061: Breakthrough Your Fear of Success and Dream Bigger!

Break Through YourFear of Success and Dream Bigger!

Break Through YourFear of Success and Dream Bigger!

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Hey everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

What does it take to create success? What does it take?

I was just asked this by one of my clients and I thought, “You know what it really takes is belief and time.” And the more belief you have the less time it takes. We’ve been talking about getting into momentum and creating that sweet spot, that flow where the fortuitous happens, and the serendipity occurs, and I believe that’s just by being in action, by building your belief, that’s by creating some momentum in your belief, in your actions, in your focus. That sweet spot of momentum. Let’s bridge that conversation from last week’s show, The Power of Momentum, and that that takes time to build that momentum, to build that belief, to actually focus long enough that you see a result or you feel the sweet spot of momentum. Let’s bridge that conversation with, what does it take to create success? Belief and Time. And the more belief you have the less time it takes.

This week’s show is all about building your belief and one of the ways to do that you guys, is you actually write out and craft a compelling vision. What do you really want? What are your most desired ways of being? Who is the best version of you and your future? And being that best version, what will you organically create and attract?

If you focused in on your business plan long enough to get in that sweet spot of momentum, what’s possible? What do you want to create? If you really did create that level of income what do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What does you life look like? Especially in these interesting times, more than ever, you need to train your brain in what you want, what’s possible for you, and start building the belief on that vision.

So, I’m actually filming, right now, this show in the executive airport, right here in Orange County, Southern California. And one of the things that I always wrote on my vision boards and my craft my compelling vision is that I wanted to marry a pilot. It’s important to me. Not only do I love to fly commercially, I do, but I just knew and I just know that to have a private plane and to be able to go when you’re needed you can help so many more people. And that was my vision. Not only to have the excitement and the fun of being able to fly private, but also who can you be for others when you have a plane at your disposal anytime you want?

I can’t tell you the feeling what it was like on November 8th, 2018 when that Paradise Camp Fire happened and I heard that my parents lost their home and so did 40,000 other displaced people, 17,000 structures gone in a day. Within 48 hours my husband, Jeff, had lined up our plane, we got on the plane, we went up to Lake Almanor, and we were there for my parents, we were there for my brother, we were there for my friends. And from that I got to actually create a non-profit, and you probably donated to that cause, and I was able to raise over $10,000, which we nearly doubled, almost $20,000, I was able to give to the people I didn’t even know who were in tents in the Walmart parking lot. Incredible. That would not have happened had I not crafted that vision of, “I want to marry a pilot,” “I want to have access to a plane,” or “I want to become a pilot.”

So, don’t think that your goals or your passions, or your inner desire, don’t think they’re frivolous, there’s a reason you want that, there’s a reason you’re called for that lifestyle, there’s a reason. We are all connected and your goals and your dreams, they matter for the collective consciousness, they matter. So what do you really want? Are you dreaming too small? What would it really look like if you said, “This is what I really want, I’ve always wanted this and I’ve been limiting myself to even speak that I wanted this.” What is it and then why do you wan it?

When you craft that compelling vision you build your belief and that’s called creating momentum in your faith. And my friend, success takes two things: time and belief, belief and time. And the more belief you have the less time it takes.

So, I’m so grateful that I was surrounded by people that didn’t judge me for that desire and they celebrated my desire to either become a pilot or marry a pilot. And I’m so grateful that I actually attracted Jeff Johnston and we dated for a year, we were engaged for a year, and we got married. And today, you want to see what it looks like to have some private planes to be able to be in this executive airport? This is amazing, this lifestyle. And if this is what you want, I want this for you.

Where can you start, right now, today, in crafting your vision? That you give yourself permission to desire what you desire and stop judging yourself and then build the momentum of belief. You read that vision every single morning. I did, I read my vision every single morning and it took maybe four years to actually manifest this, whether it was me being a pilot myself or having this plane through marriage. Thank you, Jeff Johnston.

So, if you were like me and you quenched your big dream because you judged yourself, thought maybe other people would judge you, or you thought it was too frivolous, or too big, or like you even heard yourself say, “Who am I to think I could achieve that or that I could have that in my life.” I want you to know my friend that that is thinking that has got to go, because your dreams matter. And whatever passion you have, whatever dream you have, that seed of that dream in your heart, when it germinates and it comes to full fruition it helps everyone.

What you want not only does it help you, it helps everyone. So that example that I just gave about wanting to be a pilot, to have a plane, for fun for freedom, but also to be of service for other people. Right now, here we are, in the middle of COVID able to get on a plane safely, and able to go help my parents up in Lake Almanor, just like we did on November 8th right after the Paradise fire. So, I’m just so grateful that I’m not just able to create that dream, but also that I gave myself permission to let that dream happen to stay focused on that dream, to build momentum in my belief around it.

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