030: Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back! (Part 2)

Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back!
(Part 2)

Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back!
(Part 2)

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief show! This show is actually Part 2 of a two part series I entitled, “Breaking Through The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back.”

Yeah, I believe universally we have 5 core beliefs that we learn in childhood and then adopt them into adulthood and they’re there for you to help you survive in the physical world. But when you take on a spiritual perspective, when you start acknowledging that you are a spiritual being as well as a physical being these 5 core beliefs, they’re not true. They’re not even true in the spiritual realm. So I talked about belief one and two in Part 1 of this series. Today, we’re going to talk about the last three.

So belief number three is, “I don’t fit in.” Of course you feel like you don’t fit in. If you came from a spiritual realm into a physical world called planet Earth with laws and physicality to you, you’re not pure possibility in your physical nature, wow, no wonder you feel like you don’t fit in. But that’s not so empowering is it? So, I’ve actually retrained my brain around this core belief, “I don’t fit in,” to say, “I may feel like I don’t fit in, but my core gifts, my natural talents, my whimsical ways, my passions, they fit in to cause balance on this planet. If I was behaving like her or acting like him, or wanting their goals, I wouldn’t be authentic. And my authenticity creates balance on this planet. So I fit in. My whimsical nature fits in.

Your passion, your core talents, your natural gifts, they fit in to create balance on this planet.

The fourth core belief is, “I’m not enough, there’s not enough.” But when you take on a spiritual perspective and you tap into your innate spiritual nature, you know, you feel, you get it. There’s enough, there’s more than enough. You are the child of the King who has access to all abundance, infinite possibility. You are more than enough. Isn’t it interesting too that, the not-enough syndrome is just rampant over most people. My clients, myself included.

And when you practice being in your spiritual essence and focus on your spiritual realm, who you are as a spiritual being and what that means, you start seeing, “Wow, I’m infinite possibility, I’m more than enough. I have access to abundance and prosperity, and unlimited potential.”

You are more than enough. There is more than enough. Their success they’re creating love, whatever they’re doing out there doesn’t mean it takes away from you experiencing love or creating success. It’s proof that it can exist. There’s more than enough. There’s more than enough to go around. Tap into that reality, that truth in your spiritual realm.

And then the fifth and final core belief is, “I don’t have the capacity to change, I can’t change, this is how I am.”

“I’m Latina, I’m Irish, I’m a woman.” Whatever is your core belief that holds you back about you’re ability to change.

When you take on those first 4 core beliefs you see, “Wow, there’s nothing wrong here. I’m learning and growing and expanding, and that’s what I’m meant to do. I am the center of my universe. I am creating it all. Everything’s a magnet. I have control over my thoughts and feelings. I can choose one thought or feeling over another.”

You can see, “I can change. I have access to unlimited possibility. I have the capacity to change. In fact, that’s my nature is to evolve in change.”

So, while you learn these 5 core beliefs for survival, what would your life look like when you choose to take on a spiritual perspective and you see these 5 core beliefs from your spiritual nature?

That there’s nothing wrong here. You’re the center of your universe. You’re creating it all. You fit in. Your core beliefs and desires and passions create balance on this planet. There’s more than enough. You are more than enough. And you have the capacity to change. That’s who you are. You evolve every moment. You’re recreating your cells, tens of millions of cells every second, because tens of millions of cells are dying off. You’re recreating yourself at every moment. Of course you can change.

So, what would it look like for you to practice these 5 core spiritual beliefs?

Take that on this week and we’ll talk again next week. Make it a great day, bye for now everybody!

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