033: Your Environment Is Making You Fail!

Your Environment Is Making You Fail!

Your Environment Is Making You Fail!

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Hey hey everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another edition of Build Your Belief. I’m super stoked to teach you the lesson of this week, because I’ve been applying it to my own business in life and so has all my clients and the Mindset Magic Coaching Program and we have seen extraordinary results and that is the power of your environment.

Reading Bruce Lipton’s book, “Beyond Belief” and also his latest research around epigenetics, which is basically proof that the environment causes disease not the genes, it’s the environment that triggers the genes. I took that to heart and I said, “Wow, if our environment can cause disease, can our environment cause us to produce less, or to be less rigorous, or less creativity?”

And the answer is yes! There’s scientific proof around this.

So let’s switch that and say, “I’m going to own my environment. I’m going to clean it up with my environment.” So, the first thing that we did is we took our external environment and we cleaned it up. We decluttered. I decluttered office space, closets, garage, that infamous junk drawer. I cleaned up everything and organized everything.

Wow, how you do one thing is how you do everything.

And when I just cleaned it up and decluttered it was really just like 15 minutes each day and over time I started to feel just more creativity, more aligned, better clarity.

So, the first thing is declutter your environment. Your environment matters.

The second area of your external environment is bring in beauty. Beauty, flowers, artwork, natural light, plants, a card or a letter that you received from a loved one, or a client that inspires you, and just surround yourself with this environment. Take yourself to inspiring environments.

Environments matter. Beauty heals.

And you know, I do believe this too, that we know we have chemicals in the brain and when you see this beauty and see this organization and you’re surrounded in an environment that inspires you and you’re feeling those feelings of inspiration, you’re actually triggering– your brain is releasing the happy chemicals like dopamine and endorphins and oxytocin. You have the power to do that with your environment, external environment.

And now let’s talk about internal environment. Yes, your most predominant thoughts. What’s going on in that little head of yours? Those predominant thoughts literally create your belief system, which creates your personality, which creates your life. So, in psychology we call it metacognition: you think about your thoughts. So take some time right now and just think about, what are your limiting thought that you have? Your habitual thought that you think about all the time? These are killing your progress and the solution is just to bring awareness to it.

Think about what you’ve been thinking about and then consciously choose to shift that thought.

If your predominant thoughts are thoughts of stress and “I’m not enough” and “I got to get this done” and “She’s not good for me” and “I can’t forgive him” and any kind of resentment or stress or lack of forgiveness or worthiness issues, self-loathing. All these thoughts add up to one big mess inside your head. So, let’s clean it up. Clean up that internal environment and bring in that level of awareness and the choice to shift your thought.

You are only the created being that has the power to choose one thought over another. Utilize that and just watch your results.

So, the message is about cleaning it up. Your environment matters. Bring in beauty, clean up your external environment, and clean up your internal environment. Make sure that your thoughts, which are creating your beliefs, they’re empowering, they’re inspiring, and if they’re not it doesn’t matter, you guys, it’s okay, just catch yourself and the goal is that you catch yourself faster and faster. And you shift that limiting thought or that negative belief into a more inspiring and empowering one. And I promise you over time you will completely recreate yourself and when you recreate you, you recreate your results.

Make it a great day and we’ll see you on the next edition of Build Your Belief!

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