Lisa J. Coaching

Retrain Your Brain With
One Powerful Question!

Retrain Your Brain With
One Powerful Question

Today, I want to talk to you about the research that I’m doing on what creates a breakthrough.

I did a video just yesterday about creating “Zero Point Energy” and I hope that you were inspired to take the risk of letting something go. Whether it’s a thought, a label, an actual item, people or a person. Let them go and create a space in your life for something new, something even better, something evolved to show up in your life.

That’s a powerful reality that you can usher as you create zero point energy, but today’s conversation is about another step that I’m researching. What creates a breakthrough? That is the power of a question.


Let’s say you want to create something. You want to create the next level of your Rich Life Mastermind Retreats as I do, you want to create the next level of your publishing career, your company or your relationship. You want to take it to the next level.

The question that I want you to be in is, what if? I think those two words are the most powerful words for the subconscious mind to recreate a new possibility. What if you’re actually training your subconscious to believe whatever you say after the words, what if? What if?

What if I was called to be a best-selling author? What if?

What if it’s true that it is my purpose to expand my company globally?

What if she’s the one? Would you show up very differently on that next date?

What if it’s up to me to heal cancer? What if?

What if it is up to me to stop poverty? You know, poverty isn’t just financial. Poverty means lack of peace. What if it’s up to me to usher in peace? Starting in my own home, then to my neighbors, to the community, to my state, my country, and the world. What if?

Do you see how the powerful question of what if creates a space of answers, of possibilities, of visions for your subconscious mind to adopt? That’s what the subconscious mind loves to do. It feels most comfortable and most confident doing its job.

What is the subconscious? What is the subconscious job? The subconscious job is to adopted belief, hold on tight, and never change it. Never let it go. Literally.

That’s the problem, right? There’s the challenge because you might have a limiting belief about your own self-view and your subconscious mind is holding on to that belief.

The powerful question of what if creates the space for your subconscious mind to break the record. For your subconscious to think “we’re re-positioning here.” It gives our subconscious mind the powerful space of what’s possible.

Just those two powerful words are such a beautiful gift that you give your subconscious mind. Because I promise you, your subconscious mind will go into action to fill in the possibilities, to ask, to answer the question of what if.

When you create that space of what if,  that subconscious mind will usher in beautiful truths for you and beautiful possibilities of your future.

So, your homework from today’s conversation is to ask yourself that powerful question. Those two words, what if? Answer it with the vision that you want to aspire to. Answer what if with a statement of your next goal.

You are ushering in the reality and the inevitability that is for you. Your subconscious mind will help you get there.

That’s the beauty of partnering your head in your heart – the conscious and subconscious minds, with that powerful question of, what if?

Thanks, guys.

Have a great day.

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