043: Unleash the Supernatural In You!

Unleash the Supernatural In You!

Unleash the Supernatural In You!

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Do you believe that you are a spiritual being having a human experience? Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another addition of the Build your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. I remember the first time I heard that it was almost 30 years ago from Marianne Williamson and I was just blown away. I believe that when your spirit, your soul hears truth it leaps. And mine leaped that day. It was such a light bulb turned on and saying, “Wow, what if we came from the perspective, from the context that we’re spiritual first. Our spiritual nature is housed in this physical body.

I’ll tell you what it would look like. It would look like you were ushering in the supernatural, you were aligned with your creator and you had more peace. You had wisdom, you were an even greater contribution, you would let go of having to be right, or proving yourself. You would let go of the need to win and you would open up this beautiful heart of yours to being of service and achieving greater levels of success because you can. Because that’s your spiritual make up to evolve and grow and experience.

I know this is kind of esoteric, but stay with me, because I’m going to give you three ideas today on how you can tap into your spiritual nature and actually get evidence, see the supernatural in your life. And some of you need it. Some of you listening right now to this YouTube or this podcast show, you need a miracle, you need a financial miracle, you need a health miracle, or you know someone who does. You need a miracle in your marriage, or your relationship with your kids, you need a miracle.

So, let’s talk about the one word that we don’t want to talk about and we don’t like, and that one word is surrender.

It is in sweet surrender that you can actually access this deeper level of who you really are, in surrender.

And you know, surrender has gotten a bad wrap, hasn’t it? Surrender in our human nature and our physicality, it feels like we quit. It feels like we gave up. It feels like we lost, but my friend, it’s counter intuitive, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Surrender is your portal, surrender is how you access the supernatural.

So, let’s talk about these three ideas on how you embrace surrender. What it looks like right now in the playing field called your life.

Idea number one: Do less. You’ve got to do less. You’ve got to take your calendar and open up your calendar for time for meditation, prayer, breathing, accessing your spiritual nature, connecting with your creator, solitude, being in nature. You got to do less to have more. And that is counter intuitive to our culture. We have been sold a lie that a busy person—“Oh, she’s busy, she must be successful.” “Oh, look at him, he’s so busy and exhausted, he must be successful.”

Isn’t that crazy that in our physicality we have that believe to our core? And so if we’re doing nothing, we feel lazy. It couldn’t be further from the truth. You are doing something in that time. You are creating in that connection, in that meditation, in that being in nature, in that walking in solitude, in that focusing on your breathing. Breath. What creates the first couple of letters of birth and the last couple of letters of death? Br-eath. Breath. Breath is what you have to access that spiritual power.

Taking time to do less and focus on your breath, focus on prayer and meditation, and just training yourself, like you would train an animal to sit and just be. Just watch what happens.

I’ve heard Dr. Joe Dispenza say there is no such thing as a bad meditation, there’s no such thing as a bad time of solitude. Every time you have a meditation and you can bring your body back to sit down, you are training it, who’s in control? You’re spiritual nature is in control. I’m shooting the shots here. I’m telling you to sit down. I’m telling you just to be. I’m telling you that the world can take care of itself without you. And that training of the mind, that training of the brain literally releases, unleashes your spiritual realm.

The next idea. So, that’s do less. The next idea: Think less. Now listen, I am all for knowledge. I have a higher degree, I put all my kids in very important great ivy-league universities, I value knowledge, and so do you. But when you value knowledge over wisdom, when you value your knowledge over someone else’s wisdom, and that’s the habits we get into—“Oh I know better. I know better, so I’m not even open to hearing another point of view. I know better.” When you put more value on your knowledge instead of your wisdom, you are missing the mark, my friend, and you are closing the door to unleashing a whole new level of success, new levels of creativity, new levels of connection, new levels of contribution, new levels of results. So, stop valuing your knowledge so much and start valuing your wisdom. Think less. Into it more. Value your thought of wisdom, your capacity to just know in your spiritual nature. That’s called intuition. You into it. Another thing around knowledge and how we value knowledge over wisdom is we think we know what others are thinking, or what others are doing.

