Lisa J. Coaching

Achieve More
With the Unstoppable
Power of Focus

Achieve More
With the Unstoppable
Power of Focus

What would your business look like if you had more focus?

That question, what would your business look like if you had more focus, is really about what kind of focus you want to generate.

Because most of my clients, myself included, we fall into the trap of focusing on our results and when results aren’t coming, we feel deflated. We analyze, we get into a funk, and we become hard on our prospects.

It is kind of like the gardener who plants a seed. If that seed doesn’t come to germinate in the next couple of days, the gardener digs up the seed to see what’s wrong with it? Now, what about focusing on planting the seed? Focusing on the efforts of watering and giving nutrients to that soil, sunlight to that seed in the soil, and focusing on your efforts. Not the results.

This is a powerful shift in your mindset and that is what I love to do. I love to give entrepreneurs the power of their mind, but then also combine that with the power of their spirit.

In that seed, there is a spirit to germination, there is a timing to fruition for specific seeds to germinate. Just like your business and your clients. There is a timing and an evolving to them saying yes to your product or service.

When you are focused only on the results, you actually create nervous energy about you. This light is not attractive, and it deflates your relationship with your prospect. Take a big breath. Focus on your efforts being more intentional with your way of being.

Maybe one of the ideas is to wake up today and say my intention today is to be a generous listener. My intention today is to be clear in my conversation. My intention today is to be powerful in my love.

You’re focusing on who you are being because that’s the only control we have.

The best news about that is when you are intentional about your efforts and your way of being, the universe rewards you. It’s like science, the law of average takes effect and you start getting the results that you want.

What do you do to focus in on your efforts, your intentions, and letting go of the results?

Check out if you want to learn more about me. There’s a lot of freebies on there.

We’ll talk soon.

Make it a great day, everybody.

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