Lisa J. Coaching

Being Fearless
in Times of Grief

Being Fearless
in Times of Grief

So today’s conversation around being fearless isn’t for everyone because today’s conversation is about how to be fearless with family members, with loved ones, with dear friends who maybe want something different for you, then you what you want for yourself. Actually, this conversation came up with several of my clients because they’re dealing with loss right now, whether it’s loss of a loved one, a loss of a marriage, a loss of a friendship, a loss of a business partner or a business. It’s interesting. A lot of people are going through loss right now.

How do you manage your expectations of others? Your requests of others to actually help heal yourself, to give yourself the space, to give yourself the time to move past a difficult circumstance and have that time to heal? And it takes courage to ask someone for space.

It takes courage to make requests of friends and loved ones. It takes courage to make a request of yourself, to quit judging yourself, to stop being so hard on yourself.

Maybe this is the segment of time you need to retrieve and maybe you’re not on it and picking up the phone with your 20 calls a day or a hundred calls a day or even five calls a day. Maybe this is the time you need to be meditating. You need to be going within. Maybe this is the time that’s calling you to a deeper prayer life. I don’t know what it is for you, but it’s an important conversation that we have the conversation for you to give yourself permission to make requests, requests of other people and requests of yourself so that you can go through that difficult circumstance and give yourself the time to heal from it.

And healing isn’t getting an action right away, you guys. Healing is actually giving yourself time to feel the emotions that a difficult circumstance gives you. I can remember when I got divorced, I told myself, you know, “I’ve got to take myself off the platform, like I can’t even speak.” Right? “Because when I get on a platform, I’m going to just start crying.” And that was true. That actually happened. So I took about three months off from speaking and I just healed myself. I spent a lot of time in meditation, in prayer with my children, with my loved ones, and alone in solitude.

And then I felt like I was ready, so I got to speak in engagement. I said yes to the speaking engagement. Got on the plane, flew out to Salt Lake City, Utah. I actually got to speak for this company and when I started talking about commitment and loyalty, this company was in business for 27 years and some of their top sales reps started the company, and they were still loyal to the company, the product, the CEO, the founders, and I started talking about loyalty and commitment and I just broke down in front of everybody.

You guys, a paid professional motivational speaker crying to the audience.

Okay, I wasn’t ready. Right? So I get it.

Sometimes you need to actually push yourself or move past a segment of time and a circumstance and just see if you’re ready. But if you’re not, don’t judge yourself. Stop beating yourself up. You just need more time, more solitude. Time for healing, time to be in meditation or prayer.

Could you be fearless with that and give yourself that time? What a gift to give yourself the time of healing. And that takes courage because we have a lot of judgment around in our society and in every country’s society about, if you’re busy, if you’re on it, if you’re successful. If you’re reprieving and taking time for yourself or allowing yourself to mourn in a difficult situation or circumstance, then we as a society judge that. We think people need to … like it’s a broken arm, right?

You can see a broken arm and you’re like, “See, it just needs three weeks to heal and you’re back at it.” Well, a broken heart is like beauty. It’s in the eyes of the beholder. We don’t know how long a broken heart takes to mend and you’ll know. So trust that when you’re fearless with your resolve, with your commitment to yourself, to be good to yourself, to take care of yourself, to give yourself that space and time of healing. Wow. Something on the other side is about to rumble. Something is getting created in your quiet time. This new evolved version of you healed whole and complete is coming.

It’s in the future.

It might be today, it might be in a month. I don’t know when it is, but if you rush back into your routine, into your way of being without fully healing yourself and giving yourself the space and the time for introspection, for mourning, then you’re not evolving to the person you could evolve into.

So that’s our Fearless Friday. It takes courage to say, “No, I’m not going to jump forward in my activity. I’m going to take time for solitude.” Give yourself that gift, the gift of inner healing if you need it. That’s courageous.

So, to you on Fearless Friday, you want to check out more information on how to be fearless in business, in life, in healing, check out Lisa J Coaching.

We’ll talk soon.
Make it a great day, everybody.

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