042: Do THIS to Get More Sales!

Do THIS to Get More Sales!

Do THIS to Get More Sales!

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What needs to precede every sale? What comes before every result in your business or life? Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief podcast and YouTube show. The answer to that question: What has to precede every result? It’s a question, it’s an ask, you actually need to ask for the sale. Too often you’re putting out great ultimate benefits, you’re putting out great content, but you’re not asking for the sale.

Ask, “Are you ready to get started?”

Ask, “Would you like to place an order?”

Ask, “Which Mindset Reset Intensive would you like to register for?”

Ask for the sale.

Why don’t we ask? We don’t even ask the prospect to take a look at our product. Just imagine what it would look like if you just started asking, “Are you open to take a look?” Take that relationship on social media offline by saying, “Can I call you sometime?” Ask!

The reason why we don’t ask is we are too addicted to looking good. We are too attached to that and we’re not willing to accept a no, or too afraid of that rejection. Instead of knowing the benefits of our product, our service, and taking a stand for that person, and sharing those ultimate benefits of our product and service and then asking for the sale. Unattached to what that prospect will say, but very attached to your commitment to share what you know will help that person.

So, the first reason: Too addicted to looking good. Let it go. Let go of your fear of rejection. It doesn’t matter what that prospect says, yes or no. What matters is that you took a stand for them and you asked for the sale, you asked if you could send a video, you asked if they’re open to taking a look.

And then the second reason is a fear of success. We’re actually afraid they’re going to say yes. Because if they say yes, maybe you have a fear of responsibility. Then you have to step up and deliver. Maybe if they say yes and you have fear of money and you’re making too much money. That happens, you guys, there is a real fear of income, money, wealth. And that sabotages—people feel that energy that you’re afraid of them saying yes. So, take a look at that. Where are you in your alignment to; I receive a new client, I can handle this. I love helping people. My product works. I’m a stan for others going on my product, whatever that product or service is.

So, let’s take a look and bring in awareness right now to why you’re not asking. Is it the fear of rejection or is it the fear of success and responsibility? Either one, get outside yourself and take a stand for that other person. You believe in your product or service or you wouldn’t be representing it in the first place.

So ask, “Are you open to take a look? You want to sit down next week?”

Ask, “May I send you a video to learn more about our product?”

Ask, “Are you open to take a look to my retreats?”

Ask for the sale, “Are you ready to get registered? Are you ready to buy my book? Which credit card would you like to put it on?”

You ask for the sale unattached to the result, just very attached to your commitment to sharing.

Alright, so we’re going to have a little contest this week and that is upping your asking. Upping your asking. So, I want you to post below how many asks are you committed too this week? And next week when I post the next Build Your Belief YouTube and podcast show, we’re going to have a winner. And that winner is going to get a very special prize. So, type below in the comments, how many more asks are you committed to making, to asking, to having in your business or life and let’s just see what the results will be.

So if you want more information about my coaching programs, or my Mindset Reset Intensives, check it out at LisaJCoaching.com!

Thanks you guys, make it a great week and we’ll see you next Tuesday on the Build Your Belief Show!

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