024: How to Let Go of Struggle and Allow Your Success

How to Let Go of Struggle and Allow Your Success

How to Let Go of Struggle and Allow Your Success

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Hello everyone and welcome right here at the Louvre! I want to walk down here and show you one of my very favorite statues. I’m right here at the Tuileries Gardens in Paris outside of the Louvre and when I came here almost 17 years ago after my divorce, I found this one statue right here—I’m reconnecting with this statue from 17 years ago. This statue actually helped me heal. It’s a simple statue of a woman holding out her hands, being receptive. And that is how I felt after my divorce and going through hardship of just trying so hard, forcing things, making things work, making my business work, coercing people to join my company. Just creating so much turmoil and strife in trying too hard. That this statue was the message for me to say,

“Lisa, just surrender, just surrender. Trust that you are divinely guided. Know your talents and your worth. Hold out your hands and receive. Receive what God has for you, receive what life has for you.”

And that was the moment, literally that moment that you guys, right here in front of this confirmation of being receptive is when my life changed. I had a radical transformation in just being open to the divine and not pushing or coercing or forcing things anymore.

It is counter-intuitive, especially if you’re an A-type personality like me and you know you got to work. You got to get things done, you got to be proactive, you got to step up and charge. And yet that energy is so defeating and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work long-term. That’s where willpower, you just use your willpower to get to the gym, willpower to build your business, willpower to make your relationships work. Instead of a more feminine approach, a more receptive approach, with just knowing who you are, knowing what you want, having clarity in your vision, knowing your gifts and talents, stepping up and being that woman, that man, that would attract the life you want and allowing for serendipity to occur. Allowing for the fortuitous and the miracles and the rich blessings of life. And then receiving them with a grateful heart and being so filled with gratitude and a willingness to share in those rich blessings.

So that’s another reason why I wanted to film right here in front of the Louvre in the Tuileries Gardens and that statue. To ask you how are you doing with that? How are you doing with knowing who you are, knowing what you want, you have clarity around that vision, around that lifestyle, and you have clarity around your gifts: what you’re willing to share, what you’re willing to do on a daily basis to grow your business, to share your opportunity, but then just show up with the receptive posture. You don’t have to force or sell yourself you just show up and watch who gets attracted to you and who wants to listen to what you have to share, who wants to enroll in your programs, partner with you in business, date you and maybe marry you.

But truly it comes from that stance of being receptive and being the force that’s more spiritual then even mental.

It comes from your soul, your spirit that you just know who you are and what you want and the rest is being taken care of. And you are an open vessel to receive it all. And then when you do receive it and it occurs because it will, you share it with others. You’re grateful. You know you were born to be blessed, to be a blessing to others. Make it a great day, we’ll talk soon!

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