017: The Morning Ritual That Gets Results!

The Morning Ritual That Gets Results

The Morning Ritual That Gets Results

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Hey Hey Everyone! Welcome!

My team and I have had a specific habit for the last seven months that is generating crazy ridiculous fun results in enrolling, sponsoring, sales, and also in the way of being, the ease in which we’re doing business.

This habit is simply the discipline of setting an intention every single morning. For the last seven months we get on the phone around 6:15 am for about 15 minutes and we all take a turn to set our intention for the day.

The intention is something like… it could be I have a presentation today, my intention is that I share with such enthusiasm and clarity that the prospect gets inspired and they say yes and they partner with me. An intention can be around book sales or speaking engagements. You could create an intention for how you want your children to be that day, your way of being with them. My intention today is to be love and connection, a sense of ease, a sense of joy to be around.

Whatever is your goal for your results and also for your behavior, you want to set an intention about it every single morning.

Why do you think this is powerful? Why do you think we’ve received such great results just by setting an intention every morning?

I believe there are two reasons. The first one is science. It’s the power of focus. We all learned in third grade science class the power of focus when we learned about harnessing the sunrays. When you harness the sun’s rays you can catch a leaf on fire, you can pop an ant, that’s what I used to do when I was a little girl. That’s terrible!

We know about the power of focus by focusing light, which is a laser beam that can cut through steel. This is the power of focus and that’s what an intention does.

Every single morning setting the intention of the day can give you great power and clarity that gets results!

The second reason that intentions work so powerfully it is ushers in the realm of the miraculous. It does! It ushers in serendipity. I’ve actually been researching serendipity, it’s the topic of my next book. Can we actually make ourselves more lucky? Can we actually usher in serendipity?

Research proves, yes, we can! One of the ways to do that is to set an intention every single morning. Your intention for what you want to create that day and your intention for your way of being.

Look at this you guys, it’s so cute! One of my brand reps bought this for me for Christmas.

“What is serendipity? Serendipity is finding something good without looking for it.”

You can usher in a new realm of surprises and serendipity.

It’s that phone call out of the blue. It’s that person that’s been following you on social media and finally says I want to partner with you, I want to join your retreat, I want to hire you as my coach, because I’ve been watching you. It’s the serendipitous; it’s a surprise, out of the blue. Some people call it God winks or kiss from the king.

How do you usher in a greater realm of serendipity? You usher in a greater realm of focus and that’s by setting an intention every single morning.

That’s my assignment for you today, and my intention for this web cast is that it has inspired you to set an intention every single morning.

Thanks guys!

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