you to think today where have you closed your mind to something miraculous happening today? And where could you open that mind and open your heart to something amazing? To the serendipity, to the fortuitous of life, to being at the right place at the time? And that mean you need to step out of your routine, step out of your comfort zone and travel and go to new places. And even in your own routine of life be ready, be willing to receive something extraordinary, to receive something out of the ordinary and that’s my message for you today. To really expand your mind that something amazing is going to happen today.

Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in the physical realm.

So where are you allowing something incredible to come to you today, to be admired, to be aware of, to notice something that you wouldn’t have noticed before had you not created the mindset of the amazing is going to happen today and you guys it’s so funny too, because just as I was coming out to film this in front of this Cathedral or in front of—they don’t call it cathedrals—in front of this abbey, the doorman welcomed me and said, “Good Morning!” and I said, “How are you?” and he said, “Well, I’m alive.” And I said, “Well, that’s a good thing.” And he said, “Well, it could be better.” And I wonder, that’s a mentality of a lot of people. And interestingly enough that’s the mentality of a lot of people in the UK, because of the monarchy and they have a lot in life, they don’t have control over making their life better and that old mindset is still in many of the people from the UK.

What about you? Do you believe you have control over your future, by making choices today—this is about a mindset—making choices to see opportunity, to be the one that notices something, that discovers something, that the miraculous happens to. Being the one, why not you? Why not today? So make it a great day discovering the unusual, being in the right place at the right time, being open to the serendipitous and to the fortuitous future called your life. Make it a great day in Bath, England!

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