I can remember driving in the car line dropping my kids off at school and seeing a girlfriend and she didn’t wave to me and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, that’s from what I said last night. She’s mad at me.” Who cares what I said last night, the point was I made it up that she was mad at me. And I have done that so many times. Pick up a call, speak to a prospect, they said this, I made it mean that, “Oh, she’s not into it.” “He doesn’t like me. He’s judging me.” And this is all from knowledge, this is your brain that holds the capacity to think, taking over from your wisdom. And so instead of judging what somebody does and making it mean something, I went to her and said, “Oh gosh, you didn’t wave to me, did I say something to upset you?” And she said, “Lisa, I wasn’t wearing my glasses, I didn’t even see you.” And I made it mean so much.

How often are you making something mean something? You are a meaning-making machine.

Let is go. Let go of your thought, let go of your critical nature. Let go of your judgment and move into wisdom. Move into silence. Move into acceptance.

Do less, think less. And the third one is be less. Now isn’t this counter intuitive. Be less. Like when you are in the presence of another human being, be less. Let them shine. Let them share. Let them teach you. Let them speak. Even in an argument. What would it look like the next time you got an argument—I’m trying this out—the next time you get in a disagreement with your child, your spouse, a sibling, a friend, a business partner, you just stopped talking. You decreased your opinion, your thoughts, your words, your energy, and you just opened your heart to allow that other person to share, to be, to shine. And here’s what will happen, if they’re in their wisdom they will shine bright and you will learn from them, and the two of you will be better. If they are in their knowledge and their physicality, they will hang themselves. You’ve heard that saying, “Let them talk so much they’ll hang themselves.” You don’t have to prove that they’re wrong, they will prove it themselves with your silence. With you decreasing and allowing them to increase—again, if they’re in their wisdom they will shine bright, if they’re in their physicality, which we could label, “the wrong” their words will hang themselves. 

Their way of being will not prevail, because only truth prevails.

I’m up to this too, I know this is a high calling, but this conversation is about being supernatural. It is not in your nature that you will do these things. It is not natural to put someone else first and let them share and shine, and think it through, and thought it through, and speak it through, to either let themselves “hang themselves,” let their words “hang themselves,” let their logic “hang themselves,” or let their words—let them shine, let their words turn to wisdom and you both learn.

This is being supernatural. So, what will it look like then this week for you to do less, to think less, and to be less? And shift to your spiritual nature in your meditation, in your breathing, in walking in nature, in being with others and saying less, and being less, and allowing them to shine, and letting go of your thoughts and your habitual pattern of you being right and ushering in that spiritual nature of you, which is an open heart. Oh God, please open our hearts, what would it look like? I’ll tell you what it would look like in your marriage, in your relationship with your prospects and clients, and your relationship with yourself. You will tap into that portal called the spiritual and you will usher in that supernatural and the miracle is on the other end of that letting go of that surrender, of that doing, thinking, and being less.

So, we are going to talk about this again next week and see how did you do? Type your comments below and let’s hear just what you realized in doing, thinking, and being less.

And then let’s talk about last week, I asked you a very important question and that was we’re having a contest: How many asks are you creating in your day? Just picking up the phone and asking, being at a restaurant and asking for the best table. Being in line and asking for a favor. Calling a friend, loved one, and asking would you like to take a look at this? Would you like to partner with me? Would you do this? Asking for a favor, being on the receiving end of an ask.

And we actually got a winner from last week’s ask and her name is Heather. So, Heather, you know who you are, I’m going to actually send you a free copy of my book Slay the Dragon, and autographed copy, and I congratulate you Heather for stepping outside your comfort zone and for just trying this on and just asking for the sale, ask for a favor, ask for advice, ask for help, ask do you want to be my partner in business, ask do you want to purchase my product, ask do you want to enroll in my service or my coaching. Well done!

So you guys, that’s a lot today in this conversation of this supernatural, but I can’t wait to hear your results when you do less, think less, be less, and shift into your spiritual nature, you will usher in the supernatural.

Thanks everyone, make it a great week!

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