020: The One Word That Kills a Dream

The One Word That Kills a Dream

The One Word That Kills a Dream

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What do you think is the one word that is the biggest dream killer? Or momentum stealer? I believe it’s the word “How.” When we’re so focused on the “how”—like if you’ve gotten a dream planted in your heart, a vision in your mind of where you want to take your life, of where your company is going and you’ve been gifted this vision? The biggest detriment to achieving that vision and having the synergy to attract the like-minded people that will help you move that vision forward is the word “how.”

Because then you’re going into your intellect and it can be deflating, like how am I going to attract all these leaders? How am I going to make those sales? How are we going to bring this company or this family or this life to the next level?

The word “How” has its place, because we do need a strategic approach to achieving any goal, but I do believe the word “how” is also a big dream stealer. It keeps you from the synergy, the posture of the inevitability, of the spiritual realm to achievement. So if you were to just shift a little bit from the how—how is that going to happen? How am I going to attract those leaders? How are we going to make that financial goal? How are we going to upscale or upgrade our company, our lifestyle? To the realm of “what if?” What if I was called to be the one to create that company? What if we were the company to bring our industry to a whole new level of integrity? What if we were called to have a family that other people models and follows and wants to be like? What if?

You know, I love the quote that Russell Wilson, the quarterback for the Seahawks, would always say, and his dad gave him this, “Why not you? Why not you, Russell? Someone has to be the most valuable quarterback in the NFL history, right? Why not you, Russell Wilson, why not you?” So I take that example that that dad taught Russell Wilson and I apply it to myself. Why not me? Why not you? Why not your company? Why not your family?

Maybe you are called to be the one to transform your industry, to transform your company, to transform your family, and to bring that company, that family, that community, that country to a whole new level.

Don’t focus so much on the “how,” trust that you are divinely guided.

Focus on the calling and creating that inevitability, that posture, that spirit of the inevitability and watch how doors open for you. Fly open for you. Watch how you start attracting the people, the ideas, the opportunities to advance your vision to the next step, the next step, and the next step. Don’t be so attached to the “how.” Move in and tap into the synergy of the “what if,” the posture of the inevitability.

You’re the one. You are called for a very specific purpose, identify that, align yourself with that truth, and just watch what happens for you today.

Make it a great day you guys!

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