Lisa J. Coaching

Use the Power of a Declaration
to Transform Your Life

Use the Power of a Declaration
to Transform Your Life

Today is going to be an incredible edition of our success. It is all about the power of a declaration and declaring something.

Let’s talk about the power of a declaration. You and I understand the power of declarations (i.e. when we got married). A Pastor, a Rabbi, Justice of the Peace, or Priest stood before us and said, “with the power invested in me, I declare you husband and wife.”

That’s the power of the spoken word, a declaration, and then all of a sudden, BOOM, you’re married.

We understand the power of a declaration with our founding fathers. 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence, declaring our ourselves a free nation in American, 1776.

See, this is the power of a declaration. If you are spiritually minded and biblically minded, you understand in the scripture Genesis that God created light, and there was light. So, God spoke light and there it was. The speaking of a declaration creates creation.

This is the power of the spoken word. Your word creates your world.

What are you speaking today about yourself? I am statements:
I am joyful. I am powerful. I am qualified. I am having fun at this. I’m good at this. I am kind. I am giving. I am super smart. I am sexy.

What are your “I am statements”? That’s the power of a declaration. What do you declare for your success today? I declare today to be a day of generosity. I declare today to be a day of serendipity.

So, a declaration of how you’re creating your day and then declaring over relationships and business relationships. If it’s a declaration that you’re going to close the deal and you’re going to open that relationship with that person.

How are you doing with your spoken word? Your word creates your world. Utilize the power of your spoken word with powerful declarations. Know what you want and speak them into being with your powerful declarations.

That’s it for today.
Make it a great day and declare it!
See you soon.

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