026: How to Manage Physical Limitations with Grace and Power!

How to Manage Physical Limitations with Grace and Power!

How to Manage Physical Limitations with Grace and Power!

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Hey Everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another show. I’ve been filming my shows from all over the world and I decided why not in the middle of the lake in Lake Almanor, California on a hydro-bike. Yeah, look at this little thing. You just peddle like a bicycle and you can go all around the lake with these beautiful views.

And the conversation I want to have with you today is all around mindset with your own ability to do the things you used to do and maybe having to alter some of the things you used to do. Whether you’re suffering with an injury, or you’re aging and you can’t do the things you used to be able to do. I know with myself I was an avid runner and just running 5, 7, 10 miles a day is not in the cards for me anymore. So I’m finding great joy in running maybe only 3 miles and then power walking, but let me tell you I didn’t do that gracefully. Like that’s challenging for me. Letting go of the reality of, “Huh, maybe I can’t do 10 miles anymore.” But maybe I can and some days I can.

It’s a mindset about finding that balance of still pushing yourself, but receiving reality with grace and beauty and dignity.

And I’ve seen that in my mom and dad, because this is the lake that they grew us up in. We would come here every single Summer. This is Big Cove Resort in Lake Almanor, California and my parents always had a Hobie Cat, a speedboat for water skiing, a fishing boat, kayaks. My dad was always on the water. And now in his 80s, he sold the fishing boat, he sold the powerboat for skiing, he sold every boat except this little paddling, 1 mph probably, of this hydro-bike and this is his joy, to be on the water at this speed. And I’m sure it’s challenging for him, but I’ve watched him and my mom receive limitations with grace and with ease, but not losing that powerful mindset of, “Hey, I love the water, so maybe I can’t water ski anymore, how can I be on the water?” And finding this as a solution.

So, what about you? How are you doing with finding that balance in receiving reality, but yet not giving up on what you love to do. Maybe altering it a bit, but not giving up, not letting go, and just finding your new way, your new reality of enjoying what you’ve always enjoyed, but maybe just in a different capacity. And I know you know what that area is for you.

I want to encourage you to receive that truth with grace and dignity, but then also just find another way.

Push through, find another way to enjoy what you’ve always enjoyed maybe in a different capacity. So, here I am on this beautiful lake not water skiing with my dad, but enjoying the slow pace of a hydro-bike. So enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Almanor. Make it a great week, we’ll talk next time!

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