028: Boldness Gets Rewarded!

Boldness Gets Rewarded!

Boldness Gets Rewarded!

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Boldness gets rewarded!

Hey everybody, it’s Lisa J. here! Welcome to another Build Your Belief show. This week I got a question for you. What would your business look like if you were 50% bolder? Yeah, if you chose today to take on that your goals are going to be bigger and bolder, that how your being, your personality, and your intention, and your belief is going to be even 10% bolder—because we know that boldness gets rewarded.

I think about one of my clients came to me almost 10 years ago and she had the bold audacity to say she’s going to take on the continent of Africa. Yeah, she wanted to bring her company and her product to the countries of Africa. And she had self-limiting beliefs, she had doubts, just like we all do, but she pushed through that doubt because she feed her boldness. Her goal was bigger than her self-doubt. And today, almost 10 years later her company has launched all over countries in Africa and she’s made a difference for the women, for the families. In fact, she even wrote a book about it.

So, what about you?

What would it look like if you chose to expand what’s possible for you? Your goals coming into this New Year were 10% bigger, 20% bolder than you’ve ever set.

What would it look like for you?

Next area is your own self worth and your own belief in you. What would it look like if you took on the belief; “boldness gets rewarded” in your own self-view?

I think about a client that came to our Costa Rica Mastermind Retreat—I’ll never forget the day he called me and said, “Lisa, I have a challenge because I can’t get the Visa.” Apparently, he had a reputation or some kind of a legal situation in America and he was denied his Visa and yet that was years ago when this was happening. And I said to him, “Who are you today? Who do you create yourself to be now? It doesn’t matter your past. Some of you are holding onto your past—I love airports and there’s a reason why I’m filming here. And some of you haven’t let go of your old self-view of the mistake you made, of the business failure, of the divorce, of the ailment, of the health condition. You haven’t let go of that financial struggle and it’s time to be bold and recreate a new identity, and live into that new expanded version of you.

Yes, you’re going to feel a lack of confidence. I feel a lack of confidence every time a set a goal, until I don’t. I feel complete imposter’s syndrome every time I set a big goal, until I don’t. So this client came to me with that challenge, “I can’t go to the retreat, Lisa, because I can’t get the Visa and I was denied the Visa.” He had already purchased his airline ticket. And I said, “Who do you create yourself to be now? Who are you now, not the past?”

And he spoke his mantras of his new identity and who he was living into, this new created version, even though he had a past, even though I guess even somewhat of a criminal record in the United States. But it’s a new day and he was a new man and he knew that.

And so I said, “No, go call the consulate, go call the travel agent, go call the Visa office in your country, with that mentality.” Showing up as that new created being, and he did, and he came to the Costa Rica Mastermind Retreat. I was so moved when he got there, I can remember he had to fly in two hours from where the retreat was and he had to drive in a rental car at night and he didn’t get to the retreat until two in the morning. And one of the happiest moments of my life, truly, in career-wise, was when he called me from that lobby and said, “I made it, I’m here.”

And that came from a decision he made that he’s not his past, he’s going to recreate himself, even though he had this very big challenge, and that can be you too.

I don’t know what you did in your past and maybe you’re holding onto guilt. I don’t know what you’re struggling with, of loss, or what you’ve made that mean, but you can recreate yourself and boldness gets rewarded: boldness in your goals, boldness in your self-view.

Your business will grow as fast as you do, my friend.

So you need to take it on that you’re the one, you’ve been called for that big goal, and you can recreate yourself and everyday in everyway you’re growing into that new version of you. That you’re in alignment with the person who lives the life you choose to live.

And yeah, I know it’s a future you, but you’re going to get inspired by that future you. You got to believe that you can change and transform who you’ve been in the past and recreate yourself today.

So, my message for you is, boldness gets rewarded: boldness in your goals and boldness in your self-view.

And I’m filming from and airport because Jeff and I just returned from lunch in SLO. And it has always been my vision and my goal that I would be a pilot and I could fly myself and my friends to lunch, or to dinner, or to the opera. It was a fantasy that I had. Who knew that when I had boldness to move to California from Florida, sell my things, my house sold, move by myself, thank God my three children were supportive of that and encouraged me, and I landed in California not knowing where I was going to live or what my life would be like, but boldness gets rewarded. And within seven months I had met Jeff and now we’ve dated, got engaged, and been married for a year, and he’s the pilot.

Your dreams can be your reality, but it starts with you being so bold and audacious that you take on that goal and that you say, “Why not me?” And you expand that version of who you can be so that your goals, your future goals are aligned with that new and improved you. I want that for you, my friend.

And if you want help with this, we’re launching that new coaching program. It launches in just a week! Mindset Magic Coaching: daily intention calls where you’re going to learn my principles on a daily basis to recreate yourself everyday in everyway you’re expanding what’s possible for you and who you’re being every single day. I want that for you. So go to lisajcoaching.com/mindset or just click on the link below and I’ll see you in that program.

Make it a great day guys!

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