051: A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19

A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19

A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube show.

So, just three days ago I sitting in the Mindset Reset 2-Day Intensive in Newport Beach and the whole world changed with this coronavirus and the new mandates of social distance and having a social responsibility to stay inside and stop the movement of the community, wow! It was a privilege though to go through that experience with other thought leaders and influencers and watched how they managed their emotions, watched how they managed their businesses from afar, watched how they managed their family who was in upset and still be able to stay in the conversation of how powerful a mindset is, and recreating yourself.

And then we came out of that on Friday to a whole new world. Grocery stores that don’t have food on the shelves, fear of running out of gasoline, or not being able to go to the bank. I mean all this uproar. The coronavirus is more than a disease of the body; it is the disease of the mind. And so this week’s Build Your Belief Show, I’m going to offer you a spiritual vaccine, whilst we don’t have the physical vaccine yet, here is a spiritual vaccine and it is time that we start harnessing our own emotions and harness power managing our fear and not allow ourselves or our emotions, or our family or friends to move into panic mode.

Here are four ideas on the spiritual vaccine for the coronavirus. Idea number one: Let go of blame, we’ve got to stop blaming, there will be time for judgment, oh yeah, there will be time for judgment. Now is not the time. If you’re on the kick of a conspiracy theory, or you’re blaming China, or you’re blaming fill in the blank. Stop it. It’s not helping holding the energy of a cure, of the planet well-being, whole and complete, healing. Even those words, hear that language, the energy that those words hold. So, I’m asking you as my followers to please hold the image, the vision, the words of being whole and complete, of the cure being found, of the planet restoring itself.

Judgment will come, now’s not the time for judgment or blaming. No more blaming. Shift the energy around judgment and blame.

The second idea for our spiritual vaccine is to value restoration and solitude. This is what we’re called to do. Our government in America and all over the world, they’re asking us to obey social distancing. Now, I’m supposed to be on an airplane right now heading to Denver Colorado to meet my daughter Auriana and her boyfriend Tyler and we’re looking for homes for them, they’re moving there. We had to postpone that trip and it was hard to do that because both Auriana and I are like we’re just going to go, because that’s who we are, but you know what there is an element of social responsibility. So, whilst maybe Auriana and I would be fine with traveling what would we bring back to our loved ones. It’s not okay.

So, how about you just valuing alone time restoration, staying in, and honoring our country’s mandate for this social separation. It’s called social responsibility; I’m asking you to do that without complaining and actually valuing it.

The third idea is to be light-hearted. I’ve seen a shift in a lot of my social media colleagues and friends and their posting funny things, they’re making fun of the bare shelves in the grocery store. So, it’s gone from panic to humor. What a beautiful gift humor is. So, let’s do our best to be light-hearted and I know you guys, I know how serious it is. We don’t have the privilege to keep talking about how serious it is. We need to shift the energy here and how we do that is with meditation and vision work and knowing that our words create and holding the energy of light-heartedness and well being and healing. I’m asking you, I know it’s no natural, I’m asking you to be supernatural.

When I got off of the phone with my clients this morning I had to call each one of them that are coming out to the Maui Mastermind Retreat on April 1st got postponed, we’re not going. We postponed the Maui Mindset Reset Retreat into September. Every single one of my clients are like, “Lisa, it’s going to be even better in September.” You got to love people like that. There’s no disappointment there, I’m sure there’s a little disappointment there, but they’re not sharing or milking their disappointment, they’re shifting it. They’re making conscious efforts to shift it. Be lighthearted. We know we want this or something better. So, we’re trusting that in September we have the something better. I’m supposed to be going on vacation with my husband for my birthday next week. That’s also postponed. Notice I don’t say cancelled, it’s postponed and what’s the choice there, you guys, I could be super disappointed or even angry about it or I can understand that my words, my thoughts, my feelings create. How are you doing with that?

And the fourth and final spiritual vaccine idea: The conoravirus can go viral fast, but so can kindness. Kindness, words of affirmation, just being loving to your family, to your neighbor, to a stranger, that goes viral.

So, two days ago, I went to the post office to mail a gift to my wonderful client Lilia over in Paris and as I’m standing in line to get the postage I feel anxiety and I said to myself, “Oh my gosh, I think I’m going to have a panic attack right here in the middle of Huntington Beach post office.” I don’t know why you guys, I just felt anxiety and I started to feel a panic attack. And I took a big breath and I just said, “Lisa, all is well, leave. You don’t have to push through this, just leave. It’s okay.”

So, I picked up my package and I started to walk away and I turned around and I looked at everybody there, there was probably 40-45 people there in the post office and I just said, “I love you guys, everyone here, we’re going to be okay, we’re in this together.” In the middle of having a panic attack I just shared that, and everybody you could see the faces of gratitude. The energy start to unravel, the tension being released, just from a stranger saying it’s okay you guys, we’re in this together. And I didn’t feel bold or courageous to do that, I was moving into a panic attack, but I know how to shift my energy. And you shift your energy with thoughts of well-being, your disciplined with your thoughts, you shift your energy and hold the vision of health wellness, and a planet restored by not blaming or moving into judgment. Let go of that, there’s time for that later, now’s not the time. And finally you shift the energy and create results of wholeness and well being and healing with kindness, light-heartedness, and love.

So, I wish you valuing your restoration time, your alone time, and your solitude. Thank you for honoring the mandate of social separation, and I love you, we’ll get through this, we’re in this together, and we’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show.

And if you are interested in getting a free Self Coaching Texting Program, I just launched it today you guys. So, I’m going to post below the phone number to call. And you just call that phone number with the word “hello” and then I’m going to respond and move you through a process, move you through my proven formula on how to shift a mindset around this coronavirus. So, I look forward meeting you on your text messages.

Bye for now everybody, it’s Lisa Jimenez with the Build Your Belief Show.

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