Lisa J. Coaching

Proven Millionaire Success Habits

Proven Millionaire Success Habits

There are three ideas that I’ve noticed as I’ve been researching my new Mindset Reset Masterclass and re-branding the Lisa J Coaching website.

I got on the phone with a lot of my past clients and Rich Life Mastermind Retreat participants and I asked them what was sustainable in the work that you did with me? How did you radically transform your mindset from working with me? What stuck? What are the results of that work?

Three ideas for you from their experience.

Number one, just trust.

All of them said just trust that you are divinely guided. It doesn’t matter what it looks like today, in your reality, you have been called for a specific purpose in this business, in this passion, in this intention, in this focus and whatever you’re creating right now, trust you are divinely guided in that. Just trust that you will be placed in the right place at the right time.

Start trusting more in that invisible wisdom and intuition. Start trusting in that power that’s beating your heart right now, that’s causing you to breathe in and breathe out. That’s actually regenerating your cells without you telling your cells to regenerate. It’s digesting your food right now, without you being consciously aware of that digestion. Who’s doing that?

There is a higher power, this force within you. So, trust in that inner wisdom, that inner force, that infinite power. Trust, like you, have never trusted before.

Every single client that I interviewed for this relaunch of said that was the biggest takeaway from coaching with me; they truly chose to trust. That they were called for just a time as this, to launch those countries, to take that company to the highest level, to reach the billion dollar mark, to stay committed to their vision, and to see it into fruition-into completion.

It was just powerful to hear these stories, these testimonials of the power of trust. So, idea number one, where can you trust even more? Just trust?

Idea number two, just ask.

Just ask for the sale. Ask for that answer to be clarified. Ask for someone to give you a favor, ask for help. Just ask.

All of the conversations with past clients they shared with me “Lisa, I got that boldness to just ask for the first class”, “I just asked for the best table in the restaurant”, “I started to ask my spouse for what I really needed and wanted”, “I asked my Creator for divine inspiration, or a miracle or his will or her will to be done”. Just ask because there is a power in your question.

What are you asking? You’re asking for an answer. You’re asking for evolution, you’re asking for that next realm of possibility to be exposed, to be vivid and clear to you. Just ask.

Think right now, where are you holding that and your boldness around asking? Asking for what you need, asking for what you want, just asking for the sale, asking for a prospect to be taken off your list. Just ask.

The third idea that I got from all these interviews and researching my clients is just going big.

One of the biggest things they said right along with just trust and just ask was when they started thinking bigger and training their subconscious mind. There was a new experience of themselves,  a more elevated and bolder version of themselves, they started to believe it.

They actually did the inner work to see themselves as a bolder woman, bolder man, and a bolder individual. Not just launching this but launching that country or launching countries or being a global impact. Go big with your commitment to you, go big in your willingness to meditate, and to cause intention in your day.

Recreate yourself every day. Go big in your vision and in your vision book.

I love my vision book, all of these new rich and exciting experiences that I’m going to bring forth in my next Rich Life Mastermind Retreats. I’ve already done 15, but it’s the new level of going big.

So, where can you really stretch yourself and give yourself permission to go big? It was the third thing that all my clients said that when they gave themselves permission to really dream big, thinking small or acting small was no longer acceptable. It’s not serving anybody. It’s not keeping anybody safe.

In fact, you’re calling on this planet is to evolve and when you give yourself permission to think big, dream big, do big, you give the example of victory to everyone around you. You give the example of courage to your children, to your down line and up line business partners.

What a privilege to get to have that kind of contribution.

Those are the three ideas for now. Just trust. Just ask. Just go big.

Thanks again for being a part of this community and we’ll see you next time.

Bye for now.

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