023: Failure Is Part Of The Process Of Success

Failure Is Part Of The Process Of Success

Failure Is Part Of The Process Of Success

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What’s the words and the thoughts that come to your mind and your heart when I say the word “failure?” Failure. Failure. What are you thinking and feeling? Yell it out? Loneliness. Excellent. What else? Failure. Embarrassment, criticism, judgment.

Now, here’s the reality. Until you shift that, your subconscious will come in and cause you to sabotage your success, because it just wants to keep you safe.

So, we got some work to do, because I want to stand up in front of you and I want to say the word failure and I want you to say, “Failure is my road to success, Lisa. Failure is the stepping-stones to everything I want, Lisa. Failure is my green light to go, Lisa. I’m okay with not looking good. And failure comes less and less to me as I get better.”

I want you to befriend failure. I want you to befriend fear. Educate your subconscious so that when fear comes up it’s like, “Oh cool, this is my green light to go.”

When you have a failure you’re like, “Wow, I just did a huge leap towards success.”

Do you see how liberating this is people? This is what you got to do. You got to work on the subconscious to shift your beliefs about fear, failure, and success. The three biggest culprits that keep us from everything we want.

When I come to you I request that you stand up and I request that you hold the microphone. Why am I requesting that of you? So you can be seen and heard and your words are valuable. And when you value yourself other people will value you. So we’ve got to stand up for these kind of things. And if you are valued as a person, people will value you. So value yourself, stand up and take the microphone and speak. Oh, now she’s on the spot. Okay, go for it darling.

Attendee: I’m Karen from Tennessee. The first thing that came to my mind was when I was little my dad was really successful but he was never around. And I have four strapping young lads and I’m devoted to and I want to be around, but I also want to be successful and I can have both.

Okay, Karen. Excellent. This is a good reality for her and that was for me too, because the number one thing I said in Bermuda is my goal in life is to have happy healthy grandchildren. So, I want to leave a legacy for even the grandkids, not my own children. And I have the negative belief that if you’re successful you can’t be a great parent. So, do you see the dichotomy? It’s all internal. So, of course I couldn’t be successful. Of course I couldn’t. Because your subconscious has only one job to do. Guess what that one job is? Bring about whatever you believe and keep you safe. That’s its job and its very good at it.

So if you have any kind of negative belief in you, your subconscious is going to show up and shatter your efforts, because it’s just trying to keep you safe. That’s its job and you’ve been telling it, “If you’re successful you’re going to fail as a parent. If you’re successful no one will like you. If you’re success—

So whatever negative beliefs you’ve been feeding yourself, your subconscious holds and its job is to keep you safe so it will actually cause you to sabotage.

But that’s the good news: realizing that. Because then all we need to do is, again, internal work to shift the mindset, change the beliefs, and educate the subconscious.

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