Lisa J. Coaching

Identify and Breakthrough the
Self-Beliefs that Hold You Back

Identify and Breakthrough the
Self-Beliefs that Hold You Back

When I was a little girl, I had one goal in life. Can anybody guess what a little girl in paradise California would have as her dream life?

To be a princess. Get married and have children. That was my goal when I was a little girl.

I love being a Mom, Mommy, Mamacita, a Madre, a Mother.

So, I went to school and learned how to be a school teacher. I got a doctorate degree in leadership and child psychology. I went to work as a second-grade school teacher, and I got married. Five years after being a school teacher, I became pregnant with Ariana, my first daughter. Ariana Renee. That was utopia.

All my dreams were met. I’m married to my Latino and I have a daughter named Ariana. Then something happened, it was the birth of the businesswoman in me. Now some of you can relate with that. There’s something in you like a burning desire to really create something amazing. To really create a contribution that you begin receiving checks with six figures, with seven figures. There’s something in you that tantalizes you about that possibility if you’re like me.

Here’s the challenge. There was an internal battle going on and this internal battle kept me from really making it big.

Yeah, on the outside. I looked successful but, on the inside, I was not. I was not because what were the beliefs from my childhood? I’m a mom and if you’re a kick-ass businesswoman, you can’t be a good mom. That was the internal battle.

All of you have an internal battle. It may not be like mine. Know right now, that this conversation is about awareness. I want you to start thinking, what could my internal battle be? Write that down.

What could my internal battle be? What is my internal battle that’s keeping me from a breakthrough success? What is the internal battle that could be keeping me small?

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