036: Stop Procrastination and Self-Sabotage With This Powerful Strategy!

Stop Procrastination and Self-Sabotage With This Powerful Strategy!

Stop Procrastination and Self-Sabotage With This Powerful Strategy!

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So, on today’s conversation, I’ve been totally inspired by my Mindset Reset Masterclass participants. We’re only in week two, but we are creating radical transformations in their businesses, in their lives and we are on track to create their best version of their ideal life.

And one of the conversations we had that I want to have with you, that will really help you overcome limitations, conquer fear, create a powerful posture, that’s a conversation about the vision that you hold for yourself and your life.

Everyone has a vision, make no mistake, you’re already living out the vision that you have for your life and yourself, but what would it look like, what would your life look like if you took the time to actually write out and craft a compelling vision about your future life, your dream life, your ideal life?

Where would you live? Who are you with? What car do you drive? What countries do you frequent? What contribution are you making? What level are you at in your business? How much money in revenue, in profit, do you bring in every single year?

When you can actually get present to those goals and turn that into a vision, and craft that compelling vision that it moves you. It literally recreates who you’re being today. And you’re living into a future you. That’s the power of a vision.

I want to encourage you to take the time—that’s the hardest part in this process is actually finding the time to write the vision, do your dream board—or what I do is, is I create a dream book so I have beautiful pictures of my next Rich Life Mastermind Retreats right here in the book. I’ve already done 15 Mastermind Retreats, but look at what I want to create, the countries I want to take on. And I remind myself of that. I feed that into my subconscious mind every single day and throughout the day. I actually have an alarm on my phone at 11:11 AM every day to take a breath, to stop, and to be with that vision.

Who I need to become to create this vision? And getting aligned with that vision starts an amazing magical process of being in the right place at the right time. Actually aligning with that vision and who I am in that vision aligns me with supernatural powers of incredible wisdom, creative ideas, expansive possibilities, people, partnerships. It’s just magical and I want that for you.

Here are three ideas on why you want to write your compelling vision.

Number one, it actually feeds your subconscious mind—that reticular activating system that’s your filter system, it actually feed that, an address of where to go, what to do, what to notice, what to focus on. So, it’s giving you a bulls eye, it gives that subconscious mind an address, a bulls eye, an end result, and your subconscious mind needs that. It’s messy. Your conscious mind can get messy and you start ambiguity.

“Do I want it? No, I want this, I want that.”

Or you start lack of focus. And the power of a compelling vision is it gives your conscious and your subconscious mind an end point, a bulls eye, an address just like a GPS, telling it what to focus on.

“This is who we are. This is what we’re up to.”

And when that happens, wow, things start clicking, you are actually—I call it inspired actions. You actually start aligning—you get promptings. Go call that, go do this.

So step number one, or benefit number one of a compelling vision, is it gives you a focus. Powerful.

The second benefit is that compelling vision actually releases chemicals in your brain that create, that gives you energy, that gives you a new found access to creativity that actually gets results faster. It shaves years off your learning curve. It shaves years off your productivity curve. You have this powerful ability to release chemicals.

So, when you can shift from fear to focus, from insecurity to knowing—that’s what a compelling vision does, then you stop excreting the chemicals that stop you in your brain and you start excreting these chemicals that give you energy.

Let’s name these chemicals; It’s actually called DOSE, that’s what psychologist call it. First, dopamine. Dopamine is a powerful energy that it is a chemical of anticipation. You just can’t wait. Like, “I can’t wait to get on the phone and invite my next prospect to take a look at my vision. What’s up for our company, if this aligns with them. I can’t wait to make a difference here.”

This is a powerful retraining that your brain can release these chemicals in your body to feel that anticipation.

The second chemical is oxytocin. Oxytocin is your natural chemical in your brain. What does it do? It literally gives you the feeling on connection. You are connected with that person. It actually gives you a unified sense. We are all one. We are all moving forward. Every day in every way we are evolving. Oxytocin is a beautiful chemical that your brain releases when you’re focused on things like your vision, on compelling visions.

Then, the next one, serotonin. Serotonin is an energy. It actually gives you this release of unfound energy that can actually help you finish that work out, move forward, push through something. This is a natural way to move your body forward.

And the last one, endorphins. This is your runners high, your just feel so elated because, wow, this is happening, this is who you’re becoming and then you start seeing proof of this in the world. You start acknowledging your compelling vision and giving conscious attention to your way of being and who you’re becoming, and wow, you start seeing results.

You start attracting people who want what you want. You start getting more yeses. You start seeing results in your life and then you justify your compelling vision. This is you releasing these chemicals by focusing on that compelling vision.

So that’s the first one, gives you direction. Second one releases all these beautiful natural chemicals, and the third one. Oh, you guys this might be the most important one. And your compelling vision that your disciplined to meditate over, to create an intention everyday of who you’re being as your future self calls you into this new way of being. You’re literally recreating your personality.

And what is a personality?

A personality is simply a set of thoughts, a set of beliefs, and behaviors, habitual behaviors. So that personality got you to where you are today. Thank you personality.

And now to get you to that next level you need to become a new persona. You need to recreate your personality. New thoughts, new behaviors, and new feelings, new emotions in your body. And we get to do that. So the third benefit of a compelling vision is it’s you partnering with your creator. I believe that that divine part in you, that created you, that’s beating your heart right now without you telling it to beat, that’s digesting your food, that’s causing your lungs, you to inhale and exhale, that’s recreating your cells right now without you telling it to do that. All those unconscious beautiful actions that are going on in your body right now. That part of you that’s aligned with infinite intelligence, infinite possibility. That part of you gifted you life and it sustains your life. It gifted you waves of possibility.

As Neal Boor and even Einstein calls it, it’s zero point energy. When you have nothing, you have everything. Every possibility. Now, there’s a problem in that isn’t there, because with humans it’s like us going into a candy store and we just want everything and we turn into gluttons or we can’t focus because we want it all.

A compelling vision is the gift that you give back to your creator that you’re doing the work. The focused inner work to focus on that compelling vision. To obey those inspired actions that come from focusing on that compelling vision. To become the person that that vision is calling you to become. That’s focusing and turning that energy, those waves into matter. Focuses particles. That’s our job. And we get to do that with the power of our mind, with the power of our chemicals in our brain to give our bodies stimulants, and with the power of partnering with that unified field.

You are not alone in this, my friend. You are partnered with many many people who are also tapping into that unified field to create a new reality for themselves and what they want and then they know in their victory, standing in their victory, they give others permission to be victorious too.

Will you take on that belief today? When you win, everyone wins. When you are victorious, everyone is victorious; everyone has that example of victory. Own that, you’re called for such a time as this. So harness your focus and you do that by crafting a compelling vision and meditating over it. Rising up every single, being intentional of your day, creating your day before it begins, meditating over that crafted vision of your ideal life. Your desires matter. They pull you into a new way of being. A new more evolved way of being. What a beautiful example for your family, your children, your cousins, your up line and down line, your business partners. And what a beautiful contribution you give back to your creator who gave you infinite possibility.

Thanks everyone! Take on crafting your compelling vision and live into it everyday and I will see you in victory.

